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Pentathletes Will Fire Laser Guns During 2012 Olympics in London!!!


While FIFA will probably never embrace technology in the World Cup, some sporting events are warming up to its potential benefits. According to the BBC News, athletes competing in the pentathlon at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London will shoot laser guns rather than the traditional air pistols used in past games. The switch reduces cost, for one, since laser guns won't use ammunition or air cartridges when fired. It will also make the sport safer, and, in turn, open it up to new venues, both indoors and out. The laser gun technology debuted in June at the World Cup pentathlon final in Moscow. After another successful trial at the inaugural Youth Olympics, Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) president Klaus Schormann gave the technology the green light for the 2012 games in England.

With the Olympics embracing the 'pew pew'-nature of lasers, more outdated sporting events (ahem, World Cup) won't be able to ignore how technology is making the pentathlon both safer and cheaper.

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Cops don't need warrant to plant GPS on cars, Federal court says!!!


A federal judge in California recently ruled that police can place a GPS on a person's car without his or her knowledge without seeking a warrant. CNN reports that Juan Pineda-Moreno's appeal was rejected for the third time in early August by the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers nine West Coast states. Pineda-Moreno claimed that Oregon DEA agents had violated his privacy by sneaking onto his property and placing a GPS tracker on his Jeep, due to their suspicions that he was growing marijuana. To support their case against Pineda-Moreno, prosecutors used data culled by the device, such as the latitude and longitude of where the Jeep had been driven and how long it had stayed at those coordinates.

While Pineda-Moreno will continue serving his 51-month sentence, not everybody agrees with the court's ruling. "The vast majority of the 60 million people living in the Ninth Circuit will see their privacy materially diminished by the panel's ruling," Chief Judge Alex Kozinski wrote in his dissent of the case. Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, told CNN that the ruling was "Orwellian."

This comes less than a month after a D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that police should attain a warrant before engaging in GPS tracking. The opposing Ninth Circuit ruling suggests the constitutionality of warrentless GPS tracking will be tested in the Supreme Court. In some ways, using a GPS to track somebody isn't much different than parking down the street and tailing them. The notion of remote monitoring doesn't make this "Orwellian," but the ease with which the system could be abused definitely crosses into dangerous Big Brother territory.

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Microsoft Co-founder Sues Apple, Google and Facebook!!!


Microsoft Co-founder Paul Allen is suing Apple, Google, Facebook and eight other companies through his current firm, Interval Licensing LLC.

The lawsuit alleges that 11 different companies, including YouTube, Netflix and AOL, have violated four different patents associated with web search and e-commerce.

As the Wall Street Journal notes, Interval Licensing LLC is a firm that holds IP developed at the now-defunct Interval Research. Interval Research was an incubator that Allen financed during the Internetbubble of the late 1990s.

In a statement, Interval describes the patents at the center of the alleged infringements:

United States Patent No. 6,263,507 issued for an invention entitled “Browser for Use in Navigating a Body of Information, With Particular Application to Browsing Information Represented By Audiovisual Data.”

United States Patent No. 6,034,652 issued for an invention entitled “Attention Manager for Occupying the Peripheral Attention of a Person in the Vicinity of a Display Device.”

United States Patent No. 6,788,314 issued for an invention entitled “Attention Manager for Occupying the Peripheral Attention of a Person in the Vicinity of a Display Device.”

United States Patent No. 6,757,682 issued for an invention entitled “Alerting Users to Items of Current Interest.”

What is frustrating about this lawsuit, from an outsider’s perspective, is that the nature of these patents — while based in software and technology — also have clear ties to business methods. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s recent ruling in the Bilski case didn’t make the blurry lines between these two areas any more clear.

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Nike Files Patent For Self-Lacing Sneakers, It’s About Time!!!


A while ago we showed you an awesome video featuring self-lacing sneakers. Turns out that Nike thought it was just as awesome and has filed for a patent on the design. Are you having “Back to the Future” flashbacks yet, because I definitely am.

Nike filed the patent last year, including an abstract that reads:

An article of footwear with an automatic lacing system is disclosed. The automatic lacing system provides a set of straps that can be automatically opened and closed to switch between a loosened and tightened position of the upper. The article further includes an automatic ankle cinching system that is configured to automatically adjust an ankle portion of the upper.

Oh snap! I’m about to get excited. Your Air Jordans are about to be hella tricked out.

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Man Looking for Ghost Train Killed by Real Locomotive!!!


Christopher Kaiser spent early Friday morning on a railroad bridge in North Carolina's Iredell County. He and a dozen others were hoping to catch a glimpse of a ghost train -- the chilling apparition of a passenger train that came off the tracks there in 1891, killing 30 people.

Instead, these ghost hunters encountered something far scarier: a real locomotive train hurtling towards them on a track that was 150 feet from safety.

Kaiser and the others tried to get away with some falling as much as 40 feet to escape the locomotive. Most escaped. Kaiser was struck by the train and killed.

"They probably didn't hear the train coming until the last minute," Iredell County Sheriff's Capt. Darren Campbell told The Charlotte Observer.

According to local legend, an apparition of the 1891 Bostian's Bridge crash appears every year on the anniversary of the accident, complete with screaming passengers and grinding metal.

