Her classmates called her "Godzilla" "Precious" and teased her about her weight.
The eleven-year-old girl, a fifth-grade student at Westside Elementary School in Spring Hill, is 5-feet-1 and weighs110 pounds, reports the St. Petersburg Times.
Fed up with the teasing, the girl allegedly brought her brother's knives to school to scare her classmates. One knife had a fixed-blade about 2 1/2 inches long; the second knife also was a fixed blade, about 1 1/2 inches long.
Both knives were in their sheaths.
This time, when the teasing began, she told her classmates, "Leave me alone, I have a knife."
Then she handed over the knives to a teacher -- because she was afraid of getting into trouble, reports the St. Petersburg Times.
But she's in trouble nonetheless: she was arrested on a charge of possession of a weapon on school property and taken to the Hernando County Jail, and later released to her mother.
Should authorities cut her a break?
Cops: Girl, 11, teased about her weight brings knives to school!!
CATEGORIES education | author: NewspitterSAD:Man Arrested Ater Allegedly Pouring Urine On His Father!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter
Steven Andrew Plank, "urine" big trouble -- and it's all over a spud spat.
Plank, 52, of Port St. Lucie, yelled at his disabled father for using the stove to cook potatoes in a pot of water, according to the affidavit, reports TCPalm.com.
He then allegedly grabbed his father’s urinal cup attached to his walker and poured it over his father’s head.
Plank also dumped the pot of potatoes and water on his father, the report said.
Guess dad got fed up with being treated like small potatoes -- authorities were called.
Plank was taken to the St. Lucie County jail.
SMH:Things Goes Way Wrong After A Cheating Girlfriend Caught Sending Pics Of Her "Vajayjay"!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: NewspitterKizzy Lafay Campbell, of Shalimar, said she accidentally sent out a photo of her "vajayjay" -- that's Oprah speak for vagina -- in a chat room.
That's when things went south for Campbell.
Her boyfriend of seven years told deputies that he came home and found out that his girlfriend had multiple internet chat messages from "other dudes, " according to an arrest report.
He checked her messages and found that they were racey, so he looked at her outgoing messages, reports the Panama City News Herald.
That's when he discovered the one of her vagina. When he confronted her, he said she "started tripping" and said that she hadn't meant to send out that photo.
He said that he tried to be an understanding boyfriend after she convinced him it was an accident.
But when he hugged her, she bit him in the shoulder. Then she scratched him and grabbed a large kitchen knife -- which she used to cut his arm.
And he had injuries to prove it. But Campbell said they were "just playing."
Now she has a new date -- a May 4th court date.
WOW:D.C. Drive By Shooting Into Crowd With AK-47 Injures 9, Leaving 4 Dead [Video]
CATEGORIES news | author: NewspitterD.C. police say a fourth person has died after a drive-by shooting in southeast Washington.
Police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump said early Wednesday the person was among the nine hit Tuesday when a gunman sprayed bullets into a crowd of people.
Officials say three people were arrested and a weapon was recovered after six men and three women were shot around the 4000 block of South Capitol Street southeast. Keep reading to find out what lead to this massacre....
Fire Department spokesman Pete Piringer says all were in their 20s and 30s, except for one teenager.
A gunman sprayed bullets "into a crowd," said Police Chief Cathy Lanier. The shootings of six men and three women happened about 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in southeastern Washington, D.C., said D.C. Police Department spokesman Officer Hugh Carew. Fire Department spokesman Pete Piringer says all the victims were in their 20s and 30s, except for one teenager.
One shooting victim died at the scene, one was dead on arrival at the hospital, and the third died in the operating room, said Carolyn Hammond, spokeswoman for Washington Hospital Center. She said a fourth person was in critical condition late Tuesday.
The neighborhood is near a water treatment plant and Bolling Air Force Base. Sections of southeastern D.C. have problems with crime, though surprised neighbors told local media that the area was not a bad place to live and wasn't dangerous.
Washington reported 143 homicides last year, the fewest in nearly 50 years.
The crime scene stretched for blocks and streets were blocked off
Top 10 Trampiest Of Tramp Stamps!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: NewspitterHere is a compilation of the top 10 trampiest tramp stamps ever to be documented on the Internet. If a tramp stamp was any indication of the ready and willingness of a girl, these girls must have their doors wide open and with a flashing neon sign welcoming strangers to come on in.
Longest but yet funny, Am guessing she was raise in church, but can you spot out the grammatical error!!
Oh you think this is bad, continue more tramps below, men do not belittle women women belittle themselves in all kind of ways prime example below....
9 Teens Charged With Felony Counts Of Rape, Stalking, Civil Rights Violations After School & Cyber Bullying Leads To Girls Suicide!!
