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Escaped Convict Craig 'Lazie' Lynch Creates & Updates Facebook Page Taunting Polices


An escaped convict on the run from an open prison taunted police on Facebook - by posting a picture of himself tucking into his Christmas dinner.

Crook Craig 'Lazie' Lynch, 28, was serving a seven year sentence for aggravated burglary at Hollesley Bay prison in Suffolk when he absconded on September 24 this year. Find out how he Evade police and made a mockery out of the police and the US government...Read More.

Last week it came to light that Lynch has successfully evaded Suffolk police ever since, despite posting regular status updates on the social networking website.

Over the festive period arrogant Lynch has revelled in his notoriety and continued to mock the police.

On Christmas Day he posted a picture of himself taking a turkey out of the oven while swearing at the camera.

Underneath he wrote: "if any of you was doubtin my freedom. Here's proof. How the f**k could i get my hands on a bird like this in jail. ha ha."

On the same day Lynch, who now has 1,247 Facebook friends, posted: "YES YES i f**kin made it to xmas i beat their f**kin system and i love it."


On Boxing Day at 16.41 Lynch posted: "It is freezin out there. I wonder if i can take the right piss and stay out til the summertime ha ha."

While on Sunday morning the cocky criminal taunted police for their failure to track him down.

He wrote: "good mornin everyone. I had a funny feelin that my door was going to come off this mornin then i remembered. The old bill are as thick as s**t. And went back to sleep."

At one point Lynch thought his cover had been blown when he heard the sound of emergency vehicles approaching.

He posted: "Oh No sirens!! Its happening", before adding later "false alarm it was an ambulance."

Elsewhere on Facebook critics of Lynch have set up a "Craig Lazie Lynch is no hero" group to condemn messages of support for the convicted criminal.

The front page of the group, which has 132 members. reads: "How stupid can people be egging this idiot on?

"Dont they know that he was jailed for aggravated burglary for seven years???

"How can people think tha this guy is a hero when weve got lads risking their lives every day in afgan, they are the real heros not this prick."

A spokeswoman for Suffolk police said routine checks were being performed at Lynch's known addresses and his details had been logged on the Police National Computer.

Officers are liaising with forces elsewhere in the UK as he has links with Middlesex and north-east London.

Lynch is described as white, 5ft 9inches tall, of stocky build, with short brown hair, brown eyes and a beard.

Check out a few of Craig's Facebook updates below:

This is what he got to say to the Haters and the police A.K.A Pigs

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