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!First Swine Flu Death in U.S.!


WASHINGTON – Virulent swine flu spread to 10 U.S. states from coast to coast Wednesday and swept deeper into Europe, extending its global reach as President Barack Obama mourned the first U.S. death, a Mexican toddler who had traveled with his family to Texas. Total American cases surged to nearly 100, and Obama said wider school closings might be necessary. Obama said he wanted to extend "my thoughts and prayers" to the family of a nearly two-year-old Mexican boy who died in Houston, the first confirmed U.S. fatality among more than five dozen infections. Health officials in Texas said the child had traveled with his family from Mexico, to Brownsville on April 4 and was brought to Houston after becoming ill. He died Monday night. It's spreading so be careful people.

*Owner upset about Vick stunt*


ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)—The owner of a minor league football team that offered Michael Vick a contract told a newspaper he didn’t know about the publicity stunt and would not have approved it. “I’m a dog lover and I don’t want anything to do with (Vick),” Albany Firebirds owner Walter Robb told The Times Union for a story posted on its Web site Tuesday night. Earlier in the day, the team an arenafootball2 franchise, announced it had offered the 28-year-old quarterback a one-year contract at the league standard: $200 a week plus a $50 bonus for a win. “That’s a joke,” Robb said. “Can you imagine him playing for $200 a week? I think (the offer) was a big mistake.” The announcement was later pulled from the team’s Web site. Firebirds general manager Garen Szablewski told The Times Union the team’s marketing department came up with the idea to make an offer to Vick. “The process wasn’t thought through properly,” Szablewski said. “The right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing.” Vick played for the Atlanta Falcons for six seasons before being convicted of bankrolling an interstate dog fighting business. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has not said if he will lift Vick’s suspension after he completes a 23-month prison sentence. Vick goes from federal prison to home confinement next month. The Firebirds’ contract offer also required Vick donate $100,000 to a local humane society. A call to Vick’s agent when the announcement of an offer was made was not immediately returned.

"5'7 verses 7'6"


How did a 5'7 robinson smack Yao the tree climbin' builidin down you ask?? Simply watch the video and Yao ming playing it off as if he got hit in the but thats the only way he can hide that embarrasement so good acting Yao.

@Definition of Fresh@


This is the Vandal High Premium white from the Nike Heavy Metal Pack. The sneaker features a number of studs and comes with a grey/silver outersole. It defintely stands out! Pretty cool approach for something new and unique from Nike! Cool!

!!Diddy Searches for Faces of the Future!!


Diddy’s fashion line Sean John is searching for fresh faces to star in its upcoming Fall/Winter 2009 campaign. If you’re a smoking hot girl or guy and at least 18 years old, you can log on to to upload your info plus a pic. If not then you can also go to the website to view and rate some of your favorites. Remmeber to tell a friend to tell another friend and let the saga continues because you never know, that contract will put plenty of dead presidentts in your wallet!

!!Mark Sanchez goes to the Jets!!


Mark sanchez has that Joe Namath quality about him and for that the jets drafted him and are going to the playoff's next year. The amount of money these athletes are making is ridiculous; sometinmes you just can't blame the ho-romones and gold diggers!

!!New Prada Phone!!


LG have announced the launch of their next phone which will be named the Prada II. This new version of the Prada features a slide out QWERTY keyboard allowing for easier input rather then using an on-screen touch based keyboard. The camera on the phone will be 5 mega pixels which comes with a Schneider-Kreuknach lens. Connectivity is the standard Wi-Fi, 3G (up to 7.2Mbps) HSDPA and the Prada also features TV-Out and an FM radio. Unfortunately it will cost just over $800 if purchased without a contract, but no doubt it will drop significantly should you sign away your life for 12 - 24 months.

@Lakers and Cavs On Collision Course to the Finals@


So the Cavs swept the Pistons in King James fashion and now awaiting their next opponet. The Lakers on the other hand beat the Jazz and now are awating their next opponet. This is the mathup that everybody wants to see in the NBA finals with these two being the lead candidate for the MVP. The business side for the NBA if these two teams make it will be enormous. I still have all my money on the Cavs simply because Lebron James is like the human big foot that was never found; just a beast!

