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Chris Brown Can't Remember Beating Rihanna!!!


Chris Brown will make his first television appearance since his February assault on Rihanna this Wednesday, appearing on 'Larry King Live.' CNN has released a preview clip of the interview, in which Brown alludes going into detail on that violent night.
In the clip, King asks the R&B star if he remembered hitting Rihanna, which he has since been charged and sentenced for. Brown bluntly replies: "No."

When King presses Brown about how he felt watching all of the coverage of the incident, Brown didn't expound much more. "I just look at it like, 'Wow.' I'm in shock because first of all that's not who I am as a person. And that's not who I pride myself on being," Brown said. He went on to say that "When I look at the police reports ... I don't know what to think." Brown's mother was by his side for the interview, telling King that her son "has never ever been a violent person," and that she "was totally shocked" when she found out what happened. Brown was sentenced on Aug. 25 for felony assault. He was given five years probation and six months of community labor.

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