I am not surprised to hear that. Yet people may believe just because porn stars get tested regularly for hiv,they think that they are safe and cleaner than regular womens cooch?SMH,I dont think hardly so.There may be many more porn stars who will be and who caught the monster.People nowadays seem to get so caught up in the large amounts of money that porn stars make,there is a much better and decent way to make a living than to just settle for laying up on your back being a paid whore(male or female).According to the Los Angeles Times....
Dr. Colin Hamblin, AIM's medical director [said] the porn actress first tested HIV positive on June 4 and worked the following day for reasons he said were still being investigated. A second positive result came back Saturday. And the clinic is awaiting results of a third and final confirmatory test, he said.
Hamblin described the woman as having had two recent sexual partners, a fellow porn actor who worked with her on June 5 and her boyfriend, who is not in the porn industry. Those men have had sexual intercourse with an additional six people, who have all been notified and offered testing, he said.
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