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Texas man gets 30 years for attempted sale of 5-year-old girl to pornographers!!!


SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A judge has sentenced a Texas man to 30 years in federal prison for attempting to sell his girlfriend's 5-year-old daughter to child pornographers. Forty-year-old Sean Michael Block of San Antonio also was sentenced today to 10 years of supervised release after his prison term. Block was convicted July of arranging the sale of the girl last August in exchange for an apartment and a used car. The girl's mother, Jennifer Louis Richards, is serving a 20-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to one count of selling a child. She testified at trial that Block threatened her. The couple were arrested after the purported buyer turned out to be an FBI informant.

For real though what is this world coming to. I know its a recession but damn you need money that desperately to sell your own little girl for someone else's pleasure? Sad thing about this is that, that little girl had no control over the situation...SMH.


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