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Chase Iphone App Allows Deposits!!!!!


If you need any further proof how far we have come in technology look no further to the recent
update for the Chase Mobile App. No longer is it necessary to wait in those long bank lines dealing with less than enthusiastic tellers. We now have the capability to deposit our checks straight from our mobile handset.
Iphone users and Chase customers can deposit their check in less than a minute without ever leaving the house. Using the camera feature, all you need to do is snap a picture of the front and back of the check and you’re done. Best of all, this entire feature is absolutely free! Electronic deposits from remote devices have actually been around since 2005 but Chase is the first mainstream bank to offer this service to their customers.

Welcome to the 21st century ladies and gentlemen. If you were split between Team Iphone and Team Blackberry looks like Team Iphone won this battle.

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Four Loko is equivalent to Liquid Cocaine?


The break out energy/alcohol beverage of the summer is hands down Four Loko. The product was introduced in 2005 but only became popular this year.

You can purchase this beverage at your local store for only $3.00 and drinking one Loko can make you feel like you consumed three beers. Available in eight flavors; grape, fruit punch, orange, watermelon, blue raspberry, lemonade, cranberry and cranberry lemonade. While many people are enjoying this cheap energy/alcoholic beverage others are outraged by it. Four Loko can contain up to 12 percent alcohol volume which is three times the amount found in beer. Many are also upset about the marketing of the product. When you look at the packaging it can easily be mistaken for a soft drink and can sometimes be found in the soda section. The makers of Four Loko have been under investigation since late 2009 for the safety and legality of their beverages.

The company might soon be forced to discontinue the product until they can prove that the addition of caffeine to their beverage is in fact safe.

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Still a Virgin??? Helpline gets people riled up!!!


I think this billboard is doing every virgin a favor. Help is out there flowered, cherried folks. Help. Is. Out. There. It might not be waiting for you on the other end of the phone, but I guarantee it is out there…at every bar, bus stop, corner, etc. Find out more about the most creative ad campaign ever.

Billboards popping up with the words “Still A Virgin? For Help, Call 888-742-4335” have managed to piss quite a few people off lately who can’t seem to find the fun in helping the inexperienced finally infuse a little sexin’ into their lives. But rather than being an actual helpline, the billboards are actually pubbing an upcoming movie called “The Virginity Hit.” When people dial the number, they get a pre-recorded message from one of the film’s stars spewing suggestions for virgins before reading out the film’s website.

Ok, so kind of a let down for virgins looking to end their suffering, but hey it could be the perfect lead-in to the conversation that will start the interaction that will be followed by drinks that will lead to more drinks that will culminate in people getting naked. The billboards look like a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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Japanese Men Going on Real Life Dates with Virutal Women!!!


I’m tempted to make fun of Japan, but really this is more sad than anything else. Japanese men are so scared of dating actual women, they are turning to a Nintendo DS dating game for romance, and not just the virtual kind.

There’s a game called Love Plus, where players court three different girls, and end up with one of them. In the game, the final reward is a hotel trip to Atami. But now, some players are shelling out big bucks to make the trip in REAL LIFE.

The men are real. The girls are cartoon characters on a screen. The trips are actual, can be expensive and aim to re-create the virtual weekend outing featured in the game, a product of Konami Corp. played on Nintendo Co.’s DS videogame system.

“Atami has always been a romantic place, but it is now a romantic place for a modern generation,” says Sakae Saito, Atami’s mayor.

Some devoted fans will go so far as to pay twice the rate—most hotels in Japan charge per guest not per room—to indulge the fantasy that they are not there alone. A night’s stay, at most, can cost $500 though many rooms are cheaper.

“There isn’t a lot of romance in my life and this helps me cope with some of the loneliness,” said Mr. Fukazawa with a chuckle.

Gahhh, so depressing. Since we usually get most of our tech trends from Japan, is this going to be our future here in America as well? Virtual dates with manga chicks? I’m sure some are doing it already, but if this becomes a phenomenon, I fear for the future of the human race.

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69-Year-Old Grandma Shoots Intruder With Her .38 Special!!


It was 3 a.m. when a robber decided to invade 69-year-old Ethel Jones’ home. The Decatur, Ga. grandmother told the Decatur Daily she heard the intruder at her back door and then her front, and she thought someone was trying to get inside. The robber eventually removed an air conditioner from a window to gain access to Jones’ home. But he picked the wrong lady to rob.

Jones sleeps with a loaded .38 pistol under a pillow next to her when she is home alone. Jones saw the intruder when she walked out of her bathroom. She says he was holding a pen light near her bedroom. “I shot three times and he ran away hollering,” said Jones, who used to go to target practice with her former husband.