CATEGORIES education | author: Newspitter
It is not clear what some students at South Hadley High School expected to achieve by subjecting a freshman to the relentless taunting described by a prosecutor and classmates.
Certainly not her suicide. And certainly not the multiple felony indictments announced on Monday against several students at the Massachusetts school.
The prosecutor brought charges Monday against nine teenagers, saying their taunting and physical threats were beyond the pale and led the freshman, Phoebe Prince, to hang herself from a stairwell in January. Keep reading to find out what lead to this tragedy,,,Video and pics below.......
The charges were an unusually sharp legal response to the problem of adolescent bullying, which is increasingly conducted in cyberspace as well as in the schoolyard and has drawn growing concern from parents, educators and lawmakers.
In the uproar around the suicides of Ms. Prince, 15, and an 11-year-old boy subjected to harassment in nearby Springfield last year, the Massachusetts legislature stepped up work on an anti-bullying law that is now near passage. The law would require school staff members to report suspected incidents and principals to investigate them. It would also demand that schools teach about the dangers of bullying. Forty-one other states have anti-bullying laws of varying strength.
In the Prince case, two boys and four girls, ages 16 to 18, face a different mix of felony charges that include statutory rape, violation of civil rights with bodily injury, harassment, stalking and disturbing a school assembly. Three younger girls have been charged in juvenile court, Elizabeth D. Scheibel, the Northwestern district attorney, said at a news conference in Northampton, Mass.
Appearing with state and local police officials on Monday, Ms. Scheibel said that Ms. Prince’s suicide came after nearly three months of severe taunting and physical threats by a cluster of fellow students.
“The investigation revealed relentless activities directed toward Phoebe to make it impossible for her to stay at school,” Ms. Scheibel said. The conduct of those charged, she said, “far exceeded the limits of normal teenage relationship-related quarrels.”
It was particularly alarming, the district attorney said, that some teachers, administrators and other staff members at the school were aware of the harassment but did not stop it. “The actions or inactions of some adults at the school were troublesome,” Ms. Scheibel said, but did not violate any laws.
Christine Swelko, assistant superintendent for South Hadley Public Schools, said school officials planned to meet with the district attorney this week or next. “We will then review this evidence and particularly the new information which the district attorney’s office has but did not come to light within the investigation conducted by the school,” Ms. Swelko said in a statement.
Ms. Prince’s family had recently moved to the United States from a small town in Ireland, and she entered South Hadley last fall. The taunting started when she had a brief relationship with a popular senior boy; some students reportedly called her an “Irish slut,” knocked books out of her hands and sent her threatening text messages, day after day.
At South Hadley High School, which has about 700 students, most students and teachers refused on Monday to talk about the case. Students waited for parents in the pouring rain and a sports team ran by, with one student telling reporters, “Go away.”
Ashlee Dunn, a 16-year-old sophomore, said she had not known Ms. Prince personally but had heard stories spread about her in the hallways.
“She was new and she was from a different country, and she didn’t really know the school very well,” Ms. Dunn said. “I think that’s probably one reason why they chose Phoebe.”
On Jan. 14, the investigation found, students abused her in the school library, the lunchroom and the hallways and threw a canned drink at her as she walked home. Her sister found her hanging from a stairwell at home, still in her school clothes, at 4:30 p.m.
Some of the students plotted against Ms. Prince on the Internet, using social networking sites, but the main abuse was at school, the prosecutor said.
“The actions of these students were primarily conducted on school grounds during school hours and while school was in session,” Ms. Scheibel said.
Ms. Scheibel declined to provide details about the charges of statutory rape against two boys, but experts said those charges could mean that the boys had sex with Ms. Prince when she was under age.
Legal experts said they were not aware of other cases in which students faced serious criminal charges for harassing a fellow student, but added that the circumstances in this case appeared to be extreme and that juvenile charges were usually kept private.
Source: New York Times
Pennsylvania boy, 12, to be charged as adult in death of his father's pregnant fiancee!!
CATEGORIES news | author: NewspitterA Pennsylvania boy who was 11 when he was accused of killing his father's pregnant fiancee with a shotgun blast to the back of her head as she lay in bed will be tried as an adult in the death of both the woman and the fetus, a judge ruled Monday.
Jordan Brown, now 12, is charged with criminal homicide in the death of 26-year-old Kenzie Marie Houk in their farmhouse in New Galilee, in western Pennsylvania, on Feb. 20, 2009. Houk was 8-1/2 months pregnant; the male fetus died from a resulting lack of oxygen.
"This offense was an execution-style killing of a defenseless pregnant young mother. A more horrific crime is difficult to imagine," Lawrence County Judge Dominick Motto wrote in his opinion refusing to move the case to juvenile court.
