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"Alex Rodriguez still gonnna do his thang"


So Alex Rodriguez admitted to using steriods and now the media and the rest of the whole world are on his scrotum. For the record we have to give the man some what of a credit for lying about his steriod use initially and to 'fess up when the truth arose. I think baseball needs to move on from this catastrophic period where now it seems as though almost everybody used steriods and now they are picking and targeting individuals to humiliate in the media. Hey man you can blame the media especially in New York, its the goal of every single organization to pitch an interesting story to the public for none other than sales which equates to cash flow. Look at how different media organizations twist and turn the same information time and time again with a different pitch or perspective to it. But back to Rodriquez i'm glad he came out and set the record straight now its in the past and we need to move on. Barry Bonds needs to come out too because you not knowingly knowing that you used steriods is hysterical; i mean look at how big your head had gotten in comparison to your younger days. I mean your head really does not grow that big between that time span i know that for sure and for you to upgrade a few hat sizes which even the biggest ones could hardly fit should have confirmed something in your mind. As far as Roger clemens he just looks like he doesn't know what to do with himself and i do not blame him. His hall of fame career is on the line but he needs to come out and not wait 20 some add years like Pete Rose did. These athletes should all accept their mistakes and voice their voices to the younger generation that steriods and other form of illegal drugs are not meant for the body. As far as Alex Rodriguez he's still going to put up numbers this year, the yankees are going to win the World Series and the media will be on his scrotum again.


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