We asked hiring managers to share the craziest things they've heard from applicants in an interview. Some are laugh-out-loud hysterical, others are jaw dropping -- the majority are both. To be sure, they will relieve anyone who has ever said something unfortunate at a job interview -- and simply amuse the rest of you.
Hiring managers shared these 20 memorable interview responses:
Why did you leave your last job?
1. "I have a problem with authority." - Carrie Rocha, COO of HousingLink
Tell us about a problem you had with a co-worker and how you resolved it
2. "The resolution was we were both fired."- Jason Shindler, CEO, Curvine Web Solutions
What kind of computer software have you used?
3. "Computers? Are those the black boxes that sit on the floor next to the desks? My boss has one of those. He uses it. I don't have one. He just gives me my schedule and I follow it." - Greg Szymanski, director of human resources, Geonerco Management, Inc
What are your hobbies and interests?
4. [He said] 'Well, as you can see, I'm a young, virile man and I'm single -- if you ladies know what I'm saying.' Then he looked at one of the fair-haired board members and said, 'I particularly like blondes.'" - Petri R.J. Darby, president, darbyDarnit Public Relations
Why should we hire you?
5. "I would be a great asset to the events team because I party all the time." - Bill McGowan, founder, Clarity Media Group
Do you have any questions?
6. "Cross dressing isn't a problem is it?" - Barry Maher, Barry Maher & Associates
7. "If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?" - Megan Garnett, Articulate Leadership Team, Articulate Communications Inc.
8. "What do you want me to do if I cannot walk to work if it's raining? Can you pick me up?" - Christine Pechstein, career coach
9. "I was a Chamber of Commerce Executive once hiring a secretary. [The candidate asked] 'What does a Chamber of Commerce do?'" - Mary Kurek, Mary Kurek, Inc. Visibility Consulting
10. "Can we wrap this up fairly quickly? I have someplace I have to go." - Bruce Campbell, vice president of marketing, Clare Computer Solutions
11. "What is your company's policy on Monday absences?" - Campbell
12. "If this doesn't work out can I call you to go out sometime?" - Christine Bolzan, founder of Graduate Career Coaching
13. "How big do the bonuses really get once you make associate? I hear it's some serious cash." - Bolzan
14. "[The candidate asked,] 'Can my dad call you to talk about the job and the training program? He is really upset I'm not going to medical school and wants someone to explain the Wall Street path to him.' The dad did call. Then that dad's friends called and I ended up doing a conference call with a group of concerned parents ... long story." - Bolzan
15. "If I get an offer, how long do I have before I have to take the drug test?" - Bolzan
16. "When you do background checks on candidates, do things like public drunkenness arrests come up?" - Bolzan
17. "Can I get a tour of the breast pumping room? I heard you have a great one here and while I don't plan on having children for at least 10 or 12 years, I will definitely breast feed and would want to use that room."- Bolzan
18. "So, how much do they pay you for doing these interviews?" - Jodi R.R. Smith, Mannersmith Etiquette Consulting
Why are you leaving your current job?
19. "Because I (expletive) my pants every time I enter the building." - Abbe Mortimore, Human Resources Manager, True Textiles, Inc.
20. "I was fired from my last job because they were forcing me to attend anger management classes." - Smith
Click on Read More for the rest of the Questions, you will laugh your butt off..
WOW!! 20 Funny Things Actually Said in Job Interviews..
CATEGORIES education | author: Newspitter4 Officers Gunned Down in Coffee Shop Ambush..Executioner Style.
CATEGORIES news, R.i.P | author: Newspitter
PARKLAND, Wash. (Nov. 29) — A gunman burst into a coffeehouse Sunday and opened fire on four police officers as they sat working on their laptops, killing the three men and one woman in what an official described as a targeted ambush.
Pierce County Sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said officers were looking for one male suspect who fled the scene and haven't ruled out an accomplice, possibly a getaway driver.
It wasn't clear whether the officers even had time to draw their weapons to return fire, Troyer said.
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"This was more of an execution. Walk in with the specific mindset to shoot police officers," Troyer said.
Troyer said the officers — all from the Lakewood Police Department — were catching up on paperwork at the beginning of their shifts when they were attacked at 8:15 a.m. Sunday.
The title says it all, Police force needs to rule out the corrupt officers. If not, horrible tragedy like this will continue to happen.
AMAZING!!!!First Robotic hands that can sense feelings.!!!
CATEGORIES health, news | author: NewspitterA team of scientists from Italy and Sweden has developed what is believed to be the first artificial hand that has feeling.