The boy could be convicted of anything from involuntary manslaughter to first-degree murder under Pennsylvania's homicide law. Prosecutors have said they will seek a conviction on first-degree murder charges, for which he could face up to life in prison if convicted.
The attorney general's office, which is prosecuting the case, and Browns' attorneys did not immediately return calls seeking comment on the ruling.
Prosecutors have suggested the boy was jealous of Houk and her unborn son. Police had said Brown's hid the weapon under a blanket so Houk's 7-year-old daughter wouldn't see it as he entered her mother's room. Later, authorities say, he threw the spent shell casing along a path on his way to a bus and went to school.
He Bang! He Bang! Ricky Martin Finally Comes Out Of The Closet!! NOT SURPRISE.
CATEGORIES celebrity, life styles | author: NewspitterThe 38-year old pop star announced on his website Monday that he is a “fortunate homosexual man” who is “very blessed to be who I am.”
Though speculation raged for years about the Latino singer’s flamboyant dance moves--always performed with beautiful female partners--Martin said he decided to come out to the world after beginning his memoirs and realizing his sexual orientation was “something worth celebrating.”
The “Shake your Bon Bon” singer, a father of twin boys from a surrogate mother, said the announcement brought him happiness he never felt before.
NO DESSERT FOR YOU:Elderly Couple busted For Running A Pudding Scam To Defraud Stores!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: NewspitterThe proof was in the pudding.
An elderly Long Island husband and wife were busted yesterday for tampering with boxes of Jell-O pudding -- replacing the contents with sand and salt and then returning them to stores for the $1.40-a-pop refund, officials said.
Alexander Clement, 68, and his wife, Christine Clement, 64, of East Northport disposed of the evidence afterward -- by cooking up and eating the contents of the boxes they had emptied, authorities said.
Their puddings of choice? Pistachio and butterscotch.
Police said the couple struck four stores a total of five times. Christine would buy about 10 boxes each time. Her hubby was the driver. Keep reading to find out...How this scam was run..
When the pair got home, she allegedly would empty the boxes' contents and replace them with plastic sandwich bags filled with the sand and salt.
After resealing the boxes, her husband would drive her back to the stores, where she would return them for a refund, police said.
The scheme fell apart after a customer who bought one of the resealed boxes complained. Police traced the boxes back to the Clements.
But authorities said the couple -- who are well-off and have been married 40 years -- is more to be pitied. Christine Clement is suffering from "an age-related mental issue," police said.
"This was a bizarre story to begin with, and it just got worse when we found out what happened. It's sad," said Suffolk Police Lt. Michael Murphy.
"These aren't bad people. They never had any problems before. It was a complete aberration. They are very apologetic."
Inventive shoes worn by Mexican mules did not fool border agents!!
CATEGORIES news | author: NewspitterMARCH 25--Take note Jimmy Choo. Mexican drug smugglers may have come up with the latest trend in shoe design. After U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on patrol in New Mexico noticed "discrepancies on the sandy desert landscape," they discovered seven men, in possession of 215 pounds of marijuana valued at $172,000, attempting to illegally sneak into the country. The septet, who posed for the below fashion forward photo, were unsuccessful in a bid to cover their tracks and evade detection by gluing pieces of foam to their shoes while shuffling across the border.
OMG:California Gang Gives Away Free Samples Of HeroinToTeens!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: NewspitterPolice in California are on the hunt for members of a local gang after they say they've begun targeting teens in the area by offering them free samples of cocaine and teaching them how to smoke it.
La Crescenta and northern Glendale police say a Hollywood area gang is swarming the area with the product and providing freebies to eager teens to up their clientele.
The News Press reports that after giving the children the substance, the gang which has not been identified, would reportedly give the kids free lessons.
The free drugs are part of a growing problem in the area. According to police, teens in the area are participating in “cabinet parties” where they raid their parent's medicine cabinet for prescription pills like Vicodin and Oxycontin, and take them to the party where the pills are dumped into a large bowl and shared.
Gangs are being attributed for the rise in drugs in the La Crescenta and northern Glendale area over the last five years.
''King Of Heroin'' Responsible For Smuggling Thousands Of Pounds Of Drug Into U.S Every Year Arrested In Mexico!!
CATEGORIES World News | author: NewspitterTimesOnline.Co.UK: Mexican police hailed the capture yesterday of the “King of Heroin”, one of the country’s most powerful drug barons, a major victory in the murderous drug war.
José Antonio Medina, allegedly responsible for smuggling thousands of pounds of heroin into the US each year, was arrested in the western state of Michoacán and is being held for prosecution.
Mr Medina, 36, allegedly ran a complex smuggling operation that sent 440lb (200kg) of heroin each month into southern California for La Familia drug cartel, said Ramon Pequeño, head of the anti-narcotics division of Mexico’s federal police.
