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Children as young as five 'should be taught about abortion'!!


The guidelines state that teachers should discuss the idea that "girls and boys have private body parts that can feel pleasurable when touched by oneself" to pupils who are just five years old.

By the age of 12, it recommends that children should be taught about the "right to and access to safe abortion".

The draft report on sex education, drawn up by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, will be issued to local authorities and education bodies across the world by the end of October.

However, it has been strongly criticised for suggesting topics such as masturbation should be discussed with young children, removing the right of parents to broach the issues when they see fit.

The report is intended to help countries improve sex education and sexual health, especially in the developing world. UNESCO officials stress that it is up to governments and educational authorities whether they follow the advice.

Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe is among its critics.

She said: "This is wholly inappropriate and is destroying parental responsibility. It is parents who should determine the pace of revelation, not the authorities.

"What one child may be ready to learn about at the age of ten, another child may not be ready for until 13. It should be up to parents to make these decisions.

"When it comes to innocent children at the tender age of five years old, it is absolutely appalling these guidelines suggest that they should be taught about subjects such as masturbation."

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