It has even become something of a local industry, with memorabilia such as T-shirts for sale to the spook hunters who gather each year. Nearly 300 gathered there in 1991 for the 100th anniversary.

"We were there looking for what people say happened. You hear the train wreck or hear people screaming. We were just watching," one woman told a local CNN affiliate.

Campbell said he has never met anyone who had seen the ghost train, though there are sometimes reports of railroad barriers falling for no apparent reason.

Engineers on board the real locomotive sounded the horn and did their best to stop the train, the Statesville Record & Landmark reported.

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Paris arrested for eating and sniffing that white stuff....COCAINE!!!


Luck wasn't on Paris Hilton's side this weekend in Sin City, when Las Vegas police pulled over the car she was in just before midnight and allegedly found a white powder in her purse that, upon testing, proved to be cocaine. The celebutante was then arrested on suspicion of possessing cocaine, and booked into the Clark County detention center, according to ABC News. She was soon released on bail.

The socialite, 29, was in the passenger seat of a car driven by a male thought to be her boyfriend, nightclub owner Cy Waits. Why was Hilton pulled over near the Wynn Hotel and Casino in the first place? Las Vegas police spokesman Marcus Martin told the Associated Press cops thought they smelled marijuana coming from the car: "Officers noticed a vehicle leaving a smoke trail of a controlled substance [and] made a stop based on that." He added that a crowd gathered to witness the police stop after Hilton was recognized by passers-by.

Hilton's had a busy summer on both sides of the law. Just days ago, cops came to her Los Angeles residence to arrest a knife-weilding intruder on her property, who was allegedly attempting to break into her home. During the World Cup in July, she was questioned by police in South Africa on suspicion of marijuana charges, but soon released.

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The Situation Lands $400,000 Vodka Deal!!!


In case you weren’t feeling bad enough about yourself today, we figured we’d pass along the curious tale of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino and how he has managed to parlay a penchant for tanning, an obsessive compulsion to go to the gym and possibly the most guido-tastic behavior ever captured on film into a $400,000 vodka deal. Depressed yet? Find out more after the jump.

The Jersey Shore star recently scored a deal with Devotion Vodka, to endorse its booze that claim that in addition to getting you buzzed for a night out, they also help to build ab muscles. Seriously? Boozing and a workout? Sounds too good to be true. And if The Situation is endorsing it, it probably is. But either way we are floored that anyone would cough up that kind of cash to this toolbag. I don’t care if you’re peddling busted “grenades” who live by a daily routine of “GTL,” so long as it doesn’t interfere with spontaneous fist-pumping, The Situation should not be raking in more money than people with real jobs.

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Lions Fan, 63, Walks 425 Miles to Inspire Team!!!


A 63-year-old Lions fans walked 425 miles to training camp, aiming to inspire his team to reach new heights this season, the Detroit News reports. Joe Paquette Jr. says he made the trip from Michigan's Upper Peninsula to a Detroit suburb to give the Lions a little "sisu"—a Finnish word loosely translated as "determination" or "guts." Coach Jim Schwartz and some players greeted Paquette with a personalized jersey, WDIV reports.

"Once they see that a 63-year-old man with arthritis in both knees can walk 450 miles just because of sisu, they are going to buy into it," said Paquette, who spent 18 days on the road and slept in a motor home piloted by his brother-in-law. Said Schwartz: "Lions fans never cease to amaze me."

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As Many as 200 Women, Babies Gang-Raped in Congo!!!


As many as 200 women were systematically gang-raped by Rwandan and Congolese rebels over a four-day period last month less than 20 miles from a U.N. peacekeeping base in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Nations and aid groups reported.

The Associated Press reported that four baby boys were also raped in the attacks that began in a key mining district on July 30. U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky told reporters today the rebels blocked a key road during the raping and looting spree.

The eastern Congo is known as the "rape capital of the world" where savage mobs use sexual violence to subdue the population and vie for control of the "conflict minerals" used to make cell phones and laptops around the world.

Between 200 and 400 armed men began looting and raping women in the village of Ruvungi, which lies near a key mining center, in front of their families and in their homes, The New York Times reported.

A local coordinator for the International Medical Corps, Will F. Cragin, told the Times that when the rebels arrived, they told villagers not to worry and explained they just there for "food and rest.

They lied, Cragin said.

"After dark another group came," Cragin said. "They began to systematically rape the population. Most women were raped by two to six men at a time."

Many women were dragged in the forest and gang-raped, Cragin said. Later they emerged from the forest naked.

The perpetrators have been identified as Hutu rebels from the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, or FDLR, which is made up in part of those who took part in the Rwandan genocide in 1994.

The FDLR is one of many predatory armies and militias that have been vying for political power and control of Congo's vast mineral reserves – including gold, cassiterite and coltan -- since the late 1990s.

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Cops: Cabbie Stabbed After Fare Asked, 'Are You Muslim?'??


Authorities say a New York City cab driver is recovering after being brutally stabbed by a passenger who first demanded, "Are you Muslim?"

The attacks occurred as New York is in the midst of a contentious debate over plans to build an Islamic community center and mosque a few blocks from the site of the former World Trade Center.