!!From Riches to Insanity!!


Former NBA star Jayson Williams, who played for the New Jersey Nets, has been hospitalized after holing up in a New York City hotel and trashing his room. Hotel officials described Williams as "suicidal" and called the police to intervene. When police responded to the call Williams refused to leave his room and turned violent, resulting in the police using a taser on Williams.
Williams gained notoriety after being charged with reckless manslaughter in the shooting death of his chauffeur in 2002.

This video showcases Mr. Williams in his prime

Alert!!! Attention!!! Swine Flu just took over 160 Lives!!!


8.42pm: US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said travel warnings to Mexico will continue until the flu abates, and nixed talk of closing America's southern border.
"People could be coming in now, under passive surveillance, who actually have the flu," she warned.

7.02pm: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg today said that health officials believe more than 100 people at the St Francis Preparatory School had been sickened, with 28 cases confirmed.

6.48pm: Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said authorities have confirmed two cases of swine flu in Scotland, the first confirmed cases in Britain.

6.25pm: Besser said businesses, schools, parents and religious institutions should formulate plans in case a worker, student or parishioner takes ill.

5.45pm: Mexican health and education officials just announced they are shutting all schools in the country until Wednesday May 6. Officials said they are now investigating 149 possible deaths from the swine flu, and warned more cases are likely to surface.

Mexican Health secretary José Ángel Córdova said at a news conference that 1,995 people have turned up at hospitals with suspected swine flu symptoms, with about 53% of those, or 1,070, discharged.
"This is the high point of this epidemic, and the number of cases will likely increase," Córdova said, according to a CNN translation.

!!!The Most Hated Man in Bodybuilding!!!


To normal, untrained people, those who choose to lift weights to get bigger are considered freaks. Why, they say, would anyone put themselves through all that just to get bigger biceps and more defined abs? Are they obsessed? Do they suffer from low self-esteem? To the people who lift weights recreationally, professional bodybuilders are the real freaks. Why do they risk their health to look like that when most people think they look disgusting anyway? Do they have psychological "issues?" Body Dysmorphic Disorder? Small penises? But who is it that the professional bodybuilders call a freak? Who is the freak's freak? Answer: Greg Valentino. If you don't know Mr. Valentino, check out this nasty video below.

"Obsessed" with Beyonce thriller


"Obsessed," a new " Fatal Attraction "-style thriller starring R&B singer Beyonce Knowles , easily took the crown at the weekend box office in North America , selling an estimated $28.5 million worth of tickets, its distributor said on Sunday. The movie cost about $20 million to make, and industry observers were forecasting an opening in the mid-teen millions, said Screen Gems , the low-budget division of Sony Corp's Columbia Pictures . Knowles, the former Destiny's Child frontwoman who recently played blueswoman Etta James in "Cadillac Records," stars in "Obsessed" as a woman who fights to save her marriage when a pretty office temp ( Ali Larter ) falls hard for her husband ( Idris Elba ). I'm pretty suprise at this because Beyonce certainly can't act and i know the ladies go nuts for Idris Elba; moreover catfights in a movie with a black women against a white woman, there goes your answer!!

!!!7 Great Side Jobs for Extra Cash!!!


Strapped for cash? Many people are in these trying times. With growing unemployment, salary cuts, and the rising cost of living, plenty of Americans are seeking additional avenues to increase cash flow. Check out these seven hot side jobs that can be done around your 9-to-5 and with skills you may already have.

