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Twin brother switcheroo act doesn't fool the judge!!


These twins must have watched The Parent Trap one too many times. Twins trying to pretend each is the other may work in a Disney flick -- but not in a courtroom.

Matthew Benedict Mauceri, facing charges of a scheme to defraud, took the stand in a Pinellas County court Tuesday, But something wasn't right. A lawyer who had represented both brothers tipped off the judge that something was fishy.

The truth was that Matthew was flying into town and wasn't going to make it to court on time,

So Marcus Mauceri, his twin brother, suited up for a courtroom appearance and, under oath, swore to the judge that he was Matthew.

Bad move. A fingerprint check proved otherwise.

Matthew finally arrived in the early afternoon. When he showed up in the courtroom he was cited for failure to appear, then sent to jail.

The judge then sentenced his twin, Marcus, to 179 days on direct criminal contempt.

Maybe they'll get a set of twin cots in the the "Big House."

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