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Arizona lawmakers OK several changes to immigration law!!


PHOENIX -- Arizona lawmakers have approved several changes to the recently passed sweeping law targeting illegal immigration.

If Gov. Jan Brewer supports the changes, they will go into effect at the same time as the new law, 90 days from now.

The current law requires local and state law enforcement to question people about their immigration status if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally, and makes it a state crime to be in the United States illegally.

One change to the bill strengthens restrictions against using race or ethnicity as the basis for questioning and inserts those same restrictions in other parts of the law.

Changes to the bill language will actually remove the word "solely" from the sentence, "The attorney general or county attorney shall not investigate complaints that are based solely on race, color or national origin."

Another change replaces the phrase "lawful contact" with "lawful stop, detention or arrest" to apparently clarify that officers don't need to question a victim or witness about their legal status.

A third change specifies that police contact over violations for local civil ordinances can trigger questioning on immigration status.

The law's sponsor, Republican Sen. Russell Pearce, characterized the race and ethnicity changes as clarifications "just to take away the silly arguments and the games, the dishonesty that's been played."

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, said allowing immigration-status contacts for civil violations such as weed-infested yards or too many occupants in a residence could spur complaints of racial profiling.

Pearce defended that provision, saying there shouldn't be a restraint on when police act on a reasonable suspicion that somebody is in the country illegally. "It is a lawful contact," Pearce said.

The follow-on legislation approved Thursday also would change the law to specify that immigration-status questions would follow a law enforcement officer's stopping, detaining or arresting a person while enforcing another law.

Brewer's spokesman said that makes it clear that police cannnot question people just on the suspicion they're illegal immigrants.

Brewer likely will sign the follow-on bill, said the spokesman, Paul Senseman.

Pearce said that change doesn't require a formal arrest before questioning but helps make it clear that racial profiling is not allowed.

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Bank Robbery Attempt Fails When Customer Pulls Out His Own Gun On Suspect!!

| PALM BAY — It took 62-year-old Ruben Torres a New York minute to become a Palm Bay hero.

That was the amount of time it took Thursday for the off-duty security guard to spot a suspected bank robber in the lobby of the Space Coast Credit Union, retrieve his gun, and hold the bandit until patrol officers arrived.

"I guess it's the New Yorker in me," Torres said about his decision to get involved.

Police credit Torres -- who has a concealed-weapons permit -- with thwarting the bank robbery at the credit union at 152 Malabar Road.

"Torres' actions, while not encouraged, are appreciated and were very courageous," Lt. Mark Renkens said. "He took action to stop a crime in progress, and fortunately made a positive difference in the outcome."
The suspect, Floyd Francis, 23, of Palm Bay, was charged with robbery.

Torres said he was in the branch lobby before 2 p.m. Thursday getting money and had stopped to talk with a credit union associate when he saw aman walk in.

"This guy walked in and looked me over. He wasn't disguised or anything. But he put a Wal-Mart bag on his head, walked to the counter and gave the teller a note . . . He even took the bag off his head and gave it to the teller to put the cash in," Torres said.

Torres said he slipped out of the branch office and walked to the parking lot.

"I went to the car and got my weapon," said Torres, who stopped off at the bank before heading to work at a Melbourne engineering company.

Torres then pulled a 9mm pistol on the robber before he left the branch building.

"That's when I took him down. The whole thing lasted three to four minutes. The tellers were all nervous," said Torres, who ordered the robber to get on the ground.

The suspect appeared apologetic before officers arrived and placed him in handcuffs, Torres said.

Francis was taken to police headquarters, along with a possible accomplice waiting in the parking lot, for questioning, officials said.

Bank staffers gave Torres several hugs.

A branch customer who arrived moments after the robbery watched as officers stood behind crime-scene tape.

"It's not bad, having a (permit)," said Josh Murray, after learning about how the robbery was halted. But Murray also raised concerns about the prospect of an armed Good Samaritan acting on his own.

"It's definitely good no one got hurt," Murray said.

"So long as he's willing to accept that it could have happened."

It was not the first time Torres has come face to face with someone on the wrong side of the law.

In April 1987, Torres, then a mailman, found himself in the line of fire of William Cruse.

In that incident, Torres made it to his car to get his gun after Cruse started firing several rounds in a Winn-Dixie parking lot in Palm Bay.

The two fired several rounds at each other before Torres ran out of ammunition.

Cruse ended up killing six people, including two police officers that day.

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A teacher with a phobia over rabbits is suing a 14-year-old pupil for compensation after she drew a bunny on the blackboard.!!


The teacher, from Vechta, Germany, says she was traumatised by the drawing, and claims the girl knew it would terrify her.

She had transferred to the school where a pupil from her former school had just become a pupil and told her new friends about the teacher's fear of rabbits.

"We did it for fun and out of curiosity", one of the girls told a court, adding, "We wanted to see if she would really freak out."

School officials removed her from the class and now the teacher is seeking compensation for her terror and her loss of earnings, her lawyer Manfred Bormann told the court.

The case continues.

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iPhone's Gay Social Networking App Leads to Murder of Phoenix Man, Police Claim!!


Murder? Apparently there's an app for that, too.

That's according to Phoenix police who say a local guy was murdered by a 19-year-old fellow he met using a social networking iPhone app often used by gay men to hook up.

Mark G. Woodland, 54, was found dead at his apartment in the 3800 block of East Greenway Road.

Police say Woodland's roommate returned home to the apartment the men shared about 11 p.m. on Saturday and noticed that the place had been ransacked.

The roommate called police, who, after searching the apartment, found Woodland's body beaten and stabbed in a downstairs bathroom.

The roommate told police that Woodland had sent him a text message at 5 p.m. saying he was going to pick up a male date. He sent a second text at about 6 p.m. to make sure the roommate had left the apartment.

After finding his body, and his ransacked apartment, police tracked down a friend of Woodland's in California, who told them Woodland had met the man by using a social networking application used by gay men to meet each other.

The app uses a GPS positioning system to locate "dates" based on a person's proximity with other users.

Police were given Woodland's date's user name for the app by his friend in California, as well as a description of the man last seen with Woodland by one of his neighbors.

