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Rynair wants to sell Standing seats;Charge for bathroom Priveleges on Planes!!!


Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary has come up with the most ridiculous cost-cutting, revenue-boosting idea in all of commercial air flying history.

Needless to say the airline industry has been hit hard by the economy going down the crapper, but Ryanair’s latest tactics may be just a wee bit extreme. The company wants to introduce £5 “vertical” seats on some of its flights. And yes, that is completely what it sounds like. For however long your flight is, you’ll be strapped into a standing seat that I’m sure will look more like an instrument of torture than a bastion of comfort:

“…we’ve been looking at is taking out the last 10 rows of seats so we will have 15 rows of seats and the equivalent of 10 rows of standing area.”

But if that wasn’t enough airline brilliance to get you on the next flight out, maybe the prospect of paying to use the bathroom will. The company wants to start charging passengers £1 on one hour flights to use the bathroom (mainly to fund these incredible vertical seats).

You’re kidding right? So you’re going to introduce standing seats and charge me for the privilege of not only alleviating the pressure on my bladder, but standing for an hour. Oh yeah, this idea is really going to take off.

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