It has been attached to the arm of a 22-year-old man who lost his own hand through cancer.
Researchers say it works by connecting human nerve endings with tiny electronic sensors.
A man calls 911 on himself after locking his child in a truck to go to a strip club!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter
Police arrested a Franklin, IN man early this morning for allegedly leaving his five-year old out in a truck, while he hung out in a topless bar. Oh, and did I mention he called the cops on himself?
2 Donald Crawford, pictured, phoned 911 around 1:15am after he left Sassy Kat’s Show Club to report his truck stolen and kid missing.
Here’s a little 911 excerpt:
Dispatcher: Were you in a business or something?
Crawford: No, I was at whatever this little strip club is.
Dispatcher: You left him in the truck to wait for you?
Crawford: He was sleeping.
But, according to reports, when the officers arrived, they found the truck right where he left it outside of the bar. Police say he was just simply too drunk to remember where it was parked.
Police found Crawford’s son inside, watching cartoons on TV. The keys were in the ignition and the door was unlocked.
A bartender told cops Crawford was inside the club drinking for 45 minutes.
Crawford is charged with felony neglect and public intoxication.
Dummy:A teen knocked on a police officer door, to sell weed?!?!?!
CATEGORIES life styles, news | author: NewspitterA Texas teenager is under arrest after allegedly trying to peddle pot door-to-door. A smart idea you say? Well, perhaps. But, in this case, not so much.
Anthony carrazco Anthony Carrazco, pictured, of Brownsville is charged with trying to sell three ounces of marijuana. His sales strategy went astray when he knocked on one door too many--one that belonged to an off-duty police officer. The cop told the teenager he would be right back. And he was; with his badge and handcuffs.
Police say the 19-year old was also drunk and carrying a gun.
Oh, and the dumb luck doesn’t end for this lad. Carrazco was allegedly trying to hawk his wares near the University of Texas – a drug-free and weapon-free zone. That makes the charges even more serious.
He’s being held on $10,000 bond.
SMH..Irish Catholic Church covered up child abuse, One priest admitted to sexually abusing over 100 children!!
CATEGORIES World News | author: NewspitterThe Archdiocese of Dublin and other Catholic Church authorities in Ireland covered up clerical child abuse until the mid-1990s, according to a government-commissioned report released Thursday.
The Dublin Archdiocese Commission of Investigation's 720-page report said that it has "no doubt that clerical child sexual abuse was covered up" from January 1975 to May 2004, the time covered by the report.
The commission examined the histories of 46 priests, who were picked as a sample from 102 who had had complaints or suspicions of child abuse raised against them. Complaints from more than 320 children were leveled against the 46, the report said.
But it said that the number of children abused likely exceeded that.
"One priest admitted to sexually abusing over 100 children, while another accepted that he had abused on a fortnightly basis during the currency of his ministry which lasted for over 25 years,"
World's Smallest Mother (2ft 4in)!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter The world's smallest mother is about to give birth for the third time - despite warnings she is risking her life.
Stacey Herald, who is just 2ft 4in tall, was told that becoming pregnant could kill her, but bravely defied doctors to have two babies half her height. The 35-year-old from Dry Ridge, Kentucky in the U.S. suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs, and means she failed to grow. Mrs Herald, who uses a wheelchair, and her husband Will, who is 5ft 9in, are eagerly awaiting the birth of their third baby, due in the next four weeks.
Currently as wide as she is tall, she cannot hold her daughter because her belly gets in the way, and has to rely on her husband to do most things around the house. She admits being pregnant is ‘uncomfortable' and leaves her bedridden for weeks on end. By the time the new addition, a boy, is one, he will already tower over his mother. But despite all the obstacles, the mother and father, a trainee priest, say they want even more children. The couple met in 2000 while working for a supermarket in their home town.
Chinese Man marries a videogame...WTF!!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: Newspitter I now pronounce you husband and what?!
In another sign that the world is about to collapse, multiple blogs are reporting that a fan of the Nintendo DS dating sim Love Plus (you know, the really creepy one) liked his virtual lady so much that he decided to marry her. For real.
Apparently, a Japanese gamer known as 'Sal9000' was officially wed to Nene Anegasaki, one of the game's three virtual girlfriends, in what must have been the weirdest ceremony in the history of ceremonies. We can only assume that Ms. Pac-Man was the maid of honor.