Police said Ahmed Sharif, 43, of the borough of Queens was driving his taxi on Manhattan's East Side Monday night when he was hailed by a pedestrian on the street.

Roughly one block from his destination, the passenger, identified as 21-year-old Michael Enright, of Brewster in upstate New York, allegedly asked Sharif, "Are you Muslim?" When Sharif said yes, Enright pulled out a knife and slashed Sharif in the neck, face and shoulders, police said.

Despite his injuries, Sharif was able to lock the attacker in the back of the cab and call for help. The suspect managed to get out of the vehicle, but police quickly located him and took him into custody.

Sharif was treated at a local hospital and released.

"I have been here more than 25 years," he said, according to a statement released by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance (NYTWA). "I have been driving a taxi more than 15 years. All my four kids were born here. I [have] never [felt] this hopeless and insecure before."

Sharif said he believed the debate over the Islamic center, often dubbed the ground zero mosque, was making public sentiment "very serious."

"All drivers should be more careful," he said.

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Father Beats 4-Week-Old, Breaks 56 Bones, Causes Bleeding On The Brain!!!


A Savage, Minnesota man is in police custody after authorities say he committed the “most severe case of child abuse they've ever seen”, breaking 56 bones in his 4-week-old daughter's body and causing bleeding on her brain.

22-year-old Thomas Edward Ampe was arrested for beating his young daughter after authorities were called to a local hospital where the child was being treated for a fractured rib and bruises.

When police arrived on the scene, X-rays showed 56 fractures in the infant's arms, legs, ribs and knees while an MRI showed bleeding and bruising on the brain in three areas.

Police say Ampe admitted to occasionally “shaking” the child who has Down syndrome when he became bothered by her constant crying.

Ampe also allegedly admitted to shoving a bottle in the baby's mouth so hard that it separated her upper lip from the gum, causing it to bleed.

Police say the father also told them he would often grab the infant by the wrists, flip her over and hit her on top of the head with an open hand.
Additionally, authorities say he would often drop her on her back from as high as 1 foot above the baby bed.

Savage Police Capt. Dave Muelken summarized the case saying,

“In my 33 years [as a police officer] this is the most severe case of child abuse I have ever seen.”

Ampe was released from jail August 19 after posting $50,000 bail.

If convicted on the assault charges, he faces a maximum of 20 years behind bars and a $30,000 fine.

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“Old Spice Guy” Ad Wins an Emmy!!!


Ad agency Wieden + Kennedy’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” TV spot for Old Spice has won the Emmy for Outstanding Commercial.

The spot starred former NFL wide receiver Isaiah Mustafa as the Old Spice Guy, a character now well-known in pop culture thanks to the TV ads and a highly successful social media campaign.

The Old Spice Guy solicited questions from fans on Twitter(), Yahoo Answers and other websites, then answered them in short, humorous YouTube() videos. Total upload views for the Old Spice YouTube videos (including both the TV and the social media campaigns) currently stand at almost 135 million. “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” has more than 18 million.

Mustafa joked in one of the final videos that he was a struggling actor, but the ads seem to have stripped away the “struggling” bit. He’s been signed to two movie roles, and will also appear in the NBC TV series Chuck.

Though Mustafa’s performance was a hit, the Emmy actually went to the creative minds behind the ad campaign, Wieden + Kennedy’s Portland office. The team won an Emmy last year for the Coca-Cola Super Bowl spot “Heist.”

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Topless March rails in a few Boob Haters!!!n


Across the country yesterday, there were a whole lot of naked breasts jiggling around. Sad you missed it? Yup, we figured you’d be.

Go Topless held its annual rallies across the nation to protest the double standard between men and women going topless. Sounds like a worthy cause to us! Depending on what state the ladies lived in determined whether or not they could go completely naked up top for the protest. Luckily for New York spectators, they could. But not everyone happily embraced some Mid-Town nudity. Some called the entire thing a “lewd spectacle.” Damn those people with wholesome family values!

Nadine Gary, the LA march organizer, said:

“Some states, like New York, are supposedly ‘top-free,’ but in 2005 Phoenix Feeley was arrested for going topless. She later won $29,000 for wrongful arrest. If we are not allowed, men must be forced to hide their chests on the basis of gender equality.”

Eh, valid argument, but I think there are two prominent masses of awesome that tend to get in the way there.

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85 yearl old Granpa tries to smuggle Pot in Jail for Grandson!!!


Richard Heritz may possibly be the coolest grandfather ever. Though he would be a whole lot cooler had he not gotten caught smuggling pot to his locked up grandson. Find out more after the jump.

After visiting the Warren Correction Institution in southwestern Ohio, 85-year-old Richard Heritz was arrested for trying to smuggle in about 20 pounds of pot for his grandson Gregory, who was serving time for burglary. According to officials this marijuana toting octogenarian could face up to seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine if found guilty.

Aww come on guys, you have to cut this guy some slack. The fact that a man who is 80-plus years old would be able to a) score that much pot, b) think of a creative way to smuggle it in and c) have the huevos to see it through definitely earns him a little leniency don’t you think?