1. Dog Walker. Even in a recession people don't skimp on their furry loved ones. Therefore, being a dog walker can be an easy sell, especially for other people who need to work two jobs to make ends meet. The double bonus here is you can get great exercise while racking up extra bucks. You can also walk dogs before or after your full-time job. Dog walker median salary per hour:
2. Handyman. No matter where the economy stands, things still break that must be fixed. When you are good at fixing things, word travels fast. It's possible to make a small mint fixing cars, installing water heaters, and doing home electrical and plumbing jobs. Consider how much a full-time car mechanic or a plumber charges. Even if you discount your rate, the pay is still good, and customers feel like they got a deal. From painting to fence-building, there are plenty of household jobs many people can't do or simply don't want to. Handyman median salary per hour: $17.33.
3. Medical Transcription. Are you a fast typist with excellent grammar and a medical background? If so, medical transcription may be for you. This job often calls for at least one year's experience in a hospital or clinical setting; some ads require transcription experience. Tools you will need for this job likely include high-speed Internet and Microsoft 2000 software. You should also be prepared to take a skills test. Medical transcriptionist median salary per hour: $13.78.
4. Wills/Medical Power of Attorney. While planning for the inevitable can be upsetting, it provides a way for attorneys to make extra side income. Lawyers can get up to speed on formulating simple wills and living trusts without too much effort. Completing these documents is something most people agree is essential but have not checked off their 'to-do' list. Talk to friends, church members, and neighbors to generate clients. Potential clients are likely working or have other commitments just like you. Therefore, being available outside of business hours makes meeting up more convenient for everyone involved. Attorney median salary per hour: $55.66.
5. Income Tax Preparer. Preparing income taxes is one of the most dreaded have-tos among Americans. There are plenty of people who would be glad to pass off their tax preparations to someone else if for no other reason than the fear of being audited. Donald Cheatham, owner of DC Tax Group, turned his side job into a small side business. He chose this off-hours gig because of the high demand and he enjoys accounting and the extra money.
"I work 50 to 60 hours a week on my main job [as an accountant] and another 25 to 35 hours a week for my part-time job during tax season. So it gets a little hard at times and usually sleep is the one thing that I don't get during tax season, but it is well worth it," says Cheatham, who started up in 1995 in Chicago. While it helps your credibility if you are a certified public accountant, this certification is not required. The median salary for an accountant per hour: $18.19; CPA median salary per hour: $26.25.
6. Teach a Hobby. Whether it is dance, tennis, golf, computer skills, or music, teaching someone how to do something you are good at and love makes working a second job less like, well ? work. You can find teacher job ads at recreational centers in your neighborhood or advertise your expertise online and in local publications. Dance instructor median salary per hour: $18.58; Music teacher median salary per hour: $21.28.
7. Babysitter. This job is convenient, especially if you have kids. After all, you can make money with them right nearby. Offer to watch your friends' and neighbors' kids so they can take a breather, and they will love you for it. Another option is to help people who work nights. Finding a 24-hour daycare service is difficult, to say the least. Caring for several kids on the same night can compound your earnings and get you extra cash more quickly. Babysitter median salary per hour: $9.00.

!!!!Random(Ness) Mugshots!!!



Women are leaving men for other women!!!!!


Is Lesbians taken over the world, the coolest words that a girl can say and be admired for it is to be a Lesbian. Women being with other women is nothing new, it has been around for decades. But what was considered a taboo back then is the new craven now. This New craven is merely a scream for attention. The young and the old who wants a little public attention will scream the "L" word which always catch our perverted ears. There are SOME real lesbians out there like Ellen, who we all know is 120 percent gay, she don't front her gayness or should i say lesbianism in front the media and the whole world because that's her lifestyle. This separate her from the attention seekers. Some of the attention seekers are Actress Lindsay Lohan and DJ Samantha Ronson flaunted their relationship from New York to Dubai, Lady Gaga claim her name is on the "L" list. Katy Perry's song "I Kissed a Girl" topped the charts. This song has brought out the inner Lesbian out of every women. it used to be every mans dream to see two females kissing but now is so common is even disgusting sometimes. "The L Word," "Work Out," "A Shot At Love," and "Top Chef" are featuring gay women on TV, and there's even talk of a lesbian reality show in the works. to prove my point, in this day and age "Lesbian" is like being the toughest gangster in your town, it brings you respect lol i guess or helps female celebrities sell whatever they have goin on..

