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Milwaukee Student Arrested In Class!!!


A student was arrested after throwing a water bottle at another student, threatening the class and teacher and resisting arrest after campus police asked her 3 times to leave with them.

Twenty-four-year-old Robyn Foster got into an argument with her anthropology professor, claiming that a question on an earlier exam was poorly worded. Professor Kathleen Foley-Winkler, told Foster that they could talk about it after class. Foster became visibly upset and demanded an immediate answer from Foley-Winkler.

After several minutes, Foley-Winkler asked Foster to leave, but she refused. Another student asked Foster to leave and she threw a water bottle. Foley-Winkler then decided to get campus police involved.

This video is absolutely ridiculous, but worth watching. I LOVE the person to caught this on film. This girl is out of control. After screaming to the cops that they’d have to carry her out of the room, and then putting up a fight when they actually follow through, she is surprised. What a dummy. She deserved to get kneed in the back by a cop. What a moron, and SO disruptive. I mean, come on now biatch, the classroom is a place for learning… not fighting!


I know there is controversy because this girl is African American, but if she was a white chick and threw a water bottle at another student she would get the same punishment. Regardless, this is funny and she is a moron

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