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Ice Cream Vendors Brawl On The Streets Of Manhattan (Video)


Who knew dishing out some creamy, yummy goodness could be so dangerous? Find out why two ice cream vendors threwdown in Mid-Town Manhattan after the jump.

In a battle reminiscent of a West Side Story-esque turf war, two feuding ice cream truck drivers started wailing on each other after a heated argument escalated to fist flying. A Mr. Softee truck waged war against a lesser known ice creamer when it would not take their scooping elsewhere. The rest is history

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Nerd sues video game company for getting addicted to nerd game!!!


Video games can be pretty addicting. Now, a judge will decide if one video game maker should pay. A man in Hawaii is suing because he says he’s suffering from video game withdrawal. Craig Smallwood claims he became “psychologically dependent and addicted” to the video game “Lineage II” published by game-maker “NCsoft.” So far, the court has dismissed several of Smallwood’s claims, but they allowed him to keep his “gross negligence” claim, which says the company was negligent in providing this software to the public when they knew of the potential dangers of addiction or dependence. Smallwood says that he played “Lineage II” for over 20,000 between 2004 and 2009. That averages out to nine hours a day.

Man if only they had lawsuits back in the day when Madden ‘96 dropped for Super Nintendo I’d be a millionaire by now. Like I don’t even know how many hours I spent on those mini-games for the Create A Player mode trying to get K.MARKO to 100% ability. Probably a billion. At least a million trying to do that impossible 40 yard dash where you basically just mash ABABAB together until your thumbs bleed. Shit was so simple back then too. You click on a team and it would say “The Giants possess a solid defense.” “The Chargers possess a gutsy offense.” “The 49ers are the best team in the NFL.” Ok sweet I’ll be the Niners. These days you can’t start the game until you give your offensive tackle a 3 year contract extension with player incentives and negotiate hot dog rates at the concessions. Just way too realistic. No wonder this guy Craig Smallwood is so pissed. Probably finally beat his RPG nerd game at hour 20,000 and all the monsters and zombies climbed out of the screen and punched him in the cock.

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Men’s Fashion Flash: Trey Songz in T by Alexander Wang Ponte Bomber Jacket!!!


Upscale Hype reports that Trey Songz wore a $175 T by Alexander Wang Ponte Bomber Jacket for his most recent appearance on 106 & Park:

The cool and casual bomber-style layer has a sporty split mockneck and is perfect for back to school. Get it in midnight blue or black here or check your local Saks Fifth Avenue stores for Trey’s camel color.
What do you think of the jacket?

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Lonely and have no friends??? Now you can rent one!!!


Need a friend? Now you can rent one. offers someone to hangout with for the shy, busy or lonely. Jennifer Morrison is one of those rent-a-friends. She says there's no funny business between clients and friends. Morrison is a working mom in Las Vegas. She says she has her husband's blessing to register with the service. Morrison says her clients have included a bored grandmother who wanted to go to a movie, a stay-at-home mom who wanted to do scrapbooking, and a shy computer programmer wanting to visit the Pinball Hall of Fame. Friend rentals typically cost 20-50 bucks an hour, but can range up to $150.

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New Alcoholic Beverage; Baby Mouse Wine!!!


What would be the most disgusting substance you could imagine flavouring your wine with? Well, I'm sure baby mice would not come too far off? Baby mice wine is a traditional Chinese health drink, which is brewed by drowning alive baby mice, maximum three days old, in rice moonshine and letting them to ferment in the bottle for about a year. According to local Chinese belief, mouse wine is a cure to just about any illness imaginable, including asthma and liver problems among others.

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3-Year-Old Saves Dad by Walking to Fire Station for Help!!!


(Aug. 23) -- When her father collapsed in their living room, 3-year-old Alesaundra Tafoya knew what to do. The Manteca, Calif., toddler walked two blocks to the fire station, where she told firefighters her father was "frozen" and needed help.

"I've been here over 20 years, it's the first time I've had a 3-year-old walk up to the fire station," Manteca Fire Department Capt. Robert Villalovoz told CBS 13. "She walked us down to her house and there her dad was, sitting in the living room, needing medical care."

According to the Manteca Bulletin, Alesaundra made it as far as the parking lot behind the fire department when members of an Alcoholics Anonymous support group meeting next door noticed that the toddler looked confused and helped her make it the rest of the way into the fire station.

Alesaundra may have saved her dad's life. Her father, Frank Tafoya, says he accidentally overdosed on prescription medication. "Took a mixture of medication I wasn't supposed to at the time, a bedtime dose, and I guess I collapsed," he said.
Her parents said they'd been pointing out the fire station as a place to go to get help in case of an emergency.

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Ex-Marine Guilty of Murdering Pregnant Colleague!!!


GOLDSBORO, N.C. (Aug. 23) - A jury on Monday convicted a former Marine of first-degree murder in the death of a pregnant colleague who had accused him of rape, a charge that stalled the military career he treasured.

Cesar Laurean, 23, of Las Vegas, was found guilty of killing Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach, 20, of Vandalia, Ohio,. The two were assigned to the same logistics unit at Camp Lejeune, the base in Jacksonville that is home to about 50,000 Marines.