This broad left her husband of 15 yrs, to be with the bimbo in Black.

!!!!!Shocked.... WHY Beyonce's Dad is Mad at her!!!


TMZ posted the clip and commented on Beyonce’s “raw, unedited” singing without mentioning it was a joke and Mr. Knowles was not happy. He wrote to the Web site:

“If no one took the time to listen to Beyonce sing ‘America the Beautiful’ and ‘At Last’ at the Neighborhood Ball for the first dance of President Obama and the First Lady, and they question Beyonce’s vocal ability, they’ve gotta be an idiot."

“At 12 years into her career, the last thing someone should be questioning is her vocal ability. That would be like questioning if Kobe Bryant could shoot a jump shot. The vocals were obviously altered.”

I know i sound way better in the shower and am not even a performer. Beyonce is not no exception it happens to the best of the best like Ashely Simpson and her sister Jessica, even Paris Hilton and the list goes on. she needs to forget about this and get with the program (the auto tune program aka T-pain effect) which will make her sound even better....that's my advice to Beyonce and her pops

*Mrs. Marty A.k.A the crackhead Gangsta mom*


APRIL 21--Meet Nicole Marty. The 25-year-old Long Island woman was allegedly high on drugs Sunday night when she crashed her car into a utility pole at about 10:30 PM. The accident injured Marty's nine-year-old daughter. Marty, pictured in the below Suffolk County Police Department mug shot, was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance and endangering the welfare of a child. Additionally (and not surprisingly), the affable Marty also racked up a harassment rap after she injured a cop who had the unenviable task of guarding her at a Bay Shore hospital. (Now Ain't that gangsta????)

***Lebron and Wade Dance Competition***


Who won this lil friendly dance competition. I must say both can move pretty good for their size!! I say Lebron took it Wade but Wade probably got the girl after.

***Lebron James Sneaker Tribute***




As shoes became big business, more and more models are released due to demand and exclusivness. Take, these three new LeBron Summit Lake Hornets shoes for example, a homage to LBJ's middle school days. Obviously there's no chance LeBron can or will ever wear these in a game. This to me is in part of Lebron James being a business man and a brand apart from just basketball to expand his horizon to different areas and platforms to benefit himself after his playing days are over. We also have to keep in mind that professional athletes only have a span of 10-13 seaons to market themselves as an athlete and you have to maximize the "short lifespan" of being a star in the world of professional sports.

!!!Tattoos Gone REAL Wrong!!


Tattoos has been news craving for any body who thinks they are hip. My ex girl friend mother who is in her late 40's and probably by now early 50's has BIG DADDY on her left boob which is running down her cleavage now.(LMAO) but i got a couple of pictures here, which will help you double think whenever you about get you a tattoo.







INSULTS : Need to insult someone in a smart way? Here's a few good ones.


He comes from a long line of real estate people -- they're a vacant lot.

He does the work of three men: Moe, Larry, and Curly.

He doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.

He is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.

He's the first in his family born without a tail.

He Has the IQ of lint.

She's a lot like train tracks - she's been laid across the country

It's hard to get the big picture when you have such a small screen.

Perhaps your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Please breathe the other way. You're bleaching my hair.

Sit down and give your mind a rest.

!!!Rudy Huxtable has her own reality show!!!





The Cosby Show's Rudy is all grown up, and she's landed her own reality show. The new series follows Keshia Knight Pulliam and her entrepreneur boyfriend, Kaseem Penn, as the two begin to live their young, rich lives together under one roof after being with one another for almost two years. Oxygen Network announced the development of Keshia and Kaseem (a working title) during their upfront presentation on Wednesday in New York City. Mrs. Keshia Pulliam sure has come a long way from her Cosby days but who will be checking for her after all these years and peep the pictures for yourself and see the changes over the years, is she a certified banger??

!!!!10 yr old journalist receives full scholarship!!!