Police quickly determined that 18-year-old Michael O’Neal Bynum, a neighbor of Jones’, was a suspect. He is in stable condition at the hospital after being treated for a gunshot wound to his abdomen. Bynum was on probation for a previous burglary conviction, and will be charged with second-degree burglary and held without bail. Maybe the pain of Jones’ bullet will finally make him learn his lesson.

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Man Spends 62 Years Building Fleet Out of Matchsticks!!!


Philip Warren spent the past 62 years faithfully recreating an armada of 432 Royal Navy warships out of matchsticks and wooden matchboxes. Over the last six decades, he has painstakingly crafted every naval warship afloat, in service or to have come in since the second World War.

79-year-old Philip, a retired company director from Blandford, Dorset, England, began creating his first ship in 1948 when he was just 17. He uses a razor blade, tweezers and sandpaper to carve the matches and boxes before piecing them together using PVA and balsa wood glue. In total he has utilized more than 650,000 to create his incredibly detailed 1:300 scale models.

Very impressive, sir. If it weren't for professional sports and video games, we'd probably be in a basement gluing stuff together, too. Keep reading for a closer peek at some of Philip's work.

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Drop Everything and Get Yourself Some Deep-Fried Beer!!!


Scotland might have its infamous deep-fried Mars bar, but that treat's now got some serious competition. Mixing together two of mankind's favorite things (deep-fried stuff and alcohol), one inventive Texan has discovered a means of deep-frying beer. And it apparently requires ravioli.

Unveiled at Texas's famous deep-fried-food convention, inventor Mark Zable has said that his process of taking ravioli packets, filling them with Guinness, then quickly dunking them in hot oil (370 degrees for 20 seconds, in case you were wondering) took him three years to perfect. And the results are, well, peculiar.

When bitten into, the beer and fatty pasta combine to cause what is undoubtedly referred to as "a taste sensation." Whether it's a good one remains a matter of personal opinion and relies on your heart being strong enough to withstand the mighty force of the deep-fried beer grenade.

The brand-new foodstuff has already been labeled as an alcoholic product, requiring deep-fried-food-loving Texans to be over 21 to gobble one down. They will soon be on sale for $5 per 5 pieces. Also, before you get too excited, the process has already been patented and the words "deep-fried beer" copyrighted by that industrious Mr. Zable.

For more details, check out the video below.

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Homeless man calls 911 from hot tub, seeks cocoa!!!


BEAVERTON, Ore. -A homeless man who called 911 from the hot tub of a suburban Portland home and asked for towels, hot chocolate and a hug got arrested for trespassing instead.
Beaverton police say Mark Eskelsen called 911 from his cell phone, identified himself as "the sheriff of Washington County," and asked for medical help. He later admitted he wasn't the sheriff but informed the dispatcher he'd been "yelling for about an hour and a half."

The man said in his Sunday morning call that he'd been in the water about 10 hours and his towels had gotten wet. As he put it, "I just need a hug and a warm cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it."
The Oregonian newspaper says arriving officers arrested Eskelsen for investigation of second-degree criminal trespass and improper use of 911.

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Conn. driver falls from car on I-95, Vehicle goes on!!!


DARIEN, Conn. -Connecticut State Police say a man fell out of his car onto Interstate 95 and watched his vehicle drive on for about two-tenths of a mile before it crashed into a pole. Troopers said they're not sure why 51-year-old Robert Craig of Killingworth fell out of his 2006 Dodge Charger late Tuesday morning in Darien near Exit 10. Police said Craig was treated for minor injuries at Stamford Hospital.

State police said Craig fell onto the highway but wasn't struck by any vehicles. They say other motorists stopped to help him and get him to safety. Troopers said the car continued down the highway before striking a light pole and metal guardrail on the right shoulder.
The accident remains under investigation.

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Cops: Drunken caller demands ride to Central America, is taken to central booking!!!


When Ibis Rene Cabrera (pictured) allegedly called 911 last Saturday in Stuart, FL he had a rather strange request. No, he wasn't asking cops for a husband, help getting off the bumper of a moving semi, or a ride to a liquor store.

He wanted a ride back to Honduras. While this handy distance calculator says the distance as the crow flies from Stuart to Tegucigalpa is just over a thousand miles, it's gotta be a lot longer than that by police car.

According to police, Cabrera told the operator that he did not have a job, and wanted a ride back to Honduras. A police officer responded, advised Cabrera that they did not give rides to other countries and suggested he stop calling 911. Instead, Cabrera, who cops say was intoxicated, called the emergency line seven more times in the next hour. He was arrested for misusing the emergency line, and taken to Martin County jail.