Yet even with Mr Medina’s arrest the bloodshed between rival cartels — and the police and military fighting them — continued unabated across Mexico, underscoring the challenge that Mexico and the US face in dismantling the gangs.
Ten people were killed in Ciudad Juárez in the past 24 hours, including a US citizen in an attack on an undertaker. Police also found a decapitated man in a shopping centre car park, his head inside a plastic bag near by.
More than 2,600 have died in the city in the past three years. After the shooting of three people connected to the US consulate in Juárez on March 13, a US delegation, including Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, and Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, travelled to Mexico City to pledge renewed American commitment and aid to tackle the drugs crisis.
In Mexico City federal police said that they had seized $1.7 million (£1.1 million) in small bills and arrested two Mexicans and two Colombians for allegedly running financial operations for the cartels. The drugs business brings about $25 billion in illicit cash into Mexico each year.
DAMN: Uma Thurman's New Movie 'Motherhood' Makes Only $131 In UK Debut Weekend. Selling Just A Single Ticket Opening Day!!
CATEGORIES entertainment | author: NewspitterBox office gold she ain't. In fact, she barely amounts to pocket change.
Just ONE person bought a ticket to see Uma Thurman's film "Motherhood" on its opening day in England, reports Britain's Daily Mail, which means it made about $11.
And its weekend box office tally there – an astonishing $131 – would barely cover the cost of a pair of high-end denims.
The film fetched a dismal $50,000 its opening weekend in the U.S. in October, according to the box office tracker BoxOfficeMojo.com – but that's a fortune compared to its abysmal UK tallies.
"You're kidding, we must have broken a new record for grosses," said producer Jane Edelbaum when contacted about the film's poor showing.
"Think about how much crap succeeds at the cinema. 'Motherhood' is not bad. It's a very decent movie. I've seen movies that are not half as good," the baffled executive told The Guardian.
She blamed the film's catastrophic failure on poor promotion in Britain.
The movie, which casts "Kill Bill" star Thurman as a frazzled Manhattan mom and wannabe writer frantically planning her daughter's sixth birthday party, cost $5 million to make and also stars Minnie Driver and Anthony Edwards.
Surprisingly, even with its record low numbers, "Motherhood" is not Britain's biggest ever box office bomb. Keep reading to find out the movie which made oniy $10 its opening week.
That dubious honor goes to the 2007 film "My Nikifor," a film about a Polish artist which took in about $10 its debut weekend, the Mail reported.
Source: NY Daily News
Keyshia Cole Called Illiterate By Judge, Ordered To Pay $160,000 To Promoter!!
CATEGORIES celebrity, entertainment | author: NewspitterKeyshia Cole was ripped apart by a judge in New Jersey yesterday -- a judge who called the singer's testimony "nonsensical" and then questioned her literacy.
Cole -- a platinum-selling artist -- was being sued by an event promoter who claims she blew off an appearance in 2006 after he paid her $15,000 up front.
The judge not only ruled against Cole, but she blasted the singer in her written opinion, saying Cole's testimony was "confused and at times nonsensical."
But the judge's biggest shot: Cole appeared so reluctant to read certain documents while testifying, "that it appears at times that she was not literate."
Eventually, the judge realized Cole was literate -- when Cole managed to read documents that she thought helped her case.
Ultimately, Cole was ordered to fork over nearly $160k in damages.
Source: TMZ
Catholic priest are such pigs: The priest who abused deaf boys for 24 years!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter
Father Lawrence Murphy was a man with charm and social skills. Small of stature, he was a lively, sociable, charismatic Irishman, who also had the rare ability to communicate fluently in sign language
. Watching him conduct a service with his hands is said to have been more moving than if words had been spoken.
He was the mentor and spiritual guide to hundreds of vulnerable boys – and one thing they learnt from him is that there are some disgusting individuals in the adult world who gratify their sleazy appetites without a thought for others. Father Murphy was a predatory paedophile whose crimes were all the more revolting for the helplessness of his victims. The pupils at St John's School, St Francis city, Wisconsin, were deaf. This was a boarding school, so there was no escape at nights from the vile priest who had power over them.
Anyway, he was the only adult many of them could communicate with. They were given no sex education, so they had no way of understanding what he was doing. Some may have thought they deserved this treatment.
Look for Less: Alexander McQueen Faithful Bootie!!
CATEGORIES fashion | author: Newspitter

This Alexander McQueen Bootie (on left) retails for $1,155. They are gorgeous, but a little (make that A Lot) out of my price range right now. But leave it to Steve Madden to create a look-a-like that's well within my budget. Check out this very similar Seryna Bootie (on right) that goes for $129.