The pint-sized political reporter from South Florida who has interviewed Vice President Joe Biden and Caroline Kennedy has landed a full scholarship to a Georgia University. Little Damon Weaver from Pahokee has gained national attention for his reporting exploits and now this junior journalist is getting a free ride to Albany State University. The school will officially present Weaver with the scholarship at a June alumni convention in Miami. The fifth-grader said he plans on accepting the school's offer. Though he's interviewed pols like Biden and Kennedy and Hollywood elite including Samuel L. Jackson and Oprah, Weaver's dream is to interview President Barack Obama. He even received a little help with trying to get the Obama interview from Heat star Dwyane Wade in a special message to the President.
In a press release, Weaver called the full ride a "big relief to my mother and my family."Kid's now these days are very intelligent and i know his parents are very pround...Does this motivate you in any way?? The answer should be yes so peep this video, the kid is witty, funny, and well spoken.

!!!Cam'ron talks about album and education!!!


Cam'ron proclaims that"the reason I named it Crime Pays … I’m not sitting around boasting or anything, but there’s a way to get around everything in the system,” he rationalized recently. “My favorite instance in particular, with me, I went to college and didn’t graduate from high school. I got to college and my coach brought the GED to my room like, ‘Here, you graduated, congratulations.’ Even though it’s a junior college … I never took my SATs coming out of high school. I was playing basketball and this junior college wanted me to come down and play basketball. When I got there, my GED was sitting on the bed waiting for me. I never took a test or anything.” Navarro College’s current athletic director, Warrick Montgomery, dismissed the rapper’s claims. “He played basketball. I was here at that time … I was not the athletic director,” Montgomery explained. “I would strongly tell you that that probably didn’t happen. I don’t know how it could happen. Our coaches don’t have access to a complete GED. Like I said, I was not involved, but I would strongly think that didn’t happen.” Cam’s basketball career ended abruptly due to a hamstring injury, so he went back to New York and got back into rapping. Millions of albums and a legendary crew named the Diplomats later, he now employs people as well as crafts songs. “To work for me and DukeDaGod — you gotta have a college degree if you want to work for us,” he said. “Neither one of us has a college degree. Well, he does, but I don’t have a high school diploma. So what’s the irony of that? And if you work for us, we’re not hiring you unless you have a degree. And you have to take a drug test. But we don’t have a degree and we smoke weed — it’s irony.”
For somebody who wears pink,purple and all the colorful crayons that women like, it should come as no suprise that he gives outlandish statements like this one, and if you think his remarks were out of the ballpark then peep this video.

!!!Jamie Fox is in Hot Water!!!


Despite an apology from Jamie Foxx for his comments to Miley Cyrus earlier this week, the teen star’s dad has fired back. Billy Ray Cyrus spoke to “Bonnie Hunt Show” on Thursday (April 16), calling Foxx’s Miley rant “hurtful” and “not funny.”“It was hurtful,” he said Thursday. “There wasn’t nothing funny about it. And, quite frankly, I think if I said those things about his daughter, he might not find it so comedic.” On Jamie’s Sirius Satellite radio show on Sunday (April 12), the comedian told the 16-year-old Disney star to “grow up,” make a sex tape and do drugs, in response to a radio interview Miley did in which she called out Radiohead for refusing to meet her backstage at the Grammys (is she serious, she's only 16). “She’s gonna ruin Radiohead’s career?” he asked before ripping into the teen star. “Make a sex tape and grow up. Get like Britney Spears and do some heroin. Do like Lindsay Lohan, start seeing a lesbian, and get some crack in your pipe; catch Chlamydia on a bicycle seat.” After mass outrage, Foxx issued an apology when asked about the situation during an appearance on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno” on Tuesday (April 14). He admitted that he crossed the line, but called his comments jokes. I can see where Mr. Fox was coming but then again people can't take jokes now these days anymore plus he does have a daughter also; but for a 16 year old to say some iish like that i find the humor in what he was saying...Did Jamie cross the line???