On Tuesday, police tracked down a suspect who's iPhone arranged the date with Woodland and matched the description of the man given to police.

Tommy Reed, 19, was arrested and taken to police headquarters for questioning. Phoenix police Detective James Holmes tells New Times that Reed made certain admissions -- combined with other evidence -- that gave police probable cause to make an arrest.

Reed was booked on charges of second-degree murder and taken to the Fourth Avenue Jail.

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Man Gets License Revoked For Driving a Barbie Car While Drunk!!!


Every time you think you’ve heard it all, someone manages to completely blow your expectations out of the water. Forty-year-old Paul Hutton did just that. His driver’s license was recently revoked after police discovered him drunk and behind the wheel of a Barbie car. I don’t know what’s worse here. Getting busted for DUI and having your license taken away, or getting busted for DUI and having your license taken away in a Barbie car.

Paul later explained that the reason he had the toy in his possession was because he was working on it with his son for the last year or so. On this particular day he had a few drinks and got the bright idea to take this suped up Barbie car out for a spin:
“The police pulled up and asked if I was all right. I’d had a few drinks but I felt fine. I hadn’t spoken to anyone all day — then I found out I couldn’t talk. I was very surprised to get done for drink-driving, but I was a twit to say the least.”
For his drunken ride, Paul had his license suspended for the next four years. Definitely not worth it for cruising around in a pink, battery-operated ride.

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Man Throws Away $153,000 Scratch-off Ticket and Almost Divorces Wife...SMH!!!


Cemal Celikkanat feels like the world’s biggest idiot right about now. The British postal worker says that he threw out a scratch-off lottery ticket worth $153,000. He tossed the ticket after thinking that he needed to get three prize amounts in a row in order to win. That wasn’t the case:

“When I found out I felt dizzy and dropped to my knees — it was like being hit over the head. I threw away 100,000 pounds ($153,000). I feel so terrible, I think about it every day, it’s had a massive impact on my life.”

But if throwing out the winning ticket wasn’t bad enough, Cemal’s co-workers now constantly make fun of him for his thousand dollar mistake — and he even left his wife because he couldn’t deal with being around her after such a huge mistake.
Don’t worry Cemal, we probably couldn’t stand to be around you either so thanks for saving your wife the trouble of divorcing you.

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The Birth Control You Can Smoke?


Wired magazine is presenting “Artifacts From the Future” – a prediction of whats to come in the next 10, 20 or 200 years. So what’s their thoughts on futuristic contraception? Birth control inhalation systems.

The idea is that in the midst of postcoital bliss instead of grabbing a regular cigarette, you’ll smoke some birth control. It is called Afterglow for a reason. Don’t worry, though, Wired explains the possible science behind it better than I do.

Meloxicam, currently marketed as an arthritis drug, is also being tested as a postcoital contraceptive. It works by inhibiting ovulation (technically, it inhibits cyclooxygenase-2, which in turn inhibits ovulation). In short: no egg, no baby. It’s 100% effective in rabbits, which is saying something. If results can be replicated in people, it would be more effective than the Plan B pill (and without the menstruation).

Finally, away to puff pregnancy away. We just hope it comes sans lung cancer.

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Floyd Mayweather To Pull In $60 Million While Shane Walks With Only $2.7


Money Mayweather is holding no punches at calling out Sugar Shane Mosley as they prepare to do battle this weekend. Putting Shane's personal financial business out there is the latest attack from Floyd who reveled,

"Shane!!!! Oscar De La Hoya already told me that you borrowed $2 million so you got a cash advance from Golden Boy [promotions]."
Adding further insult, Floyd breaks down how he's cashing out at $60 million for the fight while Shane is taking home only $2.7 million.

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New Haven Woman Charged For Calling 911 to Take Her Home From Club!!!


Now this is some quality ignorance. Quandria Bailey, a 28-year-old genius from Meriden, Conn. has been charged with six counts of misuse of 911 after calling the emergency hotline six times to get a ride home from the club. After being picked up for her utter stupidity, Quandria was released on $1000 bond and has a court appearance scheduled for May 5th.

What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall during that court date. How could this chick possibly explain why it would be reasonable to assume that a police officer, EMT worker, firefighter or any other person in uniform would come to her presumably drunken rescue. Calling 911 usually means that you are involved in some sort of emergency situation and I hate to break it to you Quandria but hauling your sweaty self from the club doesn’t count as an emergency. Do better…or at least try.

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Man Who Murdered Malcolm X Freed From Prison!!!


After serving 44 years behind prison walls, Thomas Hagan, who admitted to his role in the assassination of Malcolm X, was paroled on Tuesday. Hagan is the only man to confess to killing Malcolm X, who was gunned down back in 1965 during a speech delivered in New York's Audubon Ballroom.

"I have deep regrets about my participation in that," he told the parole board on March 3, according to a transcript. "I don't think it should ever have happened."
According to the New York State Department of Correctional Services, Hagan, 69, was released a day early due to paperwork being processed faster than what was initially expected.

Pleading a case for freedom last month, Hagan asked that he be returned to his family and hoped to become a substance abuse counselor.
Being held at the minimum-security Lincoln Correctional Facility, Hagan serviced his time by being a participant in a full-time work-release program that started back in March 1992. As part of the stipulations of the program, he was given the opportunity to live with his family five days of the week and report back to the prison the other two days. Initially, he was sentenced 20 years to life imprisonment after being found guilty back in 1966 while the other two involved were released in the 1980s and still deny their involvement in the murder.

As part of his deal, Hagan was required to acquire and maintain employment, support his children and abide by a curfew while he is free. According to Hagan, he has been working for the past seven years at a fast-food restaurant.
In relation to his release, the Nation Of Islam has been sought out, but they declined any comment on the news.

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Sex Ads Make Up a Third Of Craigslists Revenue!!!