While the two aren't planning a honeymoon -- after all, one of them is a VIDEO GAME -- they did hold a small 'reception' in Japan for friends, family and the media, indicating that this is most likely little more than the looniest video game publicity stunt we've seen in some time. Check out this video recap by Boing Boing, complete with footage of the happy, er, couple:
I just hope they signed a pre-nup...
Rhianna denying that Size Matters In Bed???
CATEGORIES celebrity | author: Newspitter New controversy has been surrounding pop star, Rihanna, and this time, it stems from an interview with German magazine, Bravo. Reportedly, the sexy singer described her ideal mate to the publication by saying, "He has to be good in bed and the size matters. You know what I mean? Inner beauty counts as well, but without a toy it doesn't make it fun."
However, just because the edgy pop star is comfortable revealing herself on stage, doesn't mean that she's ready to dish about her bedroom habits to a tabloid. Gossip Cop chatted with a source close to the singer who denies Rihanna ever uttered the quote.
Perhaps something Ri-Ri said got misconstrued in the translation. Maybe she just said she likes it when guys are "gross" in bed.
Former Rapper Loon and Freeway are Islamic Arabians Now???
CATEGORIES entertainment | author: NewspitterThe Mother With the Most Births (69 kids)!!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: Newspitter Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), was a peasant from Shuya, Russia. Though not noteworthy himself, his first wife, Valentina Vassilyeva, set the record for most children birthed by a single woman. She gave birth to total of 69 children; however, few other details are known of her life, such as her date of birth or death. She gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets between 1725 and 1765, in a total of 27 births. 67 of the 69 children born survived infancy.
The modern world record for giving birth is held by Leontina Albina from San Antonio, Chile. Now in her mid-sixties, she claims to be the mother of 64 children. Of these, 55 are documented.
The mother with the greatest number of kids that are not tiwns is Livia Ionce. This Romanian woman, 44, gave birth to her 18th child in Canada in 2008.
Hope for Men with Erectile Dysfunction (not Viagra); Penis Shockwaves???
CATEGORIES health, life styles, World News | author: NewspitterIf you experience impotence, instead of a little blue pill maybe you want to apply shockwaves to your privates instead. Experiments now suggest directing shockwaves at penises can help treat erectile dysfunction.
"We can really reverse erectile problems with this," researcher Yoram Vardi, head of the neuro-urology department at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, told LiveScience. "While patients with erectile dysfunction can function with Viagra or Cialis, this is not a cure — when they stop the medication, they cannot function," he added. "This is only a preliminary study, but here with shockwaves, we can do something biological for the problem — after treatments, these patients can function without the need for medication."
In animal studies, low-intensity shockwaves have been proven to trigger growth of new blood vessels from existing ones. Vardi and his colleagues therefore speculated that shockwave therapy could help men whose erectile dysfunction stems from reduced blood flow to their penises.
"Cardiovascular problems are responsible for approximately 80 percent of patients with erectile dysfunction, so that's a huge amount of patients," Vardi explained.
The researchers treated 20 volunteers with an average age of 56 years old who had mild or moderate erectile dysfunction for roughly three years.
5 year old girl karated Robber out her home!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter
For 5-year-old Chloe Edwards, a strung-out stranger with a meat cleaver just wasn't that scary.
Alerted by noises at 2AM, the little British girl walked into her kitchen, where she found 18-year-old Dean Affleck attempting a burglary.
"Put my daddy's keys down!" Chloe yelled, unfazed by the sight of a stranger in the middle of the night. The startled intruder pointed a meat cleaver at the girl and told her to go back to bed. At the same time, the trespassing teen accidentally smashed a glass, alerting Chloe's parents. Mark Edwards, Chloe's father, eventually punched Affleck to the ground, and police were called.
Affleck was later given a 3 1/2-year sentence for the August crime.
Chloe's mother, Rachel, who was scheduled to start chemotherapy the day of the crime, said, "It was an awful experience. As soon as I saw he had a knife, I was terrified."
Yet, Rachel, now in remission for breast cancer, said she was proud of her brave daughter.
"She kept saying afterwards, 'I told him, Daddy, I told him to put your keys down, didn't I?'"
Lincoln University to Hefty Students: Lose Weight or You Won't Graduate!!!!
CATEGORIES health, life styles, news | author: Newspitter “Lose weight to graduate” is the mantra that administrators at Lincoln University are shouting to undergraduate students that are on the cusp of receiving their degrees.
Designed to combat the health devouring monster known as obesity, which is especially prevalent within the Black community, faculty and staff at the Philadelphia Historically Black College have instituted a program on campus aimed to force students to shed pounds at the risk of not being able to graduate when the time comes to do so.
