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!!!What You Say About Me and My Mama???


Mark Cuban who is a billionaire Owner for the Dallas Mavericks had the audacity to call Kenyon Martin, forward for the Denver Nuggets a "thug" as if he even knows the meaning and significance of that word. It all happened after a controversial game 3 of the NBA playoffs where Cuban's team ended up losing to fall down in the series three games to nothing. Cuban admits when a fan called the Nuggets "thugs" he turned to Martin's mom, Lydia Moore and said, "That includes your son." And the insult to injury can be seen after the game where Cuban is pointing and making remarks to Kenyan Martin's mother which is very disrespecful in all ways imaginable. Martin replied back to cuban's antics by saying "I don't feel I need to call his name in the media and all that, but it's a little personal, And I'm going to take care of it." "[You] don't say nothing to my kids or my family," Martin said. "If you got something to say, say it to me. But I'm going to take care of it. I'm not going to do the whole media thing, back and forth. That's his thing. I'm more of a face-to-face type of dude." Cuban did apologise stating "... I would like to apologize to you and your mom KMart for my comment. I should have not said anything and I was wrong. Hopefully you will accept the apology and we can move on." "When the series comes back to Dallas, your family, and the family of other Nuggets players are welcome to stay in my suite, with my family. Its amazing how tempers mellow when real people talk to each other and realize that its still just a game." Who the hell does this guy thinks he is? I mean just because you're a billionaire you think you can call somebody and their mamas out and try to sweet talk them with staying in your hotel? I guess he does not value family and the principal of the situation but money and materialistic things seems to suit him well. K-mart you need to handle your business because even your girl rapper Trina definetly would not like to be disrespected like that.


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