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Sex Ads Make Up a Third Of Craigslists Revenue!!!


I guess those creepers who post ads looking for some extra company in the bedroom are actually doing some good. Advanced Interactive Media Group, an independent firm, recently released a report that said that a about $36 million of Craigslist‘s earnings comes from sex and prostitution-related ads. Jim Townsend of the AIM Group said that:

“We’re astonished at the explosive growth Craigslist continues to show, even in a very tough economy. For 2010, its ‘adult services’ revenue will be three times the revenue it generated in that category in 2009.”
But it isn’t all sketchy roses for the people behind Craigslist. All of the money that they’re making off of these sex ads has attracted some attention from the police who are wondering if the site is being used more for sex exploitation than random hookups. If the possibility of sex abuse and exploitation isn’t disturbing enough, then maybe this is:

AIM estimates that Craigslist will earn about $122 million this year. If you do the math (i.e. divide), that comes out to about a $3 million paycheck for every employee.
Are you sick yet, because we definitely are.

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