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!!!American Icons On The Brink!!!


As the recession slogs on, many once-great American companies are failing. After 101 years, General Motors filed for bankruptcy June 1. With reduced debt and taxpayer funds, it may one day emerge from bankruptcy, but its ultimate future is still up in the air.In this series, there are 13 iconic American firms that are now on the brink of disaster. Even as writers root for recovery at places like Kodak, Six Flags and the New York Times, they fear the worst is still ahead.

1. General Motors
2. Playboy
3. Kodak
4. Blockbuster
5. Six Flags
6. New York Times
7. MGM Mirage
8. Sears
9. Sirius
10. Sbarro
11. Citigroup
12. Saks
13. Clear Channel Communications


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