Where to Buy: Steve Madden, $129
Look for Less: Arden B. Bubble Dress
CATEGORIES fashion | author: NewspitterSteal her Look: Vanessa Hudgens!!!
CATEGORIES fashion | author: Newspitter
Vanessa Hudgens looked effortlessly chic in this blue shirt dress, floppy hat and brown sandals while out and about in Beverly Hills. Here's where you can steal her look for less:
Woman Prostitutes 10-Year-Old Girl For Cocaine: Video Included!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter A woman in Michigan is in police custody after they say she allowed a man to have sex with a 10-year-old girl in her care in exchange for cocaine. Angela A. Blackwell,45, is set to have a preliminary hearing March 30 while police are on the hunt for 67-year-old Johnnie L. Griffin, the man who had sex with the child. Griffin is wanted on first- and second-degree criminal sexual conduct and firearms charges. Police believe he was having sex with the child from September until February as part of the drug deal. If convicted they'll each face 25 years in jail.
Milwaukee Student Arrested In Class!!!
CATEGORIES funny pic | author: NewspitterA student was arrested after throwing a water bottle at another student, threatening the class and teacher and resisting arrest after campus police asked her 3 times to leave with them.
Twenty-four-year-old Robyn Foster got into an argument with her anthropology professor, claiming that a question on an earlier exam was poorly worded. Professor Kathleen Foley-Winkler, told Foster that they could talk about it after class. Foster became visibly upset and demanded an immediate answer from Foley-Winkler.
After several minutes, Foley-Winkler asked Foster to leave, but she refused. Another student asked Foster to leave and she threw a water bottle. Foley-Winkler then decided to get campus police involved.
This video is absolutely ridiculous, but worth watching. I LOVE the person to caught this on film. This girl is out of control. After screaming to the cops that they’d have to carry her out of the room, and then putting up a fight when they actually follow through, she is surprised. What a dummy. She deserved to get kneed in the back by a cop. What a moron, and SO disruptive. I mean, come on now biatch, the classroom is a place for learning… not fighting!
I know there is controversy because this girl is African American, but if she was a white chick and threw a water bottle at another student she would get the same punishment. Regardless, this is funny and she is a moron
L.A. Woman is Offering her Boobs as Ad Space!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter Strangely enough this actually isn’t a bad idea, given the amount of chest real estate on Anorei Collins. The model recently decided to offer up her 40LL’s to the highest bidder on eBay as advertising space. Martz Communications Group PD Drew Scott seized the opportunity to pub his company via some considerable boobage for $2000. His logic in shelling out the cash on this odd marketing move was pure genius:
“The idea was that since people are always staring anyway, she might as well make them prime advertising real estate.” “As part of the deal, Collins will spend 4 days advertising in some of Los Angeles’ most highly trafficked locations including Venice Beach.”
Drew definitely has a point there. Since Anorei already attracts quite the attention with her boobs and since they lend themselves well to words, phrases and even paragraphs, why not capitalize on that! Plus instead of simply having men (and women) looking at her boobs for no good reason, Anorei now can rest easy knowing that they are just checking out the ads sprawled across her chest not sexually sizing her up. Now my only question is whether they’re going to go with words or pictures. Either tactic would be effective, however I’m thinking a few strategically placed words might make for longer eye to boob contact. But regardless, this is sure to get Drew’s company some greatly wanted attention.
Former Inmate Breaks into Jail; gets 15 more years!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter I would have far less to write about if there weren’t geniuses like Sylvester Jiles in the world. The 25-year-old former inmate was sentenced to an additional 15 years after he attempted to break into Brevard County Detention Center. Surrounded by a 12-foot barbed wire fence, the jail wasn’t exactly the easiest trespassing point for Sylvester who was severely cut by the time police caught up with him. He was later hospitalized. Sylvester had been on probation from a manslaughter charge at the time of his ingenious plan to hop the fence into prison. As to why he seemed to have the idea backwards, as most people would try to break out of jail, Sylvester had explained to police officers that he was scared of retaliation from the victim’s family, but they told him that they couldn’t place him in jail and suggested he file a police report.
That wasn’t going to do it for Sylvester, so he took his chances and now he’s gotten his wish for 15 years. Good job buddy! Couldn’t you have just moved to another state or something?
Drink on Kids; Boozing before exams doesn't hurt Performance???
CATEGORIES education | author: Newspitter Rejoice college kids, rejoice! A recent study has proven that a night of drunken debauchery before a big exam won’t hurt students’ performance. This is going to make finals week a complete drunken mess isn’t it?