!!!Top 10 U.S. cities with highest auto theft!!!


This city along the Rio Grande is on the verge of becoming the stolen-car capital of the U.S., according to data set for released that underscore how drug cartels are helping make the U.S.-Mexico border region a hot spot for vehicle thieves. The National Insurance Crime Bureau, a nonprofit body that collects law enforcement reports, said 1,960 vehicles were reported stolen in the Laredo metropolitan area last year, an increase of more than 47% since 2005, when Laredo ranked 32nd nationally. That comes to 827 thefts per 100,000 people, putting Laredo just behind No. 1 Modesto, Calif. I guess there is an alternative route to everything in life. In this case if you can't afford a vehicle then just walk around one, smash a few windows, and drive it away. Ahhhh if only it was that easy i bet the majority of the population will be driving the car that they want, not what they need or can afford; unfortunately the end result if caught is not pretty but hey sometimes risk pays and sometimes it doesn't. I guess you can look at it like the stock market.

!!!Top 5 worst athletes from whom to ask financial advice!!!


Since people always expect things to be in order, lets do this:

(5) Bjorn Borg: is a famous tennis player in the 1980's whom had won a few championships back in his days.Borg’s company, Bjorn Borg Design Group, filed for bankruptcy in 1989 and Bjorn was forced to sell his house to pay off his debt.He almost sold his most prized possessions which are his championship trophies along with the rackets he won with. I just don't understand the whole logic behind his decision makings; it musta really being hard out there for a pimp!

(4) O.J. Simpson: In 2007, the state of California released their Delinquent Taxpayers list. According to the record, Simpson owed $1,435,484.17 in personal income past due taxes, and a tax lien was filed in his case in 1999. I don't blame O.J. for his financial troubles, i mean the guy was acquitted of murder but found guilty of wrongful deaths in civil court which took money out of his pockets; i guess the book that he wrote If I Did It didn't live up to the financial freedom that he was expecting but instead brought more baggages as he was arrested in 2007 for a robbery that occurred in Las Vegas and was charged with,robbery with a deadly weapon, burglary with a firearm and assault with a deadly weapon; sentenced to at least nine years in prison but as many as 33 years for his own iish that people stole and he was trying to get it back.

(3) Michael Vick: At one point in time, Michael Vick was the highest paid athlete worth over $130 million dollars but the saying that more money more problems couldn't have suited anybody else but Vick. In 2006, Sports Illustrated estimated that Vick made $25.4 million. Now, he owes well over $10 million to a variety of different companies. How did Vick go from being one of the highest paid athletes to owing millions? First off all spending well over $300,000 a month to support friends and family didnt help along with investing in bad companies that stole his money. His finances were such a mess that the bankruptcy judge appointed a trustee to help him out. In an effort to pay down his debt, Vick will be selling three of his six homes. Question; why and what do you need six homes for? This goes to show that no matter how much money you've got, you still need to know you abc's and simple mathematics to not be taken advantage off because his friends and family surely were being pampered by him.

(2)Latrell Sprewell: In August of 2007, a federal marshal seized Latrell Sprewell’s $1.5 million yacht after Sprewell had failed to pay his mortgage on the boat. He also lost his house, and now the state of Wisconsin has filed a lawsuit for unpaid taxes. This all, of course, comes after Sprewell turned down a three-year, $21-million contract, saying, “I have a family to feed.” I don't know how you can't feed your family with that amount of money but hey they say greediness is like Karma and Sprewell his feeling that right now.

(1)Mike Tyson: He might be the most well-known fighter of his generation, but if there was one thing Tyson was better at than boxing, it was spending money. In 2003, he filed for bankruptcy after his debt reached over $27 million, about half of which was to the IRS. What was he spending all his money on? For starters, two Bengal tigers for $140,000, for which he also had to pay a trainer $125,000 a year. There was also the $4.5 million he spent on cars, and perhaps the most insane purchase of all, a bathtub for his first wife, Robin Givens, at a cost of $2 million.I aint saying she's a gold digger but she definetly wasnt messing with a broke nuckka.And so there you have it, these are the top five, add your own or make suggestions!

