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Naked Cowboy and Naked Cowgirl Square off to see who can be more Naked!!!


Can’t we all just be naked and happy? Apparently New York City’s famed Naked Cowboy Robert Burck is a little miffed that a new naked body is encroaching on his territory. He’s threatening to sue the Naked Cowgirl for as much as $150,000 if she doesn’t cover up her nakedness or sign a franchise agreement. Has Robert seen her yet? If he did, I’m pretty sure he’d prefer the nakedness get taken care of. Find out more and check out the Naked Cowgirl.

The Naked Cowgirl, whose real name is Sandra Brodsky, claims that she used to have a good relationship with the Naked Cowboy and that the two had even discussed singing a duet together. But when Robert asked her to sign a franchise agreement, she said no thank you and found herself a “Cowboy” to sing with instead. And now here they are, two naked people (who really shouldn’t be naked) fighting over the right to be naked (and how much money they should get for it). That’s almost sad to the point that I’d raise some cash just so that the two of them would put their clothes back on and stop harassing tourists in New York.

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