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Glamorous Michelle: Obama Talks Growing Up, Mentors and Dating Advice!!!


First Lady Michelle Obama graces the cover of Glamour for its latest issue. Mrs. Obama opens up to Katie Couric in the magazine about mentoring, her role models, keeping her sanity and dealing with critics of her appearance. "People are always going to have opinions, and people have a right to their opinions, particularly when you're the First Lady; you're representing the nation. So I can't be surprised that people are interested. But I've tried to be at peace with the choices that I make first, and then be open to everyone else's reflection," she says.

The importance of mentoring: "I think that mentoring is such a critical part of the role I can play in this position. I see how little bits of exposure and big bits of exposure really change my girls significantly, and I want that for more girls around the country and the world."

Her own role models: "They were the people in my life. My mom, for sure. My dad. The teachers. For me, role modeling was immediate, it was touchable.... Children connect with who is in their lives, present and accounted for.... That's why we're trying to encourage moms, teachers, fathers, to be that presence in their children's lives, in their communities, because it really makes a difference."

Staying sane: "I have always tried to put my kids first, and then...put myself a really close second, as opposed to fifth or seventh. One thing that I've learned from male role models is that they don't hesitate to invest in themselves."

Dating advice: "Cute's good. But cute only lasts for so long, and then it's, Who are you as a person? Don't look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul.... When you're dating a man, you should always feel good.... You shouldn't be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't make you completely happy and make you feel whole."

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