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Pentathletes Will Fire Laser Guns During 2012 Olympics in London!!!


While FIFA will probably never embrace technology in the World Cup, some sporting events are warming up to its potential benefits. According to the BBC News, athletes competing in the pentathlon at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London will shoot laser guns rather than the traditional air pistols used in past games. The switch reduces cost, for one, since laser guns won't use ammunition or air cartridges when fired. It will also make the sport safer, and, in turn, open it up to new venues, both indoors and out. The laser gun technology debuted in June at the World Cup pentathlon final in Moscow. After another successful trial at the inaugural Youth Olympics, Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) president Klaus Schormann gave the technology the green light for the 2012 games in England.

With the Olympics embracing the 'pew pew'-nature of lasers, more outdated sporting events (ahem, World Cup) won't be able to ignore how technology is making the pentathlon both safer and cheaper.

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