I guess those creepers who post ads looking for some extra company in the bedroom are actually doing some good. Advanced Interactive Media Group, an independent firm, recently released a report that said that a about $36 million of Craigslist‘s earnings comes from sex and prostitution-related ads. Jim Townsend of the AIM Group said that:

“We’re astonished at the explosive growth Craigslist continues to show, even in a very tough economy. For 2010, its ‘adult services’ revenue will be three times the revenue it generated in that category in 2009.”
But it isn’t all sketchy roses for the people behind Craigslist. All of the money that they’re making off of these sex ads has attracted some attention from the police who are wondering if the site is being used more for sex exploitation than random hookups. If the possibility of sex abuse and exploitation isn’t disturbing enough, then maybe this is:

AIM estimates that Craigslist will earn about $122 million this year. If you do the math (i.e. divide), that comes out to about a $3 million paycheck for every employee.
Are you sick yet, because we definitely are.

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China Executes Man Who Killed Schoolchildren!!!


(April 28) – Chinese authorities say they've executed a former community doctor who stabbed to death eight children outside their primary school in a brazen attack that shocked the nation last month. Meanwhile, there's word of another school attack today in southern China, where police say a man with a knife has wounded 18 children and a teacher. None of the injures are life-threatening, a nurse in Leizhou city told The Associated Press. Today's attack and execution are likely to heighten calls for better security at schools across China, which has seen a string of school attacks in recent years.

State media say Zheng Minsheng died by firing squad today in Nanping City in eastern Fujian province, after his death sentence was approved by the country's Supreme Court.

On March 23, Zheng stormed a group of children lining up outside their school in the same city, killing eight of them and wounding another five. Parents who'd just dropped off their children watched the attack from afar in horror, before bystanders jumped on the 41-year-old assailant and police arrested him.

At trial, Zheng admitted to killing the children. He said he attacked them out of rage because he'd been jilted by a girlfriend and treated poorly by her wealthy family.

He was convicted on April 8 and executed this morning after losing an appeal on his death sentence, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.

The Nanping murders marked one of the most heinous school attacks in recent years in China, which authorities have blamed on people with mental problems. Two weeks ago, a mentally ill man killed a second grader and an elderly woman in southern Guangxi province.

Today's execution came just one month after Zheng's crime. Such swift convictions and executions are common in China, which executes more people annually than any other nation in the world.

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Sprint employees fired for capturing shoplifter!!


"Mike and I thought we did the good deed of the day," says Paul Shoemaker -- and why wouldn't he?

After all, Shoemaker and Mike McGee, co-workers at a Sprint outlet at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center, were heading on break when they heard a cry for help from an aging security guard as a shoplifting suspect blazed past them -- and instead of ignoring this plea, they chased the guy down, caught him, and held him until mall security and police arrived.

Their reward for this heroic action? They were fired. Continue reading....

McGee and Shoemaker were veteran Sprint employees, having worked for the company for four years and six years, respectively -- and both of them are in good shape. McGee works a side job as a security guard at Lodo's Bar and Grill, while Shoemaker serves as a volunteer firefighter in Federal Heights.

Their awareness of shoplifting was heightened as of April 16, when the incident took place, due to the previous day's theft of an iPad from an Apple Store a few spaces away from their shop. That incident, for which twenty-year-old Brandon Darnell Smith was subsequently arrested, wound up making headlines across the country because the victim, Bill Jordan, had most of his pinky finger torn off during the crime.

According to Shoemaker, Jordan "was attacked at 4:30 the night before" their encounter with a shoplifter. "I was working at the time, and you could see drips of blood -- a trail of it on the lower level down by the food court."

Cut to the 16th, when, McGee says, "we were heading out of the store to take our break, when we heard this security guard who was probably in his mid- to late-fifties yelling, 'Help! Somebody stop that guy!'"

"I looked to my left," Shoemaker chimes in, "and I see this kid running by. He's carrying something in a black fleece jacket like it's a football."

They didn't know whether the man had snatched "the purse of a single mom who wouldn't be able to make rent without it, if he had a baby in there, or what," McGee says. "We had no idea."

But they knew what to do. Shoemaker says, "I looked at Mike for a couple of seconds and saw what he was thinking, and he saw what I was thinking. And we took off running."

The chase went through one of the mall's anchor stores, Macy's, after which the suspect "exited out the doors by the underground parking garage," Shoemaker says. "And right at that point, I made contact with him. If I remember correctly, I put one arm on him, and he was fighting, so I wrapped him in both of my arms, and he ended up taking me down."

"When I first got to him, he was on top of Paul on the ground," McGee confirms. "And I helped restrain him, got him to calm down."

"Mike got him off me and we moved him to this little curb, because we were in the middle of the road," Shoemaker explains. "And by then, the security guard had come out. He said he needed to run to his car to phone the police and get his handcuffs. So we sat there for a couple of minutes, until an off-duty Denver police officer came up and said, 'Do you need any help? I've got handcuffs.'"

Before long, on-duty Denver cops and representatives of mall security had joined the crowd. As for the guard who'd been giving chase, he worked for the same Apple Store hit by Smith the previous day. The suspect allegedly grabbed several pieces of Apple software retailing for just over $500.

Shoemaker and McGee filled out paperwork for the mall and the police, accepted heartfelt congratulations for their quick thinking, and then returned to the Sprint store. About fifteen minutes had elapsed; their break was over.

Word soon got around about the pair's actions, and they were treated like minor celebrities by fellow mall workers. For instance, Shoemaker says, "The lady at the Apple Store was so thankful. And she told me, 'We've been sending you business over the last week,' because a drive that Sprint supports works really well with their iPad. They were telling people to come over and get it from us."

All was good until last Thursday, when the situation took an unexpected turn for the worse, with McGee and Shoemaker receiving corporate e-mails asking them to describe the shoplifting incident. Then, and only then, did they find out that Sprint had a policy stating that employees shouldn't confront thieves. "It doesn't say anything about things happening outside the store," McGee notes. "It does say they don't want you to detain them and hold them, but it doesn't say doing it is punishable by corrective action or termination. It's a very gray area, the way it's written up."

Apparently not. The next day, Shoemaker and McGee were called in to separate meetings, where they were told that their Sprint days were over. "They didn't really tell us anything," Shoemaker says. "They didn't let us know where they were coming from. They just said, 'We looked into it further, and you're fired.' They labeled it a form of misconduct."