The former Marine was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The victim's mother, Mary Lauterbach, read a statement before the judge imposed the sentence. She told Laurean to look at his mother and see the pain in her face.

"I feel so sorry for your daughter. She will have to live with the shame that her father is in prison for murdering not one but two people," Mary Lauterbach said.

Defense lawyer Dick McNeil told the court Laurean would appeal. The judge ordered the state's appellate defender's office to represent Laurean's appeal. Laurean also faced three other charges of robbing Lauterbach of her bank ATM card, and of theft and attempted fraud for allegedly trying to use it to withdraw cash. He was found not guilty of the robbery charge, but Laurean was convicted on the fraud and theft charges.

The jury of seven women and five men deliberated for three hours since Monday before convicting Laurean. Laurean was eventually cleared of the rape accusation, and a Marine buddy testified Laurean told him the sex was consensual.

Prosecutors had argued Laurean wanted to get rid of the woman because their encounter threatened to destroy his military career. Even if the sex was consensual, Laurean could have been punished because it is against Marine Corps rules to have sex with a subordinate.

McNeil had argued prosecutors failed to prove Laurean swung the crowbar that fractured Lauterbach's skull. He said Laurean's wife, also a Marine, could have exploded when Lauterbach appeared at the couple's home on the day she disappeared. Authorities described Christina Laurean as a cooperating witness and have not charged her with any crime.

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Meet the Swamp Peope who eat Alligator Meat!!!


Alligator meat, a healthy alternative to beef and chicken, can be grilled or fried like any other meat. This white meat is low in fat and high in protein.

The History Channel's 'Swamp People' follows swampers in Louisiana as they seek prey during the short alligator hunting season.

Among the stars are several family teams that work together to trap alligators, including a 13-foot beast, and tame the wild Louisiana swampland.

'Swamp People' premiered last night and people are already looking for more information on the cast and creatures.

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15 year Old Set on Fire by friends for owing $40 in video games!!!


The 15-year-old who was literally set on fire by bullying "friends" is ready to start over at a new high school. 'Good Morning America' anchor Juju Chang follows the story of Michael's courageous recovery. "Claiming that he owned $40 for a video game, one doused him with rubbing alcohol, another had a lighter," Chang reports, "Michael ran frantic to a swimming pool and jumped in." Two-thirds of Michael's body was severely burned and doctors put the teen into a medically-induced coma for three weeks as he fought for his life.

"Then, his hardest work began; multiple surgeries for skin grafts, weeks of grueling physical therapy," Chang reports. When asked what kept him going, Michael replies, "Family and prayers." Michael also counts the music of Ozzy Osbourne part of his inspiration. "We can't forget what happened to him," Michael's mother explains, "We have got to take a stand."

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Harry Potter Condoms Don't go over so well with Warner Brothers!!!


Swiss condom makers certainly have a sense of humor or else they probably wouldn’t have gone with the wizardly sounding Harry Popper for their line of rubbers. Unfortunately, Warner Bros. didn’t think it was so funny.

Obviously adding some sexual spoof to Harry Potter, the company is now at odds with the studio giant. Warner Bros. claims that the name is a direct copy of Harry Potter and tarnishes the reputation and image of the wholesome wizard.

Well, we certainly can’t argue that, but come on guys have a sense of humor. If you let your star strip down butt naked to frolic around with horses (Equus), then I’m not thinking some latex advertising is that big of a deal.

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Drug offender forced to write a report on Weed!!!


I’m pretty sure Matthew Palazzolo wasn’t expecting on having to bang out an essay on Mary Jane after selling some pot to a police informant. But District Judge Dave Gamble has quite the sense of humor apparently.

Matthew, who works at a Sacramento law firm was picked up after selling a police informant a quarter-pound of pot for $1,060. He originally got a license to grow pot after complaining about a sore, prompting him to be issued a medical marijuana card. When he was brought before Judge Dave, he was given 90 days to write a report on how marijuana caused him to use more powerful narcotics.

Damn, I’m sure if Matthew would have known that he’d have to spend his free time banging out a pot essay, he may have been at least a little more careful about who he shared his stash with. But hey, that’s a pretty damn reasonable sentence than spending your days next to Bubba and Big Eddie in cellblock such and such.

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World Bikini Sports League Fined $25,000!!!


Come on, I think these ladies deserve a free pass on this, don’t you? Find out more about what the Bikini Sports League got in trouble for after the jump.

The Securities Division of the Washington Department of Financial Institutions clearly doesn’t like fun or half-naked, beautiful women because they have fined the World Bikini Sports league a whopping $25,000 for allegedly selling unregistered securities and misleading investors. While there is back and forth finger pointing and accusations flying, the big takeaway from this story is the fact that now the league is in jeopardy. NO!! Co-founder Patrick Reagan said:

“It’s in limbo all the way around. A lot of the players have moved out of the area … It’s hard to tell actually who’s still involved.”
Way to go Washington, with all your rules and regulations.

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Nail Salon Visit Leaves Woman Humiliated As She Is Charged An Extra $5 For Being Overweight!!


Michelle Fonville, an overweight woman who went to get a manicure, pedicure and eyebrow arch at Natural Nails in DeKalb, Georgia, was charged $5 extra because of her weight, reports

Fonville shares with the news station: "I was humiliated. I almost cried. Tears were forming in my eyes."

