Beer guzzlers rejoice! Scientists have unearthed yet another reason why downing some beer can actually be good for you. Researchers from the Department of Food Science & Technology at the University of California have discovered that beer contains silicon, a key factor in promoting bone health. While earlier research had hinted at beer’s bone building abilities, it wasn’t until this particular study that the type of beer was taken into consideration. It turns out that pale ales have the highest silicon concentration, while non-alcoholic brews (really, people drink those?), light lagers and wheat beers have the lowest. Researcher Charles Bamforth said that generally beers containing a lot of malted barley and hops will have the greatest amount of silicon. While this information is all fine and dandy, and will probably make you feel a little less guilt during your next Beer-Lympics, don’t let physical health stand in the way of your beer preferences. Charlie B’s advice that he dished out to Discovery magazine:
“I would first consider flavor and whether you like it or not. Choose the beer you enjoy, for goodness sake.
Beer Does a Body Good!!!
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