To McGee and Shoemaker, that's a highly questionable conclusion. The incident took place outside the Sprint store while they were on a break, it involved a criminal who had stolen goods from another business entirely, and they had responded to a request for help. In addition, they had never been told not to intervene in a shoplifting situation, despite having been longtime employees, with Shoemaker even serving in a management capacity for a time. Taking all that into account, they believe they should have been told not to do what they'd done again rather than getting canned.

To express their sense of injustice, Shoemaker, at the urging of his fellow volunteer firefighters, created a Facebook page telling their story. It went live on Saturday afternoon, and at this writing, it registers 265 friends and climbing rapidly. On top of that, they've told their story to a couple of local TV stations (to which Sprint offered no comment) and a radio outlet -- and the feedback they've received has been entirely supportive of their situation.

Nonetheless, neither of them say they want to sue Sprint for wrongful termination -- at least right now. Why not?

"I liked my job a lot," McGee says, "and I didn't want to lose it. But at this point, I'm not sure I could go back to it and be treated fairly anymore."

As for Shoemaker, he says, "I think with me being just one fish in a sea of millions, I'm not going to get anywhere with a single attorney -- plus, the cost of it would be more than what I'm looking for. I'm not out there trying to make money off of this. I know there are a lot of people who sue companies because their coffee is too hot, but that's not me."

Even so, Shoemaker stresses the hardships with which he's now faced because of the firing. His dream has been to become a full-time firefighter, but he doubts he'll be hired by a department with a firing on his record. On top of that, he's engaged to be married -- a terrible time to face an unexpected loss of income.

Still, getting the opportunity to tell his story has helped. "I'm glad everybody is supporting us," Shoemaker says. "It makes me feel good to feel I'm not the one who screwed up. That's important to me."

Same goes for McGee. But he's got one more message: "We're both looking for jobs."

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UFC fighter Tito Ortiz blames girlfriend Jenna Jameson's alleged Oxycontin addiction for his arrest !!


She was high on drugs and must have fallen.

That's Ultimate Fighting Championship star Tito Ortiz claims his gal pal, porn diva Jenna Jameson, hurt her arm - not domestic violence.

Ortiz, 35, was arrested Monday after the couple got into an argument and Jameson called the cops. Ortiz was charged with felony domestic violence, but his lawyer said he's innocent.

"Tito Ortiz never laid a hand on Jenna. Never," said attorney Chip Matthews during a press conference in North Hollywood, according to

Ortiz said James, who is the mother of his 13-month-old twin boys, was high on Oxycontin and has been addicted to the prescription pain killers for more than a year.

"My parents have gone through addiction and I'm not going to let my family go through that," he said.

Matthews said Jameson, 36, suffered an "emotional breakdown" because of her addiction

"Unfortunately when there's drug use, a lot of times people want to play the victim," he said. "Tito tried to help her."

Jameson, 36, shot back saying "he's just trying to save his career."

The 5-foot-7, 110 lbs. former XXX-rated actress tried to play down the incident, calling it an "altercation."

"He never beat me," she said. "If he beat me, I'd be dead."

Jameson's father, Lawrence Massoli, an ex-Las Vegas cop, was home during the argument and called 911.

Matthews said Massoli supports the 6-foot-3, 210 lb. mixed martial arts fighter - and is "on his side." Ortiz teared up and abruptly left the press conference when Matthews talked about the couple's future.

"They have two children together and they plan to spend their lives together," Matthews said.

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Woman's car stolen in Brooklyn. Three years later the police find it and return it to her completely "pimped out"(video inside)!!


NEW YORK (Associated Press) -- A Brooklyn schoolteacher whose car was stolen three years ago has gotten it back -- totally souped-up and unrecognizable.

Amanda Pogany's 1996 Honda was returned to her drag-race ready, with a new engine, manual transmission, leather interior, tinted windows and oversize tires.

Police found the car at an illegal chop shop and were able to trace it to Pogany even though the VIN number had been filed off.

Pogany had given up on ever getting the car back. She hasn't driven the new version of the Honda yet because she doesn't know how to drive a stick shift.


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Man keyed handicapped van -- over a parking space!!


Gary Bladich, 75, said he had to double park his van next to the handicap parking spot at Outback Steakhouse because of the mechanism that helps his handicapped wife get out of their van, reports said. He explained that he has a doctor’s prescription that he displays on the van whenever he has to take up extra space, reports the Naples Daily News.

This irked Arthur Dale Council, 56, of East Naples. So he keyed Bladich's van. A witness saw him do the dastardly deed.

Council said he keyed the car out of anger because he felt Bladich was taking advantage of the handicap privilege by taking up the extra parking space, reports said.

Now Council may need some legal counsel: he was charged with criminal mischief.

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No End In Sight To Mexico Violence As 6 Police Officers Are Killed In Shootout With Gunmen!!


(AP) CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — Gunmen ambushed two police vehicles at busy intersection in Ciudad Juarez on Friday, killing six officers and a 17-year-old girl who was passing by, authorities said.

Chihuahua state spokesman Enrique Torres Valadez said five of the six police officers were federal, and one was municipal. Authorities said the police officers in the vehicles were distracted by someone selling items on the street when the gunmen opened fire. The assailants then fled in three vehicles.

Investigators said they don't know why the officers were shot, although they don't believe they were targeted because of any recent arrests they had made.

No one has been arrested but police said they have recovered two of the three cars used in the shooting.

Ciudad Juarez is one of the world's deadliest cities, and a two-year turf battle between drug cartels has left more than 5,000 people dead.

Elsewhere, police in Guerrero said they found the bodies of five men who had been shot to death lying on a dirt road near Chilpancingo, the capital of the Pacific coast state. Three of the men were brothers, all in their 20s.

The state has been a major battleground for warring cartels, including the Beltran Leyva gang, but it was not clear whether the shootings were part of the ongoing drug violence.

In Morelos state, federal police and the Mexican military raided two ranch homes and arrested eight people near the town of Amacuzac. Those arrested were taken to Mexico City in a helicopter. Authorities said they are suspected drug traffickers.

An estimated 22,700 people have been killed in Mexico's drug war since December 2006.

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Tired Of Seeing Pictures Of Her Nipples Showing Through Her Clothes, Britney Spears Dad Bans Her From Going Out Without A Bra!!


