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What is diabetes?


Now a day’s everybody thinks diabetes is the new HIV because its not curable lies lies lies. Yes it is curable and it’s not as bad as you think of it to be. Diabetes is a disease in which a persons system cannot properly absorb normal amounts of sugar and starch because the pancreas fails to secrete enough insulin; it is characterized by excessive production of the urine and abnormal thirst. What most people don’t or fail to understand is that, unlike any other preventable disease you can prevent it before it happens or even manage it when you are affected. Diabetes is very much curable to the point that it can go away if you eat the proper food needed and excises like 30 minutes to an hour a day.

Unlike other disease diabetes is associated with obesity, high blood pressure (hbp), heart problem etc. There are many ways to prevent diabetes or even manage it if you have it such as eating healthy, excises like walking to the train station instead of taking the bus, getting off a stop early and walk home, drinking enough water and eating more fiber, fruits and vegetables are all part of the simplest way to preventing a lot of disease especially DIABETES.!!!!!!

By a Reader

"The world's most expensive car"


While the rich surely don't worry about $4 a gallon gas like the rest of us, the fallout from the credit crisis is having a stifling effect on luxury car sales. Sales of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bugattis and Bentleys are reported to have slowed around the world, although spikes have been noted for slightly less ostentatious models, including Maseratis, Mercedes and BMWs. Even many of the superrich have decided, apparently, to take a wait and see approach on restocking their garages. But once the desire for an exotic sports car or luxury sedan gets too much to resist, they'll find a growing array of incredible cars at prices waiting. Bugatti Veyron was conceived to be the fastest, most powerful and most expensive supercar on Earth, and its sheer power, performance and styling are unique even among top of the line Porsches and Ferraris. The powerplant essentially two V-8s linked together into a "W" pattern can produce 1,001 horsepower, far more than a NASCAR Sprint Cup auto and even more than is allowed in current Formula 1 cars. The height adjustable suspension is framed by a pair of monstrous 20-inch wheels in the front and 21-inch wheels in the rear.

Price: $1,500,000
Style: Two-door coupe
Engine: 16-cylinder, 8.0-liter, 1,001 horsepower
Performance: 253 mph top speed

How Addicted Is The World


The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical dependence or psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction, video game addiction, crime, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography addiction, etc. but now a days when the word addiction is said, people only associates it with someone doing drugs or having a physical dependence on pills. but i believe addiction is more done just doing drugs, is a mind set.

I believe the whole world is an addict, we all as Americans or just human are addicted to something. either learning, sex, coffee or shopping. i know you thinking how can a person be addicted to learning?? well there are scholars who prime objective is to acquire as much knowledge as possible. Yes is a good tools to have knowledge but we all say too much of everything is bad. Having all the knowledge in the world won't guarantee money in your pocket. They turn out to be the old prune siting in front of the class answering all the questions, which annoys everybody. 60 something year old with maybe more than 2 PhD's and still in school instead of working at a professional field, this is clearly an addiction to acquiring knowledge.

Most a.m. coffee drinkers don't realize it, but their morning cups of coffee set their bodies up for a roller coaster day of highs and lows, only to bottom out at the point of exhaustion. Just a few hours after consumption, when the artificial high dies down, many people may reach for more coffee or something sugary to get another lift, leading to daily fluctuations in energy and alertness, and possibly to eventual chronic adrenal exhaustion. An Addiction that we barely talk about is sexual addictions cause to most is embarrassing to admit to this addiction but will be quick to admit they smokers or drinkers. The term "sexual addiction" is used to describe the behavior of a person who has an unusually intense sex drive or an obsession with sex. Sex and the thought of sex tend to dominate the sex addicts thinking, making it difficult to work or engage in healthy personal relationships. some people may say no is not true am just freaky and spontaneous but the truth is NO you maybe a sex addict. I hope this chart help you identify your addiction.