She realized the charges after looking over her bill. Fonville says she thought it was a mistake, until the manager told her she was charged $5 because of her weight.

Salon manager Kim Tran told reporter Eric Philips that the surcharge was due to costly repairs of broken chairs by overweight customers, reports Tran explained
"the chairs have a weight capacity of 200 pounds and cost $2,500 to fix."

Tran says she shared this message with Fonville.
"I didn't want to argue with her about $5. I wanted to make her pleased with her service," Tran said. "I whispered ... I said, 'I'm sorry, next time I cannot take you.'"

What are your thoughts?

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Robbery Fail Caught On Tape: 2 Thieves Fight W/Security Guard, Let Off Gunshots & Still Come Up Empty Handed In Attempted Weed Store Hold Up!!


A security guard in Santa Fe Springs, California is lucky to be alive today, after batting with two would be thieves.

This all went down at a AP Natural Solutions, A medical marijuana store.

Two men enter the store pretending to be customers, one pulls out a gun and makes some demands, while his partner manages to take the security guard's gun.

That's when the security guard made either a very brave, or very dumb decision when he starts scrapping with the robbers. The three go at it, until the gunmen try to get out of the room they're in, but the door is locked.

One of the robbers starts firing bullets at the door handle in an unsuccessful attempt to get it to unlock.

Finally, the security guard lets them out. Other than catching some shrapnel from the bullets that were fired, the guard didn't suffer any major injuries.

The thieves only escaped with the guard's gun and holster.

The security guard has a lot of heart, but the weed in that store isn't worth his life. Hopefully nothing like this happens to him again, but if it does he should not only give the thieves the weed and money, but also help them bag it up and live to see another day.

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WTF: Nightclub Puts A BAN On Overweight Women - "NO FAT GIRLS ALLOWED"!!


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A nightclub in Montreal, has specifically put a ban on overweight women, leaving a lot of club goers and partiers upset.

The invitation was posted last week on the Facebook page of Muzique, a posh nightclub on St. Laurent Blvd., and included the ban on "fat girls," followed by the emoticon of a winking smiley face.

Although a Montreal nightclub is distancing itself from an invitation on its Facebook page that specified "NO FAT GIRLS ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!," people familiar with the local party scene say clubs regularly, if not so overtly, discriminate based on looks all the time.

Club Owner Stefano Apostolakos:

"Everybody knows. Clubs are selective. A nightclub that wants to attract a certain kind of crowd will never openly turn people away based on weight, he said, but if people don't fit in with the club's look, a bouncer can still find some excuse to turn them away -whether it's a long wait time, an expensive bottle service fee or claiming the club is at capacity,”

The party was to celebrate the birthday of one of the club's partners on Saturday. The invitation was taken down on the weekend.

"When I saw it, I freaked out. I was livid," said one plus-size woman who received the message as a member of Muzique's Facebook group.

Speaking on condition that her name not be used, the woman said her weight has never stopped her from going out, but she won't be visiting Muzique if it discriminates against people who are overweight.

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BARBARIC!! 2 Teens Tortured And Beaten To Death By Lynch Mob As Police Officers Just Look On (VIDEOS)!!


An Attacker Relentlessly Beats On The Teens

Graphic Cell Phone Footage Inside: Warning- Very Disturbing

An investigation into the brutal killing of two brothers in Sialkot was launched on Saturday.

Head of the inquiry committee, Kazim Ali Shah, said the report will be sent to the Supreme Court in seven days. Kazim also pointed out that fleeing of the SHO will not impact the investigations into the murders.

Dead Bodies Of The Teen Victims Were Hung Up On Display

Speaking to the media, Mr Kazim said investigations into killings will be impartial and all statements will be listened to. He requested the media to assist in the investigations by presenting a positive outlook to the investigations.

Earlier, Sialkot SHO who was present during the public lynching of two brothers has been allowed to escape.

Meanwhile, Sialkot DPO Waqar Chauhan, SP Investigation and DSP city have been made OSDs for failing to stop the gruesome murders. Six people have been arrested so far.

IG Punjab Tariq Saleem Dogar ordered the action against the police officials after the Supreme Court took a suo moto notice of the incident.

An inquiry committee has been directed to present a report within two days.

Police held responsible for mob murders
The murder of two young brothers Hafiz Mueez Butt and Muneeb Butt, who were stoned to death during the week has led to the suspension of 14 policemen.

The suspended officials include SHO Saddar police station inspector Rana Illays, sub inspector (SI) Gulzar Khan, four assistant sub inspectors (ASI) and eight other officials. The police officials were charged with negligence for failing to curb the torture of the two men last Sunday (August 15).

Out of the 14 men accused of negligence, five have been arrested by the police so far. According to the FIR, Moeez and Muneeb were going to visit their relatives in village Buttar-Sialkot, when some people caught them and raised an alarm that they were dacoits.

The crowd tortured them to death with stones, bricks, wooden sticks and iron rods. Later, they hung the dead bodies to a tree and tried to set them on fire.