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Woman Puts Lock of Troy Polamalu's Hair for Sale on eBay!!!


So, last week it was announced that Troy Polamalu had insured his hair to the tune of one million smackaroos, and we presented a photographic journey of his tresses.

Now Shona Holagh, a TV producer by day -- born entrepreneur by night, apparently -- is selling a lock of Troy's hair on eBay:

"During a newsroom clean-up earlier this year, I somehow acquired a lock of Troy Polamalu's hair," she wrote to tell Lemondrop. "When we had new carpet installed, everyone had to clean out their offices. People started getting rid of things they had been holding on to. I just randomly grabbed it thinking it was strange memorabilia. I took it home, threw it in a box, and forgot about it ... until now."

But when the news broke that the Pittsburgh Steeler was even more protective of his head than John Edwards, Holagh decided to put it on eBay. "I figured some crazy fan might pay big bucks for it," she says.

She just listed it today. So far no bidders.

The lock will be sold, Holagh says, in a tin box, along with this snazzy blue and white card listing fun facts about Polamalu's mop.

Her preferred buyer? A Pittsburgh fan, natch. Though anyone interested still has six days to pony up. Bid at your own risk: Whether this is a true tress -- or Holagh helped her hairdresser sweep up -- we're unclear.

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First Medical Marijuana Ad Airs in California!!!


A decision by a Fox affiliate in California's capital to broadcast what is believed to be the first paid ad for a medical marijuana dispensary has caused hardly a stir, according to the station general manager and the advertiser.

"I answer my own phone, and I have received nothing directly," Mike Armstrong, acting general manager of KTXL in Sacramento, said of viewer complaints about the spot, which aired on Monday. "I expected more. I don't know. I just did."

The mellow reaction is perhaps attributable to the fact that cannabis use is widely accepted in Northern California.

In November, Californians will vote on whether to make their state the first to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Another law already on the books -- Proposition 215, or the Compassionate Use Act -- made the state the first to legalize medical marijuana.

The 30-second commercial is the brainchild of Lanette Davies, who owns Sacramento's CannaCare dispensary, which serves some 5,000 registered marijuana patients.

"It has been all positive," said Davies, who is opposed to the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes. "I have not had one negative response. I expected more people to say, 'I don't like that.' I'm really pleasantly surprised that people have acknowledged the difference between a patient and somebody that is an abuser."

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Mexico: 25 Suspected Cartel Members Die in Gunbattle!!!


MONTERREY, Mexico (Sept. 3) -- Soldiers killed at least 25 suspected cartel members Thursday in a raid and gunbattle in a Mexican state near the U.S. border that has become one of the most dangerous battlegrounds in the country's drug war.

A military aircraft flying over Ciudad Mier in Tamaulipas state spotted several gunmen in front of a building, according to a statement from Mexico's Defense Department.

When ground troops moved in, gunmen opened fire, starting a gunbattle in which 25 suspected cartel members died, according to the military. The statement said two soldiers were wounded.

Authorities rescued three people believed to be kidnap victims in the raid, according to the statement. The military said troops seized 25 rifles, four grenades, 4,200 rounds of ammunition and 23 vehicles.

Violence has surged in northeastern Mexico this year since the Zetas broke ranks with their former employer, the Gulf cartel, resulting in a flare-up of drug violence in Tamaulipas.

Last week, marines discovered the bodies of 72 Central and South American migrants believed to have been gunned down by the Zetas after refusing to work for the cartel, in what may be the deadliest drug gang massacres to date. The migrants' bodies were discovered at a ranch about 100 miles (160 kilometers) from the U.S. border in Tamaulipas.

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Acid attacker: 'Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?'??


VANCOUVER, Wash. — A 28-year-old woman severely burned when a stranger threw an acid-like liquid in her face was listed in serious condition in a Oregon hospital.
Bethany Storro, of Vancouver, Wash., was getting something out of her car in downtown Vancouver when the attack happened Monday evening, her mother Nancy Neuwelt told The Oregonian.

Neuwelt said a young woman walked up to her daughter, said: "Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?" and tossed a cup of liquid in Storro's face.
"I’m a nice girl and I don’t know why this happened," Storro, 28, said Tuesday in her hospital room in the Oregon Burn Center at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland, The Columbian newspaper reported.
Storro said the pain was the most excruciating she had ever experienced, her mother told The Columbian.
"It was burning through her shirt. She took off her shirt and she was trying to wipe her fac

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CEOs lay off thousands, rake in millions!!!


