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French Politician Admits Paying Boys For Sex!!!


For all those people out there worried that America is turning into France, I've got news for you: France is turning into America.

Exhibit A is the latest sex scandal to hit the airwaves. It concerns one Frédéric Mitterand, France's culture minister (and nephew of former French President François Mitterand.)

Some of you may remember Monsieur Frédéric Mitterand as an early European defender of Roman Polansky in that whole sordid affair last week. (Boy, how time flies. That was a whole David Letterman ago . . .) Mitterand decried the "media lynching" that Mr. Polansky was subjected to back in the 1970s and accused America of showing a "frightening face" by reviving the case now.

But now it appears that in defending Polansky, Mitterand brought some of his own skeletons out of the closet. Apparently, in his 2005 autobiography, "La Mauvaise Vie" (The Bad Life), Mitterand confessed to paying "young boys" for sex while vacationing in Thailand. As he wrote at the time: "We could say that such a spectacle is abominable from a moral point of view, but it pleased me beyond reason. The profusion of attractive young boys who are immediately available puts me in a state of desire and I do not need to restrain or hide myself."

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