The grieved family have demanded stern legal action against the concerned police officials in this regard. “Our sons were completely innocent. They were walking on the road when they were attacked,” said the boys’ father Sajjad Butt, adding that he held the police responsible for the incident.

Sajjad Butt’s family lives in Sialkot City’s Hajipura locality. Muneeb was a first year student at the Government Murray College and his younger brother Muneeb Butt, 16, was a ninth class student at a local school.

A large number of locals have come forward to give evidence regarding the innocence of the deceased. The family added that their sons were killed in a row over an old cricket match dispute.

Sajjad Butt has urged the Chief Justice of the Lah*** High Court (LHC) Khawaja Muhammad Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif to ensure the early arrest of those responsible.

On Friday, following LHC chief justice’s suo motu notice of the incident, P***stan Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary also took suo moto notice of the brutal killings. The LHC chief justice adjourned the hearing of the case for two weeks, since the Supreme Court of P***stan is also hearing the case now.

Meanwhile, District ameer Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Sialkot Hafiz Tahir Aslam , ameer JI Sialkot City Shamasul Arifeen, former MPA Arshad Mehmood Baggu advocate affirmed that the young men were completely innocent and were merely walking along the road to get back home when they were attacked.

The Sialkot Saddar police is facing strong public criticism after the brutal killings. The District Police Officer (DPO) Waqar Ahmad Chohan after suspending the accused officials has now ordered a strict departmental probe against them. “No one will be let off. We are looking at the records of everyone in the station and will suspend everyone involved,” he said. The DPO warned that those charged with negligence would be brought to task.

Meanwhile, the Sialkot Saddar police have also registered a case against 17 accused people for torturing and killing the brothers.

The FIR has been lodged by Zarar Butt, uncle of the deceased youths. Cases have been registered against 17 men including Ali, Ameen, Aamir, Qaisar, Nasir, Jamil, Shaukat, Dilawar, Akbar and Hassan. Police have also claimed to arrest many of the accused.

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Move over Mexican drug lords! In Canada they guard their weed with BEARS!!!


CALGARY -- Smokey the bear has been guarding more than old-growth forests.

Mounties in B.C. were stunned to discover a platoon of bruins standing sentinel at a huge garden of marijuana plants in sight of southeastern B.C.'s Christina Lake.

After acting on a tip about an outdoor marijuana grow-op, RCMP officers descended on the remote site about 700 km southwest of Calgary only to be greeted by as many as 14 black bears that Nelson RCMP Sgt. Fred Mansveld is convinced were there to ward off pot bandits.

"They wanted to intimidate people -- we do experience rip-offs around there," said an astonished Mansveld.

"In 30 years working in these mountains, I've seen a lot of bears but I've never seen that. ... There were big bears, little bears, groups of bears.

"It just goes to show you what length people will go in this business to secure their operation."

The bruins were extremely friendly and accustomed to surroundings made more comfortable by a steady diet of dog food.

"The bears weren't aggressive to the police officers who worked very close to them," he said.

One of the animals even climbed atop an RCMP cruiser to get a better view of the pot bust, said Mansveld.

About 1,000 to 1,200 pot plants were growing in the field.

The Mountie didn't rule out the possibility that the bears were fed marijuana.

"Maybe they mixed some pot into the food -- it's possible it's why they were so laid back ... they were just lollygagging around," he said, adding the bears had made friends with a raccoon and pot bellied pig also found on the property.

But Mansveld said the plight of the bears is no laughing matter, given their habituation to being fed by humans.

The animals are in the custody of B.C. conservation officials who'll now decide what to do with them.

"The ultimate fate of these bears is that they might have to be destroyed," he said.

"If you're really an animal lover, you don't kill the animal with kindness."

Police say it appears the bears have been a fixture at the wooded farm for some time.

It's an extreme example, said Mansveld, of a underground industry with deep, widespread roots in the area.

"It doesn't do the area any good -- we want to be on the map for the lake, hiking, golfing and fishing," he said.

A man and woman present when police arrived are facing charges related to marijuana cultivation.

There's no word if they'll also be facing animal abuse charges.

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Man Arrested for Putting Semen in Co-Worker's Water Bottle (video)!!


SANTA ANA -- An Orange County man was arrested Tuesday morning, accused of ejaculating into his female co-worker's water bottle on two separate occasions.

Michael Kevin Lallana, 31, of Fullerton, is charged with two misdemeanor counts each of releasing an offensive material in a public place and assault, with sentencing allegations for committing a crime for sexual gratification.

If convicted, he faces three months to three years in jail with mandatory sex offender registration.

Lallana was released on $500 bail and is set to be arraigned September 14, 2010 in Santa Ana.

The incident happened on January 14, 2010, at the Northwestern Mutual Mortgage Company in Newport Beach, according to the Orange County District Attorney's office.

Investigators say Lallana entered the victim's office and deposited his semen into a water bottle that was on his co-worker's desk.

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Holy Shit : Doctor freezes man's skull, saves his life!!!


A UTAH man had a 90 to 95 percent chance of dying after shattering his skull in more than 10 places until a neurosurgeon removed both sides of his head and froze it.

Kyle Johnson’s brain swelled uncontrollably after he fell off a longboard - essentially a surfboard on wheels - while travelling about 60km/h.

