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Republican Leaders Need More Luxury Jets For Globe Vacations!!!


After losing an effort to block $2 billion more for one of President Barack H. Obama's successful initiatives -- the "cash for clunkers" program -- The Wall Street Journal reports that two leading Republicans are using taxpayer money to take their colleagues on vacations around the world.

Fortunately, their demands are leading Congress to buy more luxury aircraft which at least will benefit two American companies -- $350 million for Boeing (BA) and $198 million for Gulfstream International (GIA). But with 6.5 million Americans out of work, does this send the right signal? Those two Republicans are prominent in the House and Senate. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) is leading five other lawmakers on a trip around the world; and Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) is taking a group of senators and their spouses to Europe for three weeks. These are just two of 11 separate taxpayer-funded August 2009 junkets for our Congress. Meanwhile, the demand for new luxurious aircraft for such Congressional vacations could cost taxpayers over half a billion dollars. Between the Pentagon and the House, a budget has been allocated to acquire three Gulfstream Vs -- $66 million a pop -- and five business-class Boeing 737s -- at $70 million per aircraft. The total cost for these aircraft would be $548 million. Does this make sense? Just remember what cheating-husband John Edwards said during his campaign for President: There are two Americas. Ninety nine percent of us live in the America whose taxes go to pay for the upkeep of the other 1 percent, which includes Congress.

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