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!!!Top 5 worst athletes from whom to ask financial advice!!!


Since people always expect things to be in order, lets do this:

(5) Bjorn Borg: is a famous tennis player in the 1980's whom had won a few championships back in his days.Borg’s company, Bjorn Borg Design Group, filed for bankruptcy in 1989 and Bjorn was forced to sell his house to pay off his debt.He almost sold his most prized possessions which are his championship trophies along with the rackets he won with. I just don't understand the whole logic behind his decision makings; it musta really being hard out there for a pimp!

(4) O.J. Simpson: In 2007, the state of California released their Delinquent Taxpayers list. According to the record, Simpson owed $1,435,484.17 in personal income past due taxes, and a tax lien was filed in his case in 1999. I don't blame O.J. for his financial troubles, i mean the guy was acquitted of murder but found guilty of wrongful deaths in civil court which took money out of his pockets; i guess the book that he wrote If I Did It didn't live up to the financial freedom that he was expecting but instead brought more baggages as he was arrested in 2007 for a robbery that occurred in Las Vegas and was charged with,robbery with a deadly weapon, burglary with a firearm and assault with a deadly weapon; sentenced to at least nine years in prison but as many as 33 years for his own iish that people stole and he was trying to get it back.

(3) Michael Vick: At one point in time, Michael Vick was the highest paid athlete worth over $130 million dollars but the saying that more money more problems couldn't have suited anybody else but Vick. In 2006, Sports Illustrated estimated that Vick made $25.4 million. Now, he owes well over $10 million to a variety of different companies. How did Vick go from being one of the highest paid athletes to owing millions? First off all spending well over $300,000 a month to support friends and family didnt help along with investing in bad companies that stole his money. His finances were such a mess that the bankruptcy judge appointed a trustee to help him out. In an effort to pay down his debt, Vick will be selling three of his six homes. Question; why and what do you need six homes for? This goes to show that no matter how much money you've got, you still need to know you abc's and simple mathematics to not be taken advantage off because his friends and family surely were being pampered by him.

(2)Latrell Sprewell: In August of 2007, a federal marshal seized Latrell Sprewell’s $1.5 million yacht after Sprewell had failed to pay his mortgage on the boat. He also lost his house, and now the state of Wisconsin has filed a lawsuit for unpaid taxes. This all, of course, comes after Sprewell turned down a three-year, $21-million contract, saying, “I have a family to feed.” I don't know how you can't feed your family with that amount of money but hey they say greediness is like Karma and Sprewell his feeling that right now.

(1)Mike Tyson: He might be the most well-known fighter of his generation, but if there was one thing Tyson was better at than boxing, it was spending money. In 2003, he filed for bankruptcy after his debt reached over $27 million, about half of which was to the IRS. What was he spending all his money on? For starters, two Bengal tigers for $140,000, for which he also had to pay a trainer $125,000 a year. There was also the $4.5 million he spent on cars, and perhaps the most insane purchase of all, a bathtub for his first wife, Robin Givens, at a cost of $2 million.I aint saying she's a gold digger but she definetly wasnt messing with a broke nuckka.And so there you have it, these are the top five, add your own or make suggestions!


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