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Gay Marriage Coming to A City Near You!!!


D.C. is next in line to receive the gay marriage package:

In a historic vote, the city council for the District of Columbia has voted to pass a bill that would make same sex-marriages legal by a count of 11 to 2. One more vote is required to make the move legal but that is expected to be…

A mere formality as 10 of the 13 city council members co-sponsored the bill in its introduction. That vote will take place later this month with Mayor Adrian M. Fenty promising to sign the bill into law as soon as it reaches his desk.

Everything is not in the proverbial clear for gay marriage supporters as Congress has to review the law before it can go into effect.
Even so, a D.C. victory will be a huge victory for gay marriage advocates after suffering several highly publicized losses in major public arenas.
Currently Iowa, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Vermont are the only states that allow same sex-unions.

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