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Two headed baby born in Bangladesh!!!


A baby boy, named Kiron, was born with two heads by Cesarean section in Bangladesh on Monday.

An estimated 150,000 people from the region descended on the clinic to try to catch sight of the boy so he was moved to a larger hospital and placed under police protection.

Dr Mohamad Abdul Bari, the mother's gynaecologist, said: "He has one stomach and he is eating normally with his two mouths. He has one genital organ and a full set of limbs. He was born from one embryo but there was a developmental anomaly."

The clinic had been unable to determine whether the baby had one or two sets of vital organs, Dr Bari said.

Kiron's life was not in immediate danger but he and his 22-year-old mother were moved to the hospital in the nearby city of Jessore city because of the large crowds that had gathered at the clinic, the doctor said.

According to a local newspaper, many well-wishers had left money for the baby's family. Sadly the baby died after the parents took him home because they could not afford adequate medical care.


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