The study included 193 Boston-area university students who were observed over the course of four days and given either alcoholic or non-alcoholic beer. The morning after downing their drinks, participants were given the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and a mock quiz based on a lecture they heard the previous day. Conducted by researchers at Boston University School of Public Health and Brown University, the study showed that students’ test results did not suffer if they went out drinking the night before the big test if the exam was on material that was recently taught or one that required long-term memory recollection. However, getting hammered the night before your big Shakespeare mid-term might not be the best move as the study also concluded that performance on exams requiring higher cognitive ability, such as essay writing, might suffer after a trip to the bar. As if that wasn’t enough of a bummer, researchers also said:
“It is possible that a higher alcohol dose would have affected next-day academic test scores. Moreover, test-taking is only one factor in academic success. Study habits, motivation and class attendance also contribute to academic performance; each of these could be affected by intoxication.”
Way to get our hopes up and then dash our drunken dreams. Thanks science!
50 Cent wouldn't wrap it before he tapped it with Rhianna, Lady Gaga and Beyonce!!!
CATEGORIES celebrity, entertainment | author: Newspitter Who needs a condom anyway when you’re trying to make beautiful babies with Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Beyonce? And that’s exactly 50 Cent’s logic according to a recent interview with MTV News.
“I would kiss Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Rihanna. I would marry Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Rihanna in Africa, I’d have 3 wives! And I would avoid wearing condoms and have really big families!”
We can’t fault your train of thought there 50. He goes on to talk about the double standards in music today, citing his fantasy wifey’s new video for “Telephone.”
“I think it’s hot [the Telephone video]. But there’s a shot in the video in the diner that’s just breasts. And it looks great, but if I shot the same shot in my music video, they would make me edit that immediately.”
Double standards suck, I’ll agree with you there. But at least rest easy that someone is allowed to sexy videos like “Telephone” even if it isn’t you. If you’ve been under a rock for the past few weeks and haven’t seen Beyonce and Lady Gaga, peep the video below.
Video Game Hacker Cheats and Receives Knife in Skull!!!
CATEGORIES World News | author: NewspitterA Chinese teenager, Xiao Wei, left doctors stunned after he walked into casualty with a 10-inch knife embedded in his skull after a computer game row. The 16 year-old amazingly survived the attacked after a fight with a local gang at an internet café where he worked in Mishazi, Jilin province, China’s northeast.
The gang had asked him to load unauthorised software on to the store’s computers, to try and beat the teenager’s record high score on the video game Counter Strike, Chinese media reported.
The gang had accused him of cheating. After the teenager refused, the group become embroiled in a row, during which he was stabbed and a kitchen knife was plunged through the teenager’s left temple. Incredible pictures later emerged of his X-ray, which showed a half-inch tip protruding from his right temple. Astonished doctors at the 2nd Affiliated Hospital at Jilin University then watched in amazement as he staggered into casualty with the help of friends who were holding him up. Surgeons, who initially thought it was a student prank until the teenager collapsed, later operated on him for two hours to remove the blade.
Russian Genius Solves 100 yr Old Math Question but Refuses $1 Million in Prize!!!
CATEGORIES World News | author: Newspitter A reclusive Russian genius is in deep thought about whether he'll accept the $1 million he won for cracking one of the world's most difficult math problems.
The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Mass., announced last week that Grigoriy Perelman of St. Petersburg, Russia, had won the first Millennium Prize for solving the Poincaré conjecture.
The problem, first posed in 1904 by the French mathematician Henri Poincaré, is about the geometry of three-dimensional shapes. Poincaré proposed a test for recognizing when a shape is a three-dimensional sphere, the most perfect and simplest of all shapes.
While many others tried and failed, Perelman, 43, proved that the conjecture was correct, relying on an existing theory and solving the problem with his own ideas.
The Millennium Prize, established in 2000 by the independent institute, recognizes outstanding intellectual achievement.
"By golly this certainly is it," James Carlson, the institute's president, told AOL News today. "It's not every day a problem open for 99 years has been solved."
Carlson called Perelman last week to tell him he had won.
"He replied that he needed to think about it," Carlson said. "Whether he accepts the money -- that's in his hands at the moment."
"I have not yet made a decision," Perelman said, according to a recording of a phone call with him posted by a Russian Web site, ABC News reported Tuesday.
Funny Video of the day
CATEGORIES funny pic | author: NewspitterThis woman calls a sex specialist to ask if a penis can hit the babies head during sex when the woman is pregnant. Here is the answer lol...
George W. Bush shakes hands with Haitians, then wipes his hand on Bill Clinton’s shirt.!!
CATEGORIES news, tv recap | author: NewspitterFormer presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush met with survivors in Haiti Monday. At about 45 seconds into the video, Bush appears to wipe his hand on Clinton's shirt after shaking the hands of survivors.
