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Cop Attacks Man for Facebooking His Wife!!!


Reading your significant other's e-mails, texts, or Facebook messages usually turns out to be a bad idea. For example, a police officer in Martinsburg, West Virginia didn't take too kindly to some 'friendly' Facebook exchanges between his wife and a mutual friend. While some would simply talk it out, this cop allegedly decided to let his fists do the talking.

According to, Lieutenant John Sherman, while off-duty, confronted Larry "Tike" Murphy about the messages last Thursday. After a heated exchange, Sherman allegedly punched Murphy in the face and back, and ripped his shirt (and right by the Martinsburg Church of Christ, no less). As a result, Sherman was placed on administrative leave and charged with battery. According to court documents, Sherman "did not believe it was right that another man was communicating with his wife by Internet-sending some of the things he was sending to her."

Sherman posted bond Monday, and the Martinsburg Police Department says it has launched an administrative investigation into the attack. At the very least, Sherman's lost some friends, since reports say the men's wives are (or were) best friends. At the most, he's lost a career, and maybe a wife, too.

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