"We know we're in the midst of an obesity epidemic," explained chairman of Lincoln's department of health, physical education and recreation, James L. DeBoy. "We have an obligation to address this head on, knowing full well there's going to be some fallout."
Though obviously created in good spirit, the move comes as a rude awakening for many clinically obese students at the campus, of which, many are in the midst of their senior year.
Most argue that the mandate only singles out bigger students, whereas, if it were actually meant to increase the health awareness of students on campus by promoting physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle, all students would be involved, not just the ones that appear to be fat or in need of a “change.”
According to clinical standards, a normal body mass index ranges from 18.5 to 24.9 with anyone ranging above those figures considered medically obese. Lincoln Students that reside among that range are required to successfully take “Fitness for Life,” which can be classified as a glorified gym class that meets for three hours a week.
As of the start of Fall semester, 16% of Lincoln's senior class has not had their BMI taken or attempted to complete the course.
Hot! or Hmm… : 2009 American Music Awards!!!
CATEGORIES fashion | author: NewspitterLast night the stars came out for the American Music Awards at Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. Newspitter donned their very best for the red carpet, but you be the judge: Were they Hot? Or did they make you go Hmm….
Alicia Keys went for cute and colorful in a bejeweled blue, purple, and turquoise Giorgio Armani cocktail with electric blue sandals and light catching jewelry.
Mary J Blige graced the carpet in a floor length black gown, with artfully placed knots along her neck and waist line.
Mary J Blige graced the carpet in a floor length black gown, with artfully placed knots along her neck and waist line.
Toni Braxton sashayed into the camera lights showing how to rock the grown and sexy look with a sophisticated black v-neck gown with an ‘up-to-there’ slit, alluring cut outs, and sky high suede platforms.
Melody Thornton sauced it up in a white embellished figure flattering white dress, black booties, and a set of smokey eyes.
Ne-Yo was also in the building rocking a light gray blazer with contrasting lapels, a dark gray patterned shirt, black jeans, and his signature fedora.
Keri Hilson debuted a new longer hairstyle on the carpet to accent her sparkly sequined black dress and matching sparkling black booties.
Leona Lewis attended the event in what looks to be an abbreviated version of the Vivienne Westwood dress she wore to the MTV Europe Awards. Going for a bit of a ‘rocker chic’ look, she wore the frock with a pair of chain adorned booties and a loose, long hairstyle.
Man Gets Life In Prison For Scaring Woman To Death!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter A North Carolina man will never see the light of day again after being found guilty of scaring a 79-year old grandmother to death.
21-year old Larry Whitfield was found not guilty of murder Friday in the death of Mary Parnell last year. Jurors did find him guilty however of causing her death by kidnapping, and that carries an automatic life sentence.
According to prosecutors for the case, Whitfield was looking for a place to hide after a robbery and broke into Parnell's home causing her to have a heart attack. While he never touched the grandmother, he did cause the heart trauma and never called for help!
Crime doesnt pay therefore you do the crime you do the time!
Texas unveils new vanity plates to raise money for state!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter Every state in the union is facing huge budget deficits and a number have turned to license plates as a way to raise some fast cash. First was New York, which recently unveiled a new "Empire Gold" license plate. The catch? Any citizen who wants to legally drive is required to buy one when his or her current plates expire. And they're more expensive than the old ones to boot.
Speaking of boots, Texas is also planning to raise funds with license plates, but in this case it's totally optional. The Lone Star state recently unveiled a spate of new vanity plates on MyPlates.com that cost between $55 and $195 smackaroos. The selection is as large as the state itself (and its hats) including standard Lone Star plates in crazy colors like hot pink and orange (Texas calls them Lone Star Pink and Lone Star Orange), as well as an Old West-themed plate and other Texassy designs.
Sure, $195 for a vanity plate is a lot, but the money's divided between the state and its two partners in this joint venture: Pinnacle Technical Resources of Dallas and Etech Inc. of Nacogdoches. Regardless of the three-way split, the state is reportedly guaranteed $25 million over five years. Hey, if it'll help keep a few extra public school teachers employed and essential services in tact, then its worth living down the fact that your state now offers a hot pink license plate.
Where To Trade In Your Gift Cards For Cash!!!!
CATEGORIES education, life styles | author: NewspitterGift cards; they're beautiful things when done right, and this year, I just may give in and gift card it as I've stumbled upon a few great resources that I can't possibly pass up: Like any gift, giving a gift card has its own set of rules. Read up on gift card etiquette to ensure you're following protocol!