!!!Do Not Eat At Dominos Again!!!


A dominos employee videotaped another employee making a pizza and sandwiches. What the employee did was absolutely disguisting! It will make you avoid all fast food!
Dominos did issue the following statement: In the last 24 hours, videos of two of Domino’s Pizza employees appearing inappropriately within one of our franchise restaurants have been circulating online. Since the videos first surfaced yesterday, the two workers have been identified, fired and the affected franchisee has filed a criminal complaint against them. The opportunities and freedom of the internet is wonderful. But it also comes with the risk of anyone with a camera and an internet link to cause a lot of damage, as in this case, where a couple of individuals suddenly overshadow the hard work performed by the 125,000 men and women working for Domino’s across the nation and in 60 countries around the world. We apologize for the actions of these individuals, and thank you for your continued support of Domino’s Pizza. The only reason, the employees were fired is because of the video circulating on the net. Imagine how many other fast food chains have these disguisting people making your food!

Check out this disgusting video..

!!!Happy Birthday Mr. Lawrence!!!


It's hard to believe but Mr. funny man just turned 44 today on April the 16th. Although his movies might not have lived up to the expectations with the exception of a one or two, his show the Martin Lawrence show will always be a classic and forever remmebered...Peep out this funny video.

!!!Biggest real estate Failures!!!


NEW YORK (Reuters) – General Growth Properties Inc, the second largest U.S. mall owner, filed for bankruptcy protection on Thursday in one of the biggest real estate failures in U.S. history. The Chicago-based mall owner, which listed total assets of $29.56 billion and total debts of $27.29 billion, sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from creditors along with 158 of its more than 200 U.S. malls, while it seeks to restructure some of its debt. General Growth's filing in the U.S. bankruptcy court in Manhattan makes it one of the largest nonfinancial companies to succumb to the financial crisis in the U.S. This will be a perfect time to use some of those tax money to go shopping. I'm pretty much sure with the economy sufferring and even malls not able to stand straight will that items have depreciated to an all time low.

!!!Legendary Booty!!!


This is a classic feature because no matter what, even if we do not remmember Serena Williams years from now which i doubt because of all her accomplishments in tennis, we will as they say in the bible thy remmebirth thyth Gluteus Maximus. I mean just this picture in itself is classic and with that dinosaur booty she will definetly be inducted into the hall of fame of legendary booties. Now i know exactly what Sir-Mix alot was talking about with this classic song and video. You other brothers can't deny...LOL. And by the way this is not in no way, shape, or form photshoped...just embrace it.

!!!Oscar De La Hoya Retires!!!


Boxing superstar Oscar de La Hoya has quit the ring after a glittering career which brought him 10 world titles in six different weight divisions.The 36-year-old American waited four months since his disappointing defeat to Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas to make his announcement. Standing on a platform outside the Staples Center in his home city of Los Angeles, de La Hoya told fans and reporters the reason for his decision."Boxing is my passion, boxing is what I was born to do and when I can't do it anymore, when I can't compete at the highest level, it's not fair. "It's not fair to me, it's not fair to the fans, it's not fair to nobody. I've come to the conclusion that it's over. It's over inside the ring for me."De La Hoya turned professional after winning Olympic gold in Barcelona in 1992 and compiled a 39-6 career record, thrilling boxing fans with his flamboyant style and winning 30 fights inside the distance. But his defeat to Pacquiao convinced de la Hoya that his best days were behind him."This decision was based on making sure, first of all, that I do not disappoint anyone when I step inside the ring; that I do not disappoint myself and I make sure that I can watch my kids grow up; that I can make sure that I have a life where I can continue to be involved and help the sport of boxing." De La Hoya will now now turn to boxing promotion through his Golden Boy Promotions Company and is co-promoting Ricky Hatton's light welterweight showdown with Pacquiao on May 2. Here is one Mexican bringing positive feedbacks to his nation and i bet he would like to punch Burger King's ad campaign manager in the face, wouldnt you like to see that...LOL??

