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John Mayer Insists that black women aren't attractive - especially if they "act white."


Right about now, John Mayer is surely wishing he'd used his mouth for a little more singing and a little less candid chatter. Mayer has taken heat today for some crude remarks made in a new Playboy interview; among other overshares, the singer told the magazine that ex-girlfriend Jessica Simpson was his "sexual napalm."

"That girl is like crack cocaine to me," Mayer said.

But if you think it's in poor taste to discuss the particulars of his sex life with Simpson, buckle up - it gets worse. A casual inclusion of the 'N' word has launched a flurry of Twitter-apologies, but here at Newspitter, we think the racial slur was just the tip of the inappropriate iceberg. After the jump, we look at what Mayer said and why his apology falls short.
The singer boasted, "I come on very strong. I am a very...I'm just very. V-E-R-Y. And if you can't handle very, then I'm a douche bag. But I think the world needs a little very. That's why black people love me."

Asked to clarify his definition of "very," Mayer made the unfortunate word choice: "Someone asked me the other day, 'What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?' And by the way, it's sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a n**** pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, "I can't really have a hood pass. I've never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, 'We're full.'"

Mayer used his Twitter page to offer a series of apologies, writing: "Re: using the 'N word' in an interview: I am sorry that I used the word. And it's such a shame that I did because the point I was trying to make was in the exact opposite spirit of the word itself. It was arrogant of me to think I could intellectualize using it, because I realize that there's no intellectualizing a word that is so emotionally charged."

He continued, "And while I'm using today for looking at myself under harsh light, I think it's time to stop trying to be so raw in interviews. It started as an attempt to not let the waves of criticism get to me, but it's gotten out of hand and I've created somewhat of a monster. I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock. I don't have the stomach for it."

Mayer concluded, "Because I don't want anyone to think I'm equivocating: I should have never said the word and I will never say it again."

We're not certain we buy the excuse that Mayer has been too relaxed in interviews - we've had any number of casual conversations without throwing around racial epithets, but we appreciate Mayer's attempt at sincerity. What we don't appreciate is his failure to address any of his other, equally offensive words.

Mayer told Playboy that he has not been open to the sexual advances of the black women who so adore him: "My d*** is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a f*****' David Duke c***. I'm going to start dating separately from my d***."

It's not, he insisted, that black women aren't attractive - especially if they "act white."

"Every white dude loved Hilary from 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.' Kerry Washington. She's superhot, and she's also white-girl crazy," he said. "Kerry Washington would break your heart like a white girl. Just all of a sudden she'd be like, 'Yeah, I sucked his d***. Whatever.' And you'd be like, 'What? We weren't talking about that.'"

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