Cash it in. If you've received a gift card that you can't bear to re-gift but will never use, cash it in through a site like SwapAGift.com, which offers up to 70% cash for your remaining gift card balances. Use your cash to purchase a gift card for someone else!
Want a discount on your gift cards (who doesn't?). Visit GiftCardGranny.com for significantly discounted gift cards on select retailers. Some are up to 55% off, so you're guaranteed a great deal.
With tips like that, who wouldn't gift a gift card?
SNL Skit a Warning for Obama?
CATEGORIES entertainment | author: Newspitter(Nov. 23) -- It's always been a good sign for "Saturday Night Live" when people are still talking about the show on Monday morning. That's happening more often now that the venerable comedy program is sharpening its satire of President Barack Obama.
This weekend's show opened with a parody of Obama's news conference with China's president that included jabs at the administration's spending on economic stimulus, health care reform, bailouts and Cash for Clunkers. America's $800 billion debt to China was the butt of many jokes.
What do you think about the China news conference sketch? Funny or not funny and Do you think SNL's skits signal trouble for President Obama?
4 US Soldiers Killed in Afghan Attacks!!!
CATEGORIES World News | author: NewspitterKABUL (Nov. 23) -- Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops in 24 hours in Afghanistan, the military said Monday, adding to the growing toll as NATO and the U.S. consider whether to send more forces to the war. Also, a suicide bomber, targeting a police convoy, killed two civilian men and three children Monday afternoon in northern Kunduz province, the Afghan Interior Ministry said. Five others were wounded in the attack. Three of the Americans died in southern Afghanistan on Sunday, NATO said in a statement. Two of them were killed in a bomb attack and the third in a separate firefight. The statement said a bomb killed the fourth American in the east Monday. The deaths bring the number of Americans killed in Afghanistan in November to 15. October was the deadliest month for U.S. troops in the eight-year war, with 58 dead. Meanwhile, Afghan officials said three Afghan soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in southern Helmand province. The Defense Ministry said the bombing occurred on Sunday in Musa Qala district. It did not give further details and it was not clear if there was any connection between the Afghan deaths and the American deaths. In Washington, President Barack Obama called his war council together as he moves toward a decision on whether to add more U.S. forces as the conflict in Afghanistan deepens. The president has said he would announce his plans by year's end. Commanding Gen. Stanley McChrystal has said more U.S. forces were needed to head off a U.S. failure in the fight against Taliban militants. He has recommended about 40,000 additional troops. In Brussels, NATO said Monday it wants allied nations to commit more forces to Afghanistan ahead of a U.S. decision on whether to send more troops. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen is in the midst of intense negotiations on getting more troops, equipment, funding and other resources for the newly established NATO Training Mission, spokesman James Appathurai said. NATO currently has about 71,000 troops in Afghanistan, nearly half of them American. The U.S. military also has another 36,000 soldiers in Afghanistan who serve outside NATO under independent command. Afghan President Hamid Karzai, inaugurated Thursday for a second five-year term, wants more U.S. help to secure his country against the Taliban-led insurgency. Although several allies have said they will dispatch some reinforcements, most NATO nations have so far shied away from making firm commitments.
Miracle: 5 Year Old Baghdad, Meet His Angel After An Acid Attack!!
CATEGORIES World News | author: NewspitterLittle Youssif, 5, was playing outside of his home in central Baghdad last January when he was suddenly grabbed by unknown `men',(I can barely dignify these scum with the name) doused in gas, and set on fire.
He lived, but was horribly scarred, disabled and in constant pain.
After his story was broadcast on American television, The Children's Burn Foundation agreed to pay for Youssif and his family to come to the United States for medical treatment where he's being treated by Dr. Peter Grossman, a plastic surgeon with the Grossman Burn Center who's donating his services.
Youssif is on the road to recovery after an amazing surgical technique in which Dr. Grossman inserted saline balloons in Youssiff's neck and face to provide more `good skin' by stretching it, so the worst of the scar tissue could be removed..and after surgery that took 3 1/2 hours, Dr. Grossman successfully removed the worst of Youssiff's scars and repaired his lower lip making it possible for him to eat again.
Proof again that Americans are some of the kindest and most generous people on the planet.
Take that, bin-Laden. Back at you, al-Sadr, Ahmadinejad and Zawahiri....
White Missouri Teen Charged For Almost Burning Black Teen Into Ashes!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter

“he wished slavery days were still in effect because he would get rid of him” (Walter is Black).
