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12, year old dies after struggling to give birth!!!


Fawziya Ammodi, a 12-year-old Yemeni child bride, was in the painful throws of labor for three days until she and her baby eventually passed away in a hospital, a children's rights group confirmed on Monday.

"Although the cause of her death was lack of medical care, the real case was the lack of education in Yemen and the fact that child marriages keep happening," said Seyaj President Ahmed al-Qureshi.

Born to impoverished parents, Fawziya was forced to drop out of school when she was married off to a man twice her age, al-Qureshi said.

While child bride are commonplace in Yemen, the city from which Fawziya came, Hodeidah young girls are given up for marriage as a tribal custom in alarming numbers. More than half of young Yemeni girls are force to marry before the age of 18, often times to much older men.

While the circumstances behind the young girls marriage remain unknown, young girls are often offered from families who are financially strapped for cash, to men who offer hefty dowries.

According to CNN, when girls in Yemen are married off she is no longer a burden financially or morally. IN exchange for their daughters, some parents require the men to wait a considerable amount of time before consummating the marriage.

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