When Hewlett-Packard’s Chief Executive Mark Hurd resigned last month he received something few regular workers see when they quit their jobs under a cloud: A massive payout. Turns out Hurd is far from the only top executive to be rewarded with a rich package despite a management performance that could be considered less than optimal — especially by rank-and-file workers. A new report concludes that chief executives of the 50 firms that have laid off the most workers since the onset of the economic crisis in 2008 took home 42 percent more pay in 2009 than their peers at other large U.S. companies.

The report, from the Institute of Policy Studies, found that the 50 layoff leaders received $12 million on average in 2009, compared with an average compensation of $8.5 million for chief executives of companies in Standard & Poor's 500. Each of the 50 companies examined in the report laid off at least 3,000 workers between November 2008 and April 2010.

“Our findings illustrate the great unfairness of the Great Recession,” said Sarah Anderson, lead author of the study, “CEO Pay and the Great Recession,” the latest in a series of annual “Executive Excess” reports published by the institute, a progressive think tank. “CEOs are squeezing workers to boost short-term profits and fatten their own paychecks.”

Those CEOs include HP’s Hurd, who slashed 6,400 jobs in 2009 — a year when his compensation amounted to $24.2 million.

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Most Cow Brains Eaten!!!


Famous Japanese competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi held the world record of hot dog eating for nearly six years, and holds several other eating records, while ranking third in the world for competitive eating. That alone should give him a place in our list, but one of the most impressive records he holds has to do with cow brains: he ate 17.7 pounds of it in 15 minutes.

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Jesus Took The Wheel: Man Jumps 39 Stories In A Suicide Attempt, Lands On A Car … And Survives!!!


Talk about a bad day. A 22-year-old man miraculously survived a 39 story fall into a Dodge Charger yesterday. According to his Facebook page, he hated his life and decided to try to end it but it just wasn’t his time to go.

A young man plunged 39 stories Tuesday from a West Side high-rise, crashed through the windshield of a sports car – and lived to tell about it.

“My leg! My leg!” Thomas Magill, 22, screamed after an apparent suicide attempt ended with his landing in the red 2008 Dodge Charger, witnesses said.

Magill was in critical condition Tuesday night, undergoing surgery for two broken legs – but those who saw him fall were stunned he made it to the hospital.

“He came down feetfirst at like 100 mph,” said witness Andrew Petrocelli, 47, a maintenance worker across the street from where Magill jumped.

“That’s a miracle if I’ve ever seen one. He should be a goner. It was like that movie ‘Unbreakable.’ That was this guy: unbreakable.”

Guy McCormack, 40, of Old Bridge, N.J., owner of the crushed Charger, was doing construction work across the street when his car broke Magill’s fall.
Police sources said investigators believe he jumped from a 39th-floor window or balcony at 10:45 a.m. He landed in the car’s backseat and trunk area, twisted like a pretzel.

“He had his hands up in the air, like flailing,” Petrocelli said. “Just when he’s about to land, there was a boom and glass flying all over.

“The car saved his life,” Petrocelli surmised. “He landed in there like a stunt man. It was amazing.”

Magill hit so hard that his royal-blue Keds sneakers were knocked off his feet and one landed on the windshield of a car parked behind McCormack’s Dodge.

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Russian man wins annual sex doll raft race!!!


Have you heard of the eighth annual Bubble Baba Challenge in St. Petersburg, Russia? Well, strap in (pardon the pun)…it’s short ride down the Vuoksa River in which contestants use inflatable sex dolls as their boat. Oh, Russia.

According to the St. Petersburg Times:

The triumphant winner of the race was St. Petersburg “athlete” Vladislav Pavlenko on his “Vanilla Pelotki” (2 minutes 47 seconds) , followed by Dmitry Arsentiev, another local, who rode “Killer Whale” (2.51). Alexander Marasin, also of St. Petersburg and the owner of “Fearless Zina” (2.55), came third.

Baba translates from Russian as “peasant woman,” but is sometimes used with sexually offensive connotations.

More than 450 thrill-seekers took part in the unorthodox contest, where inflatable babes-turned-boats were given titles no proper regata would ever have accepted. Take, for instance, “Floating Piggy” or “Baby-Barge.” Other bold and sassy names that provided valuable insights into their male riders’ characters and egos, have included “Unstoppable Chick,” “Cuddly Female Racoon,” “Big Tit Excess,” “Sexual Goddess,” “Roach,” “Miss Peep,” “School Girl,” “Indefatiguable” and “Luba For A Price.”

The event, which was first held in 2003, runs under the motto “A Rubber Babe is More Than Just A Vehicle”.

This may very well be the first time a man has held an inflatable woman up brimming with pride and confidence. Personally, I wish they’d branch out from the sex doll races and utilize other tools of the marital aid industry. Would an American Gladiators-esque “joust” with double dong dildos be so much to ask?

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