!!!Burger King belittle Mexicans!!!


MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Fast food giant Burger King apologized Tuesday for an advertisement featuring a squat Mexican draped in his country's flag next to a tall American cowboy and said it would change the campaign. Mexico's ambassador to Spain said posters released in Europe for Burger King's new Tex-Mex style "Texican whopper," a cheeseburger with chile and spicy mayonnaise, inappropriately displayed the Mexican flag, whose image is protected under national law. The ambassador wrote a letter complaining to Burger King and requested the ad campaign be discontinued. Burger King said the ads were meant to show a mixture of influences from the southwestern United States and Mexico, not to poke fun at Mexican culture, but said it would replace them "as soon as commercially possible." "Burger King Corporation has made the decision to revise the Texican Whopper advertising creative out of respect for the Mexican culture and its people," it said in a statement. "The existing campaign falls fully within the legal parameters of the United Kingdom and Spain where the commercials are being aired and were not intended to offend anyone," the company added. A TV version of the ad shows the strapping cowboy and the pint-sized Mexican wrestler nicknamed "Just a Little Bit" living together as roommates. At one point, the American lifts up the Mexican to help him put a trophy on a high shelf. SMH at Burger king trying to put a spin on this ad just to sell a few burgers...Racism and prejudice is still real people.

"New Age Crisis"(Mid Life Crisis)


What is New Age Crisis?? Is a pandemic which has been slowly but surely destroying young adults (13-25 yrs old). Now a days kids are raising kids, As young as 15 years old stripping for attention of older man, who views them as worthless and treated with less or no respect. New age crisis is describe as young adults who don't really know WHO they are or the purpose in life. But instead look up to wrong influences for inspiration. New Age Teens seems not to have no direction. so they turn to the media, which teaches them, how to dress and how ideal body structure should look like. This has turn out to be very detrimental to the health of those, who watches T.V and imitate what they see. Teenage suicide and Anorexia and teenage pregnancy is at its all time high, due to the lack of parental guidance. Example Rhianna (AKA Ms. Rey Rey or formal known as Chris punching Bag) came out wit short hair now you see daughters and mothers cutting their hair to fit in. Another example is rappers and their new found love GUCCI. this trend got every teens to at least have a pair or 2 gucci shoe in their closet. WTF? So advice be yourself and have your own personal identity..Dont become a statistic.

!!!Passenger Lands Plane!!!


After a pilot suffered a heart attack in mid-air, a passenger was forced to land the plane with the help of traffic control. WOW is this some crazy isssh, check it out animation on this video.

!!!Lebron is a beast among men!!!


The Cleveland Cavaliers locked up the best record in the National Basketball Association and home-court advantage throughout the playoffs with a victory over Indiana.
LeBron James scored 37 points to lead the Cavaliers to a 117-109 victory. Home-court advantage is especially valuable to the Cavaliers, who own a 39-1 record on their home floor.
A win by the Cavaliers in their season finale on Wednesday would tie them for the NBA record for best home mark, 40-1, set by the Boston Celtics in 1985-86.
I believe the Cavs are going to face the Lakers and win it in the Championship yessir!

!!!Has Cassie gone mad or is Diddy behind this!!!


So Miss me and you decided to shave one part of her hair baldie in an attempt to be edgy to be in the limelight and in my opinion to shed a little light on her for the media sake. Is she trying to run Rhianna for her money or did Diddy lover pull that part of her hair and thrown her in front of the cameras???? Will this style catch on for the summer as short hair and now baldiness is coming in full effect!!!

!!!Megan Good singing!!!


The starstruck song can be a hit due to the beat

I dont know about this one Miss fits your name but where are you going with this..SMH

!!!Kanye West Murdered for gay trends!!!


Kanye and his ambiguously gay posse

I know for a fact that Kanye's ego is bruised after this south park episode
Stop the gay and bitching antics and you will be fine Kanye

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