Where is Kanye, Apparently he was right about his rant "George Bush don't care about black people". What a JACKASS like Obama will say, How dirty are these Haitians that Bush do not want to touch them? Are they not human? Or the same red blood do not pump through their veins like him?!?! Is so obvious he don't enjoy what he is doing, facial expressions give it away. How sad of Clinton to drive this douche bag alone with him to Haiti. What do you think?.
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Cops: Woman Got High, Left 2-Year-Old Alone In The Cold!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: Newspitter
Jamie Michelle Campbell, 26, was "too high to be able to care for herself" from illegally obtained prescription painkillers, according to Clearwater police.
But she was taking care of a two-year-old.
She lost her balance and fell to the ground, police said, leaving the toddler "unattended at night" alongside a busy Clearwater road at night, naked from the waist down in the cold.
Witnesses found the child with no diaper, pants, shoes or socks. The outside temperature at the time was a chilly 54 degrees.
It is unclear how long the tot was outside in the cold -- and Campbell's relationship to the child.
As a female officer watched her take a urine test in the bathroom, police said, Campbell tried to wrap some drugs in toilet paper and throw them into the toilet. But the officer retrieved the wad and found drugs, reports the St. Petersburg Times
They also found four more narcotic painkillers and a muscle relaxant inside the police cruiser that she rode in.
May she land in a cold, cold cell.
Police Call This One Of The Strangest Burglaries They've Ever Seen!!
CATEGORIES Finance, news | author: Newspitter
Who is this guy?
He dressed in business attire and stayed in an eight-story Tampa office building for more than 18 hours, going from office to office, taking computer supplies, according to police.
He even took a business suit.
He stayed all night and all day and even slept in an office. Then, he left the next day.
"He's carrying a gym bag, an overnight bag... had his jammies and dinner probably," Tampa Police Officer Harry Augello chuckled.
Officer Augello said, "You could see him when he grabbed the door handles, that he doesn't leave forensics behind. He's smart. He's done it before."
Nokia in 2015 - The Way We Live Next #tech #future #concept #vision
CATEGORIES good art werk | author: Newspitter
Great video, i will be online for this device. Seems Nokia is ahead of all competition. This device will make the ipad looks like a piece of fiber glass T.V remote. Hope Nokia do not decide to over charge for their services, $50 a month will entice more people to buy and use their services.
Key Points From Video:
- Recognize people you met previously, Shows pictures tag in together and video"
- Able to use it any where in the world"
- Video phone call
- Able to use as a projector too
- World GPS
Men’s Sex Drive Keeps On Trucking Into Old Age!!!
CATEGORIES health, life styles | author: Newspitter A recent study found that 55-year-old men can expect about 15 more years of sexual activity to be tacked on to their lives as opposed to women who can only expect less than 11 more years. Published by the University of Chicago, the study takes a look a the sexual habits of older men and women and comes up with some pretty interesting results:
72 percent of men ages 75 to 85 have sexual partners (I guess the Hef is leading the pack in this age bracket)
57 percent of men ages 57 to 85 not living with a wifey or girlfriend said they were still interested in sex (as compared to only 11 percent of women)
And overall, lead author Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, said that “interest in sex, participation in sex and even the quality of sexual activity were higher for men than women, and this gender gap widened with age.”
Alright women of the world Ya'll need to get on the guys’ level here and start knocking boots well into ya'll golden years. I want a chick to challenge Hugh Hefer for his old as hell, but still hanging hotties crown!
Your Spring Checklist: Flirty Dresses!!!
CATEGORIES fashion | author: NewspitterMan Arrested After Watching Porn In His Car!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter This will teach people to keep their porn stash at home. A 37-year-old man was arrested this weekend after police caught him watching porn on the Southern State Parkway in New York. Apparently New York State Trooper Michael Mangano was cruising around on patrol when he spotted Gerald L. Williams in the backseat of a 2002 GMC Yukon XL watching an adult flick. Gerald was ultimately arrested for public display of offensive sexual material and has been ordered appear in Suffolk County First District Court.
Now is it me, or does this sound completely ridiculous? Public displays of offensive sexual material are like horny couples deciding to bang in a store front or someone broadcasting porn on a JumboTron. It doesn’t seem right that Dudley Do-Right can arrest this guy for just taking care of his sexual needs in the backseat. But just a word to the wise, if you feel the need to check out some porn, you might want to pull it up on your iPhone or keep it more on the down low because the po po could be searching to put an end to your adult viewing pleasure.
Implant-free Boob Job…Every Guys’ Dream Come True!!!
