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Men’s Sex Drive Keeps On Trucking Into Old Age!!!


A recent study found that 55-year-old men can expect about 15 more years of sexual activity to be tacked on to their lives as opposed to women who can only expect less than 11 more years. Published by the University of Chicago, the study takes a look a the sexual habits of older men and women and comes up with some pretty interesting results:

72 percent of men ages 75 to 85 have sexual partners (I guess the Hef is leading the pack in this age bracket)

57 percent of men ages 57 to 85 not living with a wifey or girlfriend said they were still interested in sex (as compared to only 11 percent of women)

And overall, lead author Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, said that “interest in sex, participation in sex and even the quality of sexual activity were higher for men than women, and this gender gap widened with age.”

Alright women of the world Ya'll need to get on the guys’ level here and start knocking boots well into ya'll golden years. I want a chick to challenge Hugh Hefer for his old as hell, but still hanging hotties crown!

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