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Amazing A Man Build A House That Can Transform To 24 Different Rooms!!


As ridiculously populated as Hong Kong is, people were bound to come up with creative ways to utilize their minimal space. But this, by far, has to be the most awesome uses of 344-square-feet ever. Gary Chang, an architect who spent most of his life living in Hong Kong, did not see his tiny abode as a burden. But rather, he saw it as a catalyst to testing how efficient he could make his living space. So he’s created a “domestic transformer.” His house can essentially convert into 24 different rooms, from a kitchen, to a bathroom to pretty much anything his heart desires. What’s even more amazing is that his apartment is completely green. But honestly, who really cares about that…it’s cool as hell! And Gary is definitely proud of his creation:

“The house transforms and I’m always here. I don’t move. The house moves for me.”


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