The Father of pop star Britney Spears has banned her from leaving her Los Angeles home without a bra, The Sun reported Friday.

Father Jamie - who has legal control over all Spears’ affairs - fears his troubled daughter is getting close to the brink again and has imposed a host of new rules on the Womanizer singer. Find out the reason, lead this poor man to lock down his crazy daughter..

He is embarrassed by constant pictures of her nipples popping out of her clothes and has insisted she only leaves her Los Angeles home wearing the correct support.

Jamie, 57, is taking the order so seriously he has even threatened to fire one of the 28-year-old's security guards who has let her be photographed bra-less several times in recent weeks.

Jamie recently forced his daughter, who has two sons, to dump her 38-year-old boyfriend Jason Trawick because he was worried she was falling back into her emotional turmoil after years of recovery.

He feared their volatile relationship was sending fragile Britney close to the edge.

A friend revealed: "Jamie's control over Britney's life is incredible. He hates the pictures of her with her nipples all over the place so he has banned her from leaving the house without a bra.

"He wants her to put across the right impression.”

Source: Herald Sun

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Motivated inmate mower leads prison officials to contraband!!


An inmate requested to mow an area twice at the Okeechobee Correctional Institution.

An inmate anxious to re-mow an area?

That also made prison officials suspicious.

Spring fever, perhaps?

Officials investigated and found 28 cell phones with chargers in the area the inmate wanted to mow, reports

All inmates have telephone service available to them, but those calls are recorded and subject to monitoring, state officials said.

Nothing like contraband to motive an inmate: cell phones for the cell.

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Man arrested after blowing nose on girlfriend!!


He lives in the Panhandle and he is a real snot.

In fact, he has a nose for trouble.

The man had been in another altercation, which caused his nose to bleed.

Afterwards he sealed off one nostril and blew the contents of the other nostril all over his girlfriend, according to his Crestview Police Department.

The woman had blood splattered on her face, chest, arms and pants, but no signs of any injury that could have caused the blood to be hers.

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Kim Kardashian Slept With Kanye West?!?


We can’t be serious, can we? Oh, yes we can. Rumors are now swirling that the real reason Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush broke up was not because of his wandering eye, but because she had some bedroom fun with Kanye West! My, oh, my what must Amber Rose be thinking? More after the jump.

Kim is vehemently denying the claims (no surprise there), but sources says that the alleged cheating is what inflicted the final, fatal blow to her relationship with Reggie.

“There is no going back, as far as Reggie is concerned, that relationship is in the past, and he will not be going back.”

Sources are also saying that Reggie discovered a series of messages between Kim and Kanye that left little to the imagination as to what was going on.

Ok, so from my point of view, the jury is still out on this one. But just think about how creepy it would be if Kim had hit up Kanye for a little loving. That means she’s just a few degrees away from banging Amber Rose and that is one scary thought!

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Thieves Breaks Into Dutch Prison To Steal T.V's!!


Wouldn’t it just be easier to break into Best Buy or Target or something? But no, one band of thieves decided that they wanted to be a little more adventurous in their burglarizing. At least twice in the past six weeks a group of burglars has broken into a minimum-security Dutch prison to steal inmates’ televisions while they were out of their cells.

The prison serves as a transition facility for inmates at the end of their sentences to readjust to life outside the big house. So on the weekends, prisoners are often allowed to head out into the outside world, giving the burglars ample time to make their way into empty cells and grab the TVs. So far there haven’t been any arrests and prison administrators are stumped as to how the thieves made their way in.

Well despite the fact that these thieves are pretty much asking to be caught, it’s actually not all that bad of a plan to lift some electronics from absent inmates. Hey if no one is in the cells, the guards are way less stressed out and probably less aware, so if there was a time to break into prison, that would be it.

Via: Reuters

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Happy Birthday! Woman caught after 34 years escaping from jail.!!


Her neighbors knew Sharon Brown as a grandmother who hosted yard sales to benefit local Boy Scouts and who helped a family that lost its home to Hurricane Frances in 2004, reports Florida Today.

The 56-year-old lived at her Melbourne home for more than 20 years.

But on Tuesday the neighbors learned she was not the woman she claimed to be.

Her real name is Paula Eileen Carroll, and she had been a fugitive for 34 years since escaping from a Marion County prison two months into a five-year sentence for buying, receiving or concealing stolen property.

Acting on an anonymous tip, the Brevard County Sheriff's Office arrested Carroll outside her home -- on her 56th birthday.

Carroll was sentenced in Osceola County on July 18, 1975, and was serving her term at Florida Correctional Institution -- now Lowell Correctional Institution -- in Ocala. She escaped on Sept. 3, 1975, with another inmate, who was quickly captured.

She told police that she had "been thinking about this day for a long time" and was "glad it's over," according to a news release.

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Martin Lawrence Says 'Bad Boys 3' Talk Is 'Really Real'!!


In 1995, "Bad Boys" made Will Smith, Martin Lawrence and director Michael Bay household names. Eight years later, the men returned triumphant for "Bad Boys II," an explosive sequel that felt like a coronation of three Hollywood superstars. Now, after another seven years, Lawrence said the "Boys" are back in town — and that talk of another sequel is very real.

"It's real realistic," the comedian revealed to MTV News recently, addressing rumors that he'll re-team with Bay and the former Fresh Prince once again. "We've talked about 'Bad Boys 3.' "

"Any time you can get Big Willie to come out and talk about doing a third installment of a hot movie like 'Bad Boys,' you have to take notice," Lawrence explained. "I met with Michael Bay, and he said he's onboard too — so it's real."

Writer Peter Craig is putting together a script for Columbia, and the "Bad Boys" team is ready. "I got Big Willie to come down and see me about the movie. I felt special," Lawrence said of a visit Smith paid to his friend recently to talk about getting the band back together, adding that at this point, the green light is in the hands of the franchise producer. "We're just waiting on Jerry Bruckheimer to let us know when it's really real."

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Sandwich shop sign turning heads!!


The owner of Angie's Subs in Jacksonville Beach turned many heads with a sign posted outside the business.


The marquee outside the sandwich shop read the owner is a "Bible thumpin', gun totin' capitalist pig," reports

Owner Ed Malin said he got the idea after attending a local tea party rally last week.