Dr Blake Welling of McKay-Dee Hospital in Utah decided to perform the risky surgery.

“We elected to take Kyle to surgery and remove each side of his head,” Dr Welling told

“It’s called a bilateral decompressive craniectomy. It’s something that neurosurgeons do as a last ditch effort.

“Most neurosurgeons do a decompressive craniectomy on one side of the head, where the trauma was.

“In this case, Kyle had such a global brain injury that we needed to take both sides of his head off, and you just leave a small strip of bone right down the middle.”

Dr Welling and his team removed Mr Johnson’s fractured skull, put it back together with micro-screws and plates, and then put it in a freezer to prevent the bone from becoming brittle.

Mr Johnson was placed in a drug-induced coma for about three weeks while doctors monitored his brain swelling. After the swelling went down, Dr Welling put the bone flaps back into place, and it took Mr Johnson about another week to wake up.

“I wasn’t quite sure what we were going to be left with,” Dr Welling said.

“When people have injuries like this I thought he may have a significant disability in terms of having to talk and walk again and learning his cognitive function. But low and behold, Kyle woke up and his lights gradually went back on.”

Dr Welling said by all purposes, Mr Johnson should have died.

“He had a very high mortality rate,” he said.

“I told him sometimes we’re left with really terrible results, but in your case you have a guardian angel, you have something to live for."

Although Mr Johnson did not require any real physical therapy, he is currently undergoing cognitive therapy to help with memory loss and things like multi-tasking.

“It’s something that I do not have the ability to do right now,” he said.

“If you put two color crayons in front of me, say blue and green, I really cannot think of both crayons. I can only think of one at a time and even that is a struggle. So, for therapy, we’ve been doing more mind exercises if you will.”

Now, almost 10 weeks after the accident, Mr Johnson is looking forward to the future, but he is not sure if he will ever get back on his longboard.

"It's kind of an eerie type of feeling - so I don't know if I will ever get back to longboarding - but snowboarding for sure," he said.

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Pregnant Woman Forced to Move Her Baby's Delivery Up Because She Was Fired and Losing Her Health Insurance.!!


A pregnant teacher lost her job, and her insurance was about to go with it.

So she did what any woman terrified she'd be stuck with thousands of dollars in medical bills just as she pushed the most expensive thing she'd ever create into the world would do.

She moved up her delivery.

If this isn't a case for national health care, can you please tell me what the temperature is above Whoville this week you grinch?

Rhonda Hartwell was fired, according to the American Federation of Teachers, because she helpedorganize a union at the charter school where she taught.

She was eight months pregnant at the time, and the loss of the job meant loss of her health insurance too. So she moved up an already scheduled delivery to beat the cut-off date.

Hartwell hasn't returned The Stir's requests for more information on the situation, but we can't help being horrified.

It sounds like Hartwell was desperate. For patients not covered by health insurance, Costhelperestimates the typical cost of a vaginal delivery without complications ranges from about $9,000 to $17,000 or more, depending on geographic location and whether there is a discount for uninsured patients. The typical cost for a c-section without complications or a vaginal delivery with complications ranges from about $14,000 to $25,000 or more.

But the risks of delivering early just to save money are immeasurable.

Babies electively delivered before 40 weeks have proven to have an increased risk of respiratory problems, even if the pregnancy itself was low risk.

Infants born within just three days of the 39-week mark have a higher morbidity, and there is a two- to four-fold increase in the risks of everything from sepsis to lengthy hospitalization.

Has health insurance been the guiding factor in your health care decisions?

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A man and woman have been stoned to death in northern Afghanistan after being accused by the Taliban of having an affair!!


The 23-year-old woman and 28-year-old man were killed because "they had an affair," said Mohammad Ayob, the governor of Imam Sahib district in Kunduz province.
"Two people were stoned to death by Taliban in Mullah Quli village late yesterday," he said. The village is under the control of the Taliban.

Mullah Quli resident Abdul Satar said about 100 people, most of them Taliban insurgents, gathered in the village on Sunday evening as a statement was read out saying the pair had confessed to their affair. He said the man was married to someone else, and the woman was engaged. "The Taliban convicted both to stoning to death, some from the crowd started throwing stones at the couple until they died," Mr Satar said. The couple had their hands bound behind their backs and were forced to stand in an empty field as their sentence was carried out, he said. A local Taliban commander, who contacted media but refused to give his name, confirmed the killings.

"The couple confessed they had eloped together and based on their confession they were stoned to death," he said.

Under Islamic Sharia law, sex between unmarried people is punishable by public beatings, while punishment for those caught in extra-marital affairs is death by stoning.

Earlier this month, the Taliban publicly flogged and then killed a pregnant widow for alleged "adultery" in western Badghis province. The killings are a grim reminder of the Taliban's harsh 1996-2001 rule, when apparent crimes were brutally punished after summary trials. As well as lashings and death by stoning for alleged adulterers, people accused of theft regularly had their hands or feet amputated. In regions that have come under Taliban control as the war drags towards the end of its ninth year, rough justice is meted out in the same manner, and includes execution of people accused of "spying" for foreign forces.

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