The end result of this altercation led to Walter being burned alive

SMH....Liberian Rape Victim, Parents Arrested For Child Abuse!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: NewspitterThe parents of an 8-year-old Liberian girl who was allegedly sexually assaulted by four boys in July were arrested Friday on child abuse charges, according to Arizona police.
The father, 59, and mother, 47, were arrested Friday in Phoenix on seven counts of child abuse, said police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill. Police were waiting for them at their home after the Maricopa County Attorney's Office issued the warrants.
WTF!! Gang Members Kills Human and Sell Their Fat In Peru!!!
CATEGORIES health, World News | author: Newspitter(CNN) -- Peruvian authorities say they have arrested four members of a gang that specialized in selling to European labs fat obtained from dead humans.
Officials are investigating the disappearance of at last 60 people they believe were killed by gang members in two mountainous states in central Peru, lead prosecutor Jorge Sanz Quiroz said Friday.
The four suspects have been charged with murder in the September slaying of a Peruvian man, the prosecutor said.
"They killed to obtain human fat because there were European laboratories that would pay them," Sanz Quiroz said.
The suspects told authorities they were paid $15,000 for a liter (about 1 quart) of human fat.
Officials did not disclose what possible use laboratories could have for the human fat, but fat can be a component of cosmetics and is used in reconstructive or cosmetic surgery. The use of human fat for any purpose is extremely rare.
OMG!!!Depressed Woman's Facebook Pics Ruin Her Insurance Benefits!?!?!?!?
CATEGORIES health, life styles | author: Newspitter
It seems that placing privacy settings on your social networking profile isn't enough to keep snoops away. Nathalie Blanchard, of Quebec, Canada, learned that lesson when her long-term, sick-leave benefits were stripped from her because of photos on her Facebook account.
For the past year and a half, Blanchard had been on leave from her job at IBM as the result of being diagnosed with serious clinical depression. Since the diagnosis, she had been collecting a monthly check from Manulife, her insurance firm. But after Manulife investigators discovered photos on her private Facebook page that showed her out partying with friends at a bar and vacationing on sunny beaches, the company decided to cut off benefits. The insurer considered the photos evidence that Blanchard was no longer depressed, according to a report by the CBC.
Blanchard told the CBC that she was only following doctors' orders and trying to have fun through nights out and short getaways. She added that while she might have been happy in the moment, her issues with depression persisted. Manulife, for its part, told the news outlet that it "would not deny or terminate a valid claim solely based on information published on websites such as Facebook," but the company did not cite any other reasons for revoking her claim.
Since Blanchard's profile is private, it seems that Manulife would have had to resort to hacking or deception in order to gain access to the photos. Regardless of what you think about Blanchard's taking leave for a year and a half for feeling sad, that would represent a clear violation of trust and privacy.
Trialer Trash: Mom Sexted Nude Photos of Girl's Rival!!!!!
CATEGORIES funny pic, news | author: NewspitterAn Ohio mom was sentenced to four years of probation for "sexting" naked photos of her daughter's cheerleading rival to teachers and students at the girls' high school.
Linda Tate, 48, of Wintersville, pleaded guilty Wednesday to menacing by stalking, according to a story in the State Journal of Charleston, W.Va. She was also fined $1,000, the Herald-Star of Steubenville, Ohio, reported.
Prosecutors said Tate got ahold of a nude photo of the Indian Creek High School student and sent it through text messages to the girl's classmates, teachers and school officials.
Tate was initially charged with a felony, but agreed to plead guilty to the misdemeanor right before her trial was to start. Prosecutors said the plea meant the victim would be spared the ordeal of testifying in court.
Firefighters Rescue Boy From Chimney!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: NewspitterA moment of brotherly mischief led to a long ordeal for a boy in North Jackson, Miss. Firefighters spent two hours getting him out of a chimney.
Clifton Washington told WAPT he heard cries for help Thursday morning but couldn't tell exactly where the screams were coming from. After calling 911, he and his wife drove through their neighborhood and found the house where the boy was stuck in the chimney.
His brother threw the boy's backpack down the chimney and the young teen got trapped trying to retrieve it, according to neighbors.
Firefighters had to dismantle the top of the brick chimney to save the boy, 13, who was treated at a hospital for minor cuts and bruises. The Fire Department said his family won't have to reimburse the city for the cost of the rescue.
Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak Might Actually Happen, Thanks to Physics!!