I figured out my taxes, and 65 percent of my income was going to some taxing district," he said. " Federal, state, local, 65 percent! That's not America. That's not why I work 90 hours a week."

Did he get an uptick in his business?

"Oh well, I lost some customers," he said. "I also gained some customers. I may be doing the wrong thing, but we'll see."

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The Next Futuristic Cellphone Touchscreen: Your Skin [Video Inside]!!


Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- In Chris Harrison's ideal world, mobile phones would be the size of matchbooks. They'd have full-size keyboards. They'd browse the Web. They'd play videos.
And, most importantly, you'd never have to touch them.

Sound like too much to ask? Maybe not.

Harrison, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University and a former intern at Microsoft Research, has developed a working prototype of a system called Skinput that does just that, essentially by turning a person's hand and forearm into a keyboard and screen.

"People don't love the iPhone keyboard. They use them. But they don't love them," Harrison said in a interview at the recent Computer-Human Interaction conference. "If you could make the iPhone keyboard as big as an arm -- that would be huge."

Using Skinput, a person could tap their thumb and middle finger together to answer a call; touch their forearm to go to the next track on a music player; or flick the center of their palm to select a menu item.

All of these sign-language-like movements, which are customizable, would control a gadget in a person's pocket through a Bluetooth connection.

When fitted with a pico-projector, the Skinput system could display an image of a digital keyboard on a person's forearm. So, using Skinput, someone could send text messages by tapping his or her arm in certain places -- without pulling the phone out of a pocket or purse.

"You could pretty much do a lot of what you do on your iPhone," said Harrison, who says Skinput "is [like having] your iPhone on your palm."

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Happy 420!!! Willie Nelson is having the time of his life today, Even smoke before going on Larry King...!!


One of our heavenly bongfathers....Willie Nelson! Happy Cuatro Veinte to the stoned stoners (and their admirers) of the world!

In case you missed it (because you fell into a temporary good shit coma), here's Willie admitting to Larry King that he's stoned. Larry seems a little surprised and I'm not sure why. Larry has been naturally stoned for centuries.

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Conjoined twins were seen as a bad omen when born, but their successful separation by Saudi surgeons has changed their lives and the faith of some!!


They were joined at the chest, abdomen and pelvis when born and some of the delivery nurses in Babanki Tungo, a village in north-west Cameroon, were so shocked by the "strange birth" that they ran out of the small clinic.

The basic medical services in Babanki Tungo were ill-equipped to care for the girls and, following an internet appeal, the Saudi king agreed to pay for them to be flown to Saudi Arabia for surgery in 2007.

The 16-hour operation succeeded in separating the twins and now they each have their own stomach.
However, nearly three years on from the surgery, serious physical challenges remain.

After the separation, the girls were left with one leg each, and they are now waiting to return to Saudi Arabia to be fitted with artificial limbs and begin the arduous task of learning how to walk.

At the moment, they can only crawl. Even so, the twins are playful, talkative and mischievous - typical four-year-old girls, in fact.

But when they were born, they were anything but typical.

Some people in Babanki Tungo - a farming village known for producing many of Cameroon's vegetables - thought they were "satanic gifts" sent to punish their father, who already had 13 other children by two different wives.

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Texts from dead woman’s phone spurred boyfriend to lead cops to her mutilated body!!


Unaware of the grisly fate that had befallen Lisa Spence, of Miramar, police investigating her disappearance had her cell phone number assigned to a new phone and sent a text message to their main suspect.

"Just wait til I got better," the message read.

It worked.

Minutes after they sent the message, police saw Paul Edwards, 44, get into his mother's car and drive to several South Florida locations, one of which would later lead police to Spence's decapitated body, reports the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

Edwards was apparently unaware that police followed him to several locations, including northern Miami-Dade County, the warrant states.

Police returned to an address in Miami Gardens and searched a vacant field. Two police dogs that specialize in detecting human remains led police to a sealed, 55-gallon barrel.

The barrel was taken to the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner's Office, where it was opened. Spence's remains were inside.

Edwards was arrested Wednesday on one count of first-degree murder. Police accuse him of stabbing Spence, his 35-year-old girlfriend, more than 33 times, cutting off her head and stuffing her body into a barrel, which was found two months later in northern Miami-Dade County.

The head remains missing.

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Double below-the-knee amputee helps catch beer thief!!


Cato Strickland Jr. uses a motorized chair because he is a double below-the-knee amputee.

But his disability didn't stop him from catchig a beer thief.

Strickland was at a Marion County Shell store when he first noticed a man coming into the store behind another customer.

"When I saw him coming up another aisle carrying the 18-pack of beer, he told me to be quiet but I wasn't," Strickland said. "He went out the door with the beer and I shouted to the clerk to call 911," reports the Gainesville Sun.

The thief bolted out of the store and over a fence.

But the fence surrounded a retention pond and didn't offer an escape route, so the man climbed back over the fence. That's when the clerk who called 911 handed the phone to Strickland and began to chase the man.

"I had my chair outside the store by then, so I kept him (suspected thief) in sight and told the dispatcher where he was going," Strickland said.

The thief, Willie James Griffith, 19, of Gainesville, was arrested and charged with larceny.

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4 Common Scams And How To Avoid Them!!


Believe it or not, there are people out there who want your money and will do sneaky things to get it. Crazy, right? There are some new and super tricky ways these scammers have come up with to separate you from your hard-earned cash, so let’s read up with a How Not To list from the Chicago Tribune and get prepared.

Census scammers
: These con artists will prey on your willingness to be counted. If for some reason your 2010 census form hasn’t been received yet, there’s a possibility that a census worker could ring your doorbell. But make sure they’re who they say they are.

"If you get an e-mail from the Census Bureau that says we want information, that's not us," Kim Hunter, a media specialist for the Census Bureau tells the Chicago Tribune.

They also won’t give you any online forms or ask for your Social Security number. If a real census worker is on your doorstep, they will have a badge with no picture, and you can ask to see their driver’s license. They shouldn’t come in your house or ask for money. Continue for the rest of the article.....

