No i'm not an advocate for violence against women which the title might suggest but just hear me out and you might just agree with me. We all know that Chris Brown likes dancing and who knows exactly on the take of the actual events that transpired that day other than Chris Brown pimp smacked Rihanna and told her not to stand under his umbrella ella ella ey ey ey. My take on the event that happened was that Chris Brown was caught eyeing a certain eye cookie candy and got her number so Rhianna peeped it out after their pre-grammy awards party and was like Light skinned Brown who and what was that with the other girl. Chris Brown got mad because Rhianna and her annoying voice was just irritating the iish out of him. Rhianna got upset because Mr light skin orange mango was not paying her no mind so she does what most girls do for attention which is getting up in his face and throwing tantrums; and thats when Chris Brown really got upset. He thought Rhianna was trying to battle him on the dance floor with her hand gestures and movements so he goes into this barberic animal krumping dance move and starts shaking almost like he had a seisure. He starts beating his chest like a orange mango gorilla and before Rhianna knew it, it was slap slap punch kick bite scratch spin split Ryu uppercut and then took a bow as to indicate that his dance session had finished. Rhianna did not even know that it was domestic violence until she went home and all her friends and family asked her what happened and she replied Chirs Brown "beat it" like Michael Jackson and was trying to prove even to me that he was the best dancer out there. It was then that she found out that what he did is called domestic violence in a weird, twisted krump dancing sort of way and that is why she decided not to press charges. The more of the story is that domestic violence is not exceptable so please Rhianna next time dont try to "battle" Chris Brown.
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