CATEGORIES life styles, news | author: NewspitterHold onto those wands, all you would-be wizards. One of Harry Potter's most valuable possessions might soon make the jump from the page to the real world. According to The Daily Mail, researchers at Imperial College in London received an $8.1-million grant to develop an invisibility suit. That's right, you could throw on a garment and sneak around, just like Harry did while stalking the halls of Hogwarts.
The idea isn't as far-fetched as it initially sounds. When light hits an object, it bounces off the surface and into the eye, which is what makes it visible to us. Using "meta-material," these scientists want to force light waves to flow around an object (think water flowing around a rock in a river), not bounce off of it, which would make the object invisible to the eye. But right now, all this is simply theory. Next, the researchers must engineer a material that can manipulate light waves in such a manner. As we've said before, that's much easier said than done thanks to a little thing we call physics.
If this idea becomes reality (trust us, we're keeping our fingers crossed), we have one simple request: Please don't model the suit's look after Harry and the gang's school uniforms. That just doesn't work for us.
Rhianna In London Stuntin' on Them Other Hoes...That Includes Chris Brown!!!
CATEGORIES celebrity | author: NewspitterSoldier Mom May Receive Charges for Refusing Deployment to Care for Son!!!
CATEGORIES news | author: Newspitter A single mom could face criminal charges after skipping her deployment flight to Afghanistan and refusing to leave the country.
Spc. Alexis Hutchinson, 21, remains in custody and is confined to Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia. She was arrested 11 days ago by military police after missing her unit's flight.
As of now, no charges have been filed against the woman, but investigation is currently underway by commanders, according to a spokesperson for the Army post.
Such a bold move is highly frowned upon, but the reasoning was in order to take care of her infant son, who would not have had the proper supervision or care if she were to leave and go overseas.
In regards to her child, Kamani was placed into in the hands of a daycare provider overnight once his mother was arrested and then was put in the custody of her mother a week ago where she took the child back to their home in California.
Hutchinson states that the only other possibility for her son to stay with family would have been to go with her mother, Angelique Hughes, but she added that her mother is already overwhelmed as she is currently taking care of three other family members that have health problems. Along with family, the mother also has a daycare in which she is in charge of 14 other children.
Hughes even added that the weight would be too much to hold and she wasn't sure if she could provide the necessary 24-hour care needed for the infant.
Some pay ponder why she wouldn't motion for this fact, but the actuality of her circumstances is the fact that her superiors told her to deploy, regardless of the fact, and just have her child placed inside foster care.
Reported by the Associated Press, Rai Sue Sussman, the civilian attorney for Hutchinson, spoke on the behalf of her client and her pending situation.
"For her it was like, 'I couldn't abandon my child'. She was really afraid of what would happen, that if she showed up they would send her to Afghanistan anyway and put her son with child protective services."
The mother and daughter had originally had a plan for Hughes to care for the child if Hutchinson was deployed as the Army requires single-parents to issue a care plan for dependent children before they can actually be deployed into combat. Her mother realized after two weeks that she couldn't care for the child for a whole year.
"This is an infant, and they require 24-hour care," Hughes said. "It was very, very stressful, just too much for me to deal with."
According to Kevin Larson, a spokesperson for Hunter Army Airfield, he is unaware of what Hutchinson stated to her superiors, but added that a single parent would not be deployed if there was no one to care for his/her child. The investigation will serve as a means to get to the bottom of what actually transpired. He also added that if she would have brought her child with her to the deployment terminal, her departure would have been cancelled.
"Spc. Hutchinson's deployment is halted," Larson said. "There will be no deployment while this situation is ongoing."
Larson added that Hutchinson will remain in Georgia as facts are gathered on her case.
With all of the facts that are presented, what exactly is the problem?
This serves as yet another example of how America is built by the people, but not meant to serve the people. Why should a woman be forced to bring her child to the terminal to provide validity?
Let's clap our hands for the country whose mindset is more focused on taking out those around of us instead of caring for those with us.
Footage Of Ross’ Family At “Pretty Boy” Floyd’s Mansion With Diddy and 50!!!
CATEGORIES celebrity, entertainment | author: NewspitterThe feud between 50 Cent and Rick Ross continues, as pictures of Rick Ross' family posing with 50 and boxer Floyd Mayweather recently hit the internet. Thisis50.com posted various pictures of Ross' family posing with 50 Cent and Mayweather at the boxer’s Las Vegas mansion. One picture shows Ross’ ex-girlfriend Tia Kemp’s son DeAndre, as he poses in front of Mayweather’s Bentley.Another features Tia posing with 50 Cent, Floyd Mayweather and her sons DeAndre and Kemp and Ross' son William Roberts Jr, who can be seen sporting a chain with the logo for Ross' Maybach Music record label.