Phone number switcheroos: After Toyota began recalling automobiles, they set up an info line for consumers - 800-331-4331. But some scammers out there set themselves up with a number that was close to that number, says the Better Business Bureau of Eastern Michigan.

Customers who reached that number were directed to call another 800 number and ended up being charged around $6 on their phone bill.

And when it comes to the phone, don't trust Miss Cleo's pals. As if you didn’t know -- psychics can see your money in the future, so if you call one and they ask you to press a number, you’re most likely going to get charged big money for being sent to a 900-number. Check your phone bill and fight charges that shouldn't be there.

There is no money waiting for you in a foreign land: As believable as it is that there are millionaires dying every day with no one to give their money to -- okay, it’s not believable at all, and anyone who emails you to ask for help depositing millions is just going to steal from your bank account. Delete!

Know your family tree: We all like helping a family member in need and scammers know this. If someone calls you and says they’re your long lost third cousin from your Great-Uncle Jack’s side and they need money to get out of a jam, yeah, they’re lying.

Sneaksters will read obituaries to get names of grandchildren to try and bamboozle senior citizens, according to a March report in the AARP Bulletin. Now that is just cold-hearted.

Basically, you should keep count of your grandchildren, don’t wire money to strangers, be wary of anyone taking your money, don’t give out SSN or credit card info to someone calling you out of the blue, and stay away from email heiresses.

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Man Charged With Beating 4-Year-Old To Death For Wetting Pants!!


A Michigan man is facing life in prison after police say he beat his girlfriend's 4-year-old son to death for wetting his pants.

24-year-old Brandon Hayes could spend the rest of his life in prison with no chance of parole for the death of little Dominick Calhoun.

Police say the young boy had been tortured by Hayes for a weekend after he wet his pants sitting on the couch.
Hayes reportedly became so enraged that he tortured the child; burning his knuckles, knocking out his teeth and beating him until his skull was crushed.

Prosecutors also say he began “pummeling him with fists and kicking him on his arms, legs and genitalia.”

The boy's mother Corrin Baker says she tried to save her son but was attacked by Hayes.

A battered and bruised Baker told reporters,

“My baby's gone, and I wish it was me.”

Doctors at a local hospital report that the boy was the worst beating victim they'd ever seen.

Here is the murderer:

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Man's defense: he accidently fell and killed roommate!!


Neils C. Larsen III is on trial in Largo for killing his roommate, Barbara Hebert.

His defense: he pushed her to the floor, then accidentally fell on her, after she hit him with her cane during an argument in the Dunedin home they shared, reports the St. Petersburg Times.

But prosecutors say Hebert's injuries — 13 fractured ribs and a fractured sternum — aren't consistent with Larsen's version of events.

I feel sorry for Barbara Hebert's death, but she was not a good person at all," Hebert, 57, told the jury.

A deputy moves Neils Larsen to the witness stand Wednesday. Larsen said he didn’t report his roommate’s death because he “was scared to death.”

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Woman tries to kick deputy in crotch with 4-inch heels


Alicia Marie Blocker, 21, of Laurel Hill, was arrested on April Fools' Day after she screamed at a deputy and tried to kick him in the crotch with 4-inch pointed heels. She also spit at him, according to her Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office arrest report, reports the Northwest Florida Daily News.

Blocker was at a Helen Back bar on Okaloosa Island and had been asked to leave when an Okaloosa County sheriff's deputy arrived. She was "heavily intoxicated," according to the police report.

The deputy finally got Blocker into the back of his patrol car, where she vomited — which also landed on his computer printer, damaging it.

At the annex, she spit at him and bit his right pinkie, penetrating his latex gloves. She refused to let go and the deputy punched her head with a closed fist 10 times as he tried to fight his way out of the car and to safety, the report said.

Blocker was charged with assault, assault on an officer, battery on an officer, criminal mischief, felony resisting an officer with violence and disorderly conduct.

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Wii Fit accident turns woman into sex addict Lost her balance, gained teh epic h0rniness!!


A woman from Manchester is blaming an accident on her Wii Fit board for giving her a raging appetite for sex.

In news which is sure to send Nintendo Wii sales through the roof, Amanda Flowers (the woman in question) slipped on her Wii Fit board, only to damage a nerve.

This lead to an increase in her libido which, according to the Daily Star, means Amanda now needs "ten sex sessions" a day to be, er, satisfied.

"It began as a twinge down below before surging through my body. Sometimes it built up into a trembling orgasm," says Flowers about, well, you can guess what it's about.

The reason she is so sex-obsessed – the Daily Star have gone as far as to call her 'randy' – is because of something called 'persistent sexual arousal syndrome'.

Flowers is so out of control that she has to remedy her problem with deep breaths, noting: "With no cure I just have to try to control my passion by breathing deeply. Hopefully one day I'll find a superstud who can satisfy me."

Whoever has the gamer tag of 'superstud' is going to be a very happy man.

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Smh: Drunken Teen Found Passed Out in Stolen Police Car!!


An Oregon State Police trooper arrested an 18-year old Silverton-area teenager Saturday night found passed out in what was later determined-to-be a stolen Marion County Sheriff's Office patrol car north of Mt. Angel.

According to reports, OSP Trooper Jason Perrizo was patrolling Saturday at approximately 11:00 p.m. in the Mt. Angel area when he was told by a Mt. Angel police officer that they had a report of a recklessly driven white Ford Mustang on Highway 214.

About twenty minutes later, Trooper Perrizo was driving north on Highway 214 near Bonney Road when he spotted a parked white marked Marion County Sheriff's Office Traffic Team Ford Mustang. Thinking he was going to contact a deputy in the patrol car, he drove along side it and saw a lone male passed out in the driver's seat.

Subsequent investigation determined the person inside, 18-year old Nikita N. Efimov Jr. of Silverton, had stolen the patrol car from an off-duty deputy's Silverton-area residence. Efimov was arrested and lodged in the Marion County Jail on the following charges:

* Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants
* Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
* Reckless Driving
* Recklessly Endangering Another Person

Marion County Sheriff's Office retrieved their vehicle from the arrest scene.

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Burger King Sued Over Whopper With Spit!!


A US police officer is suing Burger King over a Whopper he says a worker spat in.