CATEGORIES health, life styles, World News | author: Newspitter This is going to change racks around the world for the better…and bigger. Scientists have been experimenting with implant-free boob jobs that would allow women to go bigger without having to stuff in saline or silicon implants into their chest. British Professor Laurence Kirwan is planning to discuss the procedure at a medical conference next month. Essentially, the surgery requires that the doctor take bits of tissue from underneath the breast and insert them below the nips to give a fuller, bustier effect. Prof. Laurence explains:
“For a lot of women this will be the ultimate breast enlargement operation that will be almost permanent compared to the use of implants which need replacing after around 10 years.”
And how much will this procedure cost: upwards of $8,000. But with a realistic feel and greater longevity, who could possibly say no to these babies?
Monster Found Guilty of Molesting 23-Month-Old Daughter Then Leaving Her Outside To Freeze To Death!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter A jury reached a guilty verdict for William Page, a Pittsburgh man that molested her 23-month-old daughter and then left her outside in the snow to freeze to death.
In February of 2007 jurors say Page sexually assaulted his 23-month-old toddler Nyia Page. After improperly touching the child they say he became irate that she kept taking her diaper off and he left her outside in freezing cold temperatures where she died. The child died from exposure and hypothermia, after being outside for more than 24 hours.
William Page has been convicted of first degree homicide, kidnapping, aggravated indecent assault and giving false reports to law enforcement.
There is also an additional assault charge pending against him where a 9-year-old boy says the man touched him inappropriately from the outside of his pajama pants.
If the jury cannot reach a unanimous decision for the death penalty, Page will be given life in prison
Black Porn Actor Has The Monster, HIV Is Attacking The Porn Industry, In A Fast Pace But They Refuse To Use "Condoms"
CATEGORIES health | author: NewspitterPorn production shut down for a month after Darren James tested positive in 2004, changing his life. Now he hopes he can protect others by telling his story.
Darren James saw the news flash on his TV screen last week: A porn actress had tested positive for HIV. James, 45, felt a moment of shock, then sadness.
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A reminder of what $10 an hour looks like!!
CATEGORIES education | author: NewspitterI wanted to share this with my readers, help educate ourselves and not settle for this little retail jobs who, is not willing to pay you more then $10 hour for your blood and sweat... honestly look at yourself and ask if you are worth only $10?!?!
Bear in mind, that most $10 hr people do even get the opportunity to work 35 hrs a week...
please notice that there is nothing in the budget for car insurance, food, or even an emergency fund.
It’s time to remove the production and distribution of marijuana out of the hands of violent criminals and into the hands of licensed businesses!!
CATEGORIES news | author: NewspitterIt was less than one year ago when acting U.S. DEA administrator Michelle Leonhart publicly declared that the escalating violence on the U.S./Mexico border should be viewed as a sign of the “success” of America’s drug war strategies.
“Our view is that the violence we have been seeing is a signpost of the success our very courageous Mexican counterparts are having,” said Michele Leonhart, who was recently nominated by President Obama to be the agency’s full time director. “The cartels are acting out like caged animals, because they are caged animals.”
Well, if the DEA’s chief talking head thought that some 6,300 drug cartel-related murders in 2008 was an indication of progress, one can only imagine that she believes that this weekend’s south-of-the-border killing spree — which included the murder of a pregnant U.S. official and members of her family — must be downright victorious.
Sad & Tasteless Politics: Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck, Right Wingers Attack 11-Year-Old Healthcare Reform Supporter [Video]
CATEGORIES news | author: NewspitterAs previously reported 11-year-old Marcelas Owens took to the nation's capital to show his support for President Barack Obama's healthcare reform bill.
Owens' mother died three years ago of pulmonary hypertension after losing her job and her health insurance.
Since then he's been an advocate for health care reform.
MSNBC picked up the young man's story and reported on the attack launched on him by notoriously class-less,racist and right winged commentators Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh.
The worst attack of all of course came from Rush who was quoted as saying,
“Well, your mom would still have died, because Obamacare doesn´t kick in until 2014.”
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Lady Gaga Asks Boy George To Autograph Her Vagina - Video Included!!!
CATEGORIES celebrity | author: Newspitter Lady Gaga got to meet someone she was a fan of, Boy George, and the first thing she does is ask for an autograph…on her vagina. George was at one of her concerts backstage and she made the request of the 80’s icon. He politely declined to sign her vagina, but instead signed her hat instead…because he’s a true gentleman or gay? Which one is it?
He said, “It was very brief when I met her, there were a lot of people in the room, it was all a bit chaotic. I haven’t been around that kind of circus in years! I was like, ‘Oh my God!’ You know, I’ve been that woman!’ So it was very interesting to be on the outside looking in. She was very sweet. She asked me to sign her vagina.”
I guess you know you’ve made it big when Gaga asks for you to sign her vagina. But what does one use to autograph said vagina? A Sharpie? That can’t be hygienic.