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MoonShine Crew: Inmates Caught Trying To Make Homemade Alcohol In Jail!!!


They wanted to be rockin' at this jailhouse.

Deputies said six enterprising inmates at the Osceola County Jail brewed homemade alcohol using fruit they hoarded and fermented within their cell walls, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

A corrections officer noticed an 18-inch section of chain-link fence used to separate the shower areas was missing. So officers began checking inmate cells inside the area where they noticed the missing fence.

That's when the officers found the homemade booze — or "hooch" or "buck," as it is also known.

A toilet paper holder inside Cell 108 was "loose and had been previously removed from the wall," a sheriff's report shows. A large void behind the toilet paper holder led to an adjoining cell.

Inside the space, jail officials located a T-shaped pipe, several cigarette lighters and "a large plastic bag containing ‘buck'."

Sheriff's spokeswoman Twis Lizasuain said, "the inmates denied having the contraband."

The party was over.

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