Sheriff's Deputy Edward Bylsma said he had an "uneasy feeling" about two employees after he stopped for a meal at a branch of the fast-food chain in Washington state.

When he went to check his burger, he says he found a big gob of spit.

DNA testing matched the saliva to one of the workers, who was later arrested.

Former employee Gary Herb, 22, received a three-month jail sentence after pleading guilty to third-degree assault.

Deputy Bylsma is suing the fast-food giant for $75, because he says it was negligent in its selection, training and supervision of employees.

In a statement Burger King said it had "zero tolerance" for the actions taken by the former employee.

Herb has since been fired.

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A 64-year-old man dies while waiting to buy tickets for the soccer World Cup in South Africa!!


Johannesburg, South Africa (CNN) -- A South African pensioner has died while waiting in a queue to buy tickets for the soccer World Cup, with people lining up for 20 hours in some cases and system problems causing further delays.

Cape Town police spokesperson Ezra October confirmed to CNN that 64-year-old Ralph van Heerden collapsed and died while waiting to purchase 11 World Cup tickets on Thursday morning.

He was certified dead by paramedics when they arrived on the scene at around 7:15 a.m. local time (0515 GMT). It is believed that he had a heart problem. According to police, paramedics tried to resuscitate him but failed.

The man had waiting in line for five hours and was number 565 in the queue.

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Amazing:Woman, 70, vs. carjacker; woman wins


Eliud Haliday's last anniversary gift from her late husband was a champagne-colored van.

And the 70-year-old Daytona Beach woman wasn't about to let a carjacker steal it.

Haliday arrived at a Daytona Beach Walmart shortly after 1 p.m. to pick up her son, Allan, who is temporarily disabled because of a motorcycle accident, reports the Daytona Beach News Journal.

"She had just put a couple of bags of groceries in the van when it takes off racing down the parking lot and I called 911," Allan said.

Eliud Haliday jumped into the van and put her assailant in a chokehold. A Brazilian native, she studied martial arts — judo, jujitsu and capoeira — in her youth.

"He kept telling me that he was going to kill me, and that he had a gun in his pants," Haliday said from her hospital bed, hair styled and nails manicured. "I told him, 'You can't reach it. Your pants are at your ankles.' "

"I think he was trying to get me to fall out of the sliding door," Haliday said. "He swerved one time and the door slammed shut and then he was mine."

His accomplices, four of them, followed in another van.

The carjacker finally gave up — he leaped out of the van and was picked up by his accomplices.

"I hope he's at least 21 so he had a chance to enjoy his life some, before he goes to jail," Haliday said. "You just can't do this kind of thing to people. Not on my watch, anyway."

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Behold, the birth of a frivolous lawsuit.!!


Seems like nowadays anybody can utter evidences and file a lawsuit..

Weather is the government or ordinary person. This pic above goes to show how ridiculous the suing game has became, even a wrong finger pointed at the wrong person may result in a lawsuit.

I can say , not the recession that has change people but is greed and envy. I bet he has doctors that will create report saying he suffered from chronic headache after the paper attack, not to forget almost lead to lost of vision. lmao... is amazing to see how far greed will lead a person.

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Damn Shame: 8 Year Old Third Grader Caught With 60 Bags Of Heroin After Teachers See Him Passing Them Out Like Candy!!


"Oh my Lord Jesus, there but by the grace of God these kids are all right," said Davis of Wilkinsburg, PA, whose two granddaughters attend Turner Elementary School. "It's very scary to hear that this happened in a school full of small children."

Wilkinsburg police said teachers became suspicious Tuesday afternoon when they saw an 8-year-old boy repeatedly "rummaging" through his pockets. They confronted him and found 60 single-dose bags, known as stamp bags, in his pockets, police Chief Ophelia "Cookie" Coleman said.

A full stamp bag sells for about $10 on the street, she said. Who is really responsible for this mess, mother?! father?! Continue reading..

The bags each contained residue that police, using a field test kit, determined was heroin, Coleman said. Teachers found 18 empty stamp bags in a trash can. The bags, stamped with the words "Trust Me," were sent to the Allegheny County Crime Lab for analysis and confirmation of the heroin finding, Coleman said.

"This is not a reflection on Turner Elementary School; this speaks to the environment this child was living in," Coleman said.

Coleman said school officials and police met with the boy and his mother and learned he is not supposed to be attending the school because he lives in Pittsburgh. Authorities did not identify the family.

Investigators have a "pretty good idea" where the drugs came from but made no arrests as of Wednesday evening, Coleman said. Wilkinsburg police contacted the District Attorney's Office to discuss possible charges, but Coleman declined to elaborate.

She said the boy indicated "he was emulating what he had seen on the streets -- selling drugs."

The boy gave the stamp bags to other children. Superintendent Archie D. Perrin Jr. said school officials talked to each of the children who came in contact with the heroin and warned their parents to be alert for behavior changes. He said he received no reports of children becoming sick.

Janitors searched the school for signs of drugs but found none, Perrin said. The school plans to meet with parents soon to discuss the incident, and officials sent a letter home with students explaining some of what happened.

"As a precaution, the district is advising all parents to talk to their children about any interaction they might have had with the student and, possibly, the substance, and take appropriate action," the letter said.

The county Department of Children, Youth and Families is involved, and Perrin said the student had not returned to school.

Jan Gooden, 53, has a foster child who attends fourth grade at Turner. She said she was saddened to hear about the heroin incident.

"I think it's the parents' fault," Gooden said. "A child that age can't buy drugs. It had to come from home, and that is a shame.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune Review

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Woman Carjacked While Trying To Save Man's Life!!!


One California woman has seen first hand the new low in human nature. Adrianne Braxton, nursing assistant, ran out of her car to the aide of a man who had been involved in a fatal car accident. While trying to save the man’s life, someone else felt it necessary to steal Braxton’s car. 28 year old Desiree Guzman watched Braxton leave her vehicle unlocked and unattended and jumped in the driver’s seat to take off.

Braxton attempted to pull her out of the car and suffered three broken ribs when her own car ran her over. Guzman hit a parked car upon leaving the parking lot and is currently in jail with a $100,000 bail.

Seriously people…?

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