
For beauty proposes and to live longer, Michael Jackson used to sleep in an oxygen tent. He later donated the bed to a Californian medical centre as a therapeutic aid for burns victims. NOTE: In an interview with Oprah, Michael Jackson denied sleeping in this bed; according to him, he donated a million dollars to a foundation who bought the bed. He then saw that strange piece of technology, tried it on, somebody took a picture and that is how the rumor started.

Flickr user mandalariangirl took a photo of this ancient Egyptian female sculpture picture in the Field Museum in Chicago. She speculates if Michael Jackson got some ideas for his plastic surgeries.

Michael Jackson invented and patented special boots that allowed the wearer to lean so far forward that it seems to defy gravity. He used this for the famous "lean" in the "Smooth Criminal" music video.
4. Bubble the Chimp, Michael's best friend

In 1985, a three-year-old chimpanzee named Bubbles was rescued from a Texas cancer research center by Michael Jackson. From that moment on, Bubbles went everywhere with Jackson, becoming his constant companion and purported best friend. He would even be dressed up in the same outfit as Jackson and toured with him on his Bad tour. Bubbles now resides in an animal sanctuary, he is no longer safe to be let out to play with the public. Jackson continued to visit his beloved pet with his children, and the chimp would resume a very childish and playful behavior when Jackson was around.

Michael Jackson was suffering from a rare genetic disease called Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. The condition is just one among the 8,000 or so known rare disease worldwide.
Tune in Tommorrow for last 5 off Part 2
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