This battle can turn ugly real quick when kid's are involved. 50 cents should know by even his lowest standards that kid's are not meant to be involved in the so-called "rap beef" knowing that he has a little child of his own. They say live by the gun and die by the gun; 50 obviously survived 9 bullets to his frame before but they is not telling that he might escape this time if guns are drawn. You can be a marketing genius and have all the right tools to get ahead but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. Big lose for all involved especially 50 because this is just plain childish; plain and simple.
Hedge fund genius out-earns J.K. Rowling, Oprah and Tiger combined!!!
CATEGORIES Finance | author: Newspitter
The Paulson who's been most in the news over the last few years has been former Treasury Secretary Hank. But the Paulson who has made the most money during that time is a fellow you've probably never heard of -- another Harvard Business School graduate in the hedge fund industry -- John. Through his Paulson & Co., John Paulson pulled in a $4 billion pay check in 2007 -- that's more than J.K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey and Tiger Woods combined.
How did he pull it off? The Wall Street Journal reports that it was Paulson's share of Paulson & Co.'s $20 billion profit from betting on a drop in the subprime mortgage market. He spent $1 billion in 2006 to buy insurance on what he then saw as risky mortgage investments. This was not a surprise to everyone back then -- that December, I had suggested betting against subprime mortgage lender NovaStar Financial (NOVS), and its stock has since fallen more than 99% from $116 to $0.99.
But Paulson's bet really paid off for him. When the housing market collapsed and the mortgages fell, Paulson's insurance policies soared in value. One of his funds rose more than 500% that year. Then, in 2008, he won again by betting against the stock prices of financial firms -- and he made big bank again when their shares imploded, according to the Journal. What is Paulson doing now? He has sold $328 million worth of stock in Goldman Sachs Group (GS) and invested $1.45 billion in Citigroup (C). With $306 billion in government cash and obligations on its books, Citi is probably not going to collapse into bankruptcy. I don't know why Paulson placed this bet, but it sure is a big one.
It's also a bet you can follow easily. We'll also know in the next few years whether lightning strikes again for John Paulson on his Citi gamble. Come to think of it, there's probably only a little luck involved in his investment success.
'Unfriend' Named Word of the Year!!!
CATEGORIES education | author: Newspitter After a year that saw so much action and chaos on the political, economic, and pop cultural fronts, the New Oxford American Dictionary has decided that 2009's vaunted Word of the Year should be firmly planted in the new social media lexicon. The envelope, please...
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, "unfriend" is your 2009 Word of the Year (cue applause). The Oxford Dictionary defines this year's winner thusly:
unfriend – verb – To remove someone as a "friend" on a social networking site such as Facebook.
Facebook Displays Couple Photos When They Get Engaged!!!
CATEGORIES life styles, starting of with a smile | author: Newspitter The latest Facebook redesign has been begrudgingly accepted by the whiny masses, and now that everyone has stopped complaining and started actually paying attention, some interesting new features are being revealed. One of those tweaks, caught by Nick O'Neill at All Facebook, is how relationships now appear in the news feed. Specifically, when friends get engaged, the corresponding update is automatically accompanied by a photo of the couple in order to help the post stand out.
It seems that Facebook randomly selects a photo in which both halves of the couple are tagged, and places it next to the relationship status update in the news feed. It's a subtle, but nice, touch that adds a little more personality to the often ignorable changes in people's romantic entanglements.
It's all gravy: Cost of Thanksgiving meal sees biggest drop since 2000!!!
CATEGORIES life styles | author: Newspitter People cooking up a traditional Thanksgiving feast can be thankful it won't be as expensive as it was last year.
The price of making a traditional Thanksgiving meal -- turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin pie and all the trimmings -- will drop 4% this year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. That's the biggest decline since 2000, says Bloomberg News.
The average cost of this year's feast for 10 is $42.91, a $1.70 decline from last year's average of $44.61, according to the federation's 24th annual informal price survey of classic Thanksgiving items. Prices are nearly at their 2007 level of $42.26. The survey was done by volunteer shoppers. Though this may be good news for consumers, it's another lump that farmers have to take. For instance, turkey production is expected to be down 8% to 9% this year, according to Sherrie Rosenblatt, spokeswoman for the National Turkey Federation. Wholesale prices have also declined by about 5 cents a pound. None of this should hurt consumers who are often able to get their turkeys for free during supermarket promotion.