Behaviors associated with sexual addiction include:

  • Compulsive masturbation (self-stimulation)
  • Multiple affairs (extra-marital affairs)
  • Multiple or anonymous sexual partners and/or one-night stands
  • Consistent use of pornography
  • Unsafe sex
  • Phone or computer sex (cybersex)
  • Prostitution or use of prostitutes
  • Exhibitionism
  • Obsessive dating through personal ads
  • Voyeurism (watching others) and/or stalking
  • Sexual harassment
  • Molestation/rape
People who "shop 'till they drop" and run their credit cards up to the limit often have a shopping addiction. They believe that if they shop they will feel better. Compulsive shopping and spending generally makes a person feel worse. It is similar to other addictive behaviors and has some of the same characteristics as as problem drinking (alcoholism), gambling and overeating addictions. Wonder why American is recession now, well the answer is simple spending more than we getting in. credit cards has made it very easy for people wit this addiction to run up a huge amount of debt. which the can pay for. so next time you think about addictions it does not only pertain to drinkers and smokers. Look at yourself be cause there is a possibility you are an addict too.
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"10 ways for college students to land more financial aid"


When most high school students start looking at colleges, they think about what the college offers in terms of academics and extracurriculars. But when the financial aid packages from schools come in the mail this spring, the final decision will likely be made with dollars and cents in mind. A good financial aid package is as important as the major, course of study and geographic location". "It comes at the end of the search, and it's absolutely a top concern."
1. Make colleges compete.
If you're a fantastic student and have plenty of offers, you may have a better shot of getting an improved financial aid package at your top school. In a letter, explain why you consider this school to be your first choice, and that you'd come "if the school could make it financially feasible for you and including the competing institution's financial aid offer.
2. Ask for a reassessment.
FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the document that determines a student's eligibility for federal financial aid, and in many cases, the additional awards offered by schools themselves. Financial aid for students is calculated from "base year" data. For example, for the 2009-2010 academic year, the base year is the 2008 calendar year.
Financial aid is calculated with the assumption that the income and assets will remain stable, but in this economy, that's often not the case. If your family's financial circumstances have changed, it's wise to ask for a reassessment.
"If somebody lost a job, or if your assets are worth 75 percent what they were worth before, (financial aid officers) need to know that," . "These are things that a school can take into consideration."
Other changes that may have an effect on financial aid include the death of a parent, divorce and high medical expenses.
3. Explain money issues outside of FAFSA.
FAFSA puts students and parents under the financial aid microscope to determine how much they can truly pay for college. Still, the endless forms don't capture every detail or always represent the true picture of a family's finances.
4. Ask about new scholarships and grants.
Depending on your background and academic interests, you may find that you qualify for new scholarships. The two best times to look for scholarships are as an entering freshman and after you declare your major. "I'd ask, 'Are there any new scholarships this year or in coming years?'"
If you fill a specific niche for which the school has received aid; female engineering majors, for example you may qualify for additional assistance.

5. Be polite and don't "negotiate."
Parents and students who see financial aid officers as adversaries instead of partners are often missing the point and could end up missing out on aid. Financial aid officers go into this business because they're interested in helping young people realize their educational dreams, but they're making decisions with limited information. Their job is to help meet the financial needs of students not help them get a bargain. With tighter budgets, increased financial need and rules set by Congress for awarding financial aid, financial aid offices are feeling the pinch. Showcase your real financial need, not your haggling skills, if you want to get extra financial assistance.
6. Read the fine print on the stimulus package.
The stimulus package recently signed into law includes some significant perks for college students. Pell Grants will be bumped from a maximum of $4,731 to $5,350, starting July 1, and to $5,500 for the 2010-2011 academic year. The package also boosts the tuition tax credit from a maximum of $1,800 to $2,500. It's also partially refundable, meaning that those who don't earn enough to pay taxes can still receive help.

7. Get the best kind of aid.
As you look at your financial aid package, be sure you understand the difference between the types of aid. It is a simple but occasionally overlooked point that grants and scholarships don't have to be paid back, while loans do.

8. Don't be afraid to ask.
Though tuition is rising and financial aid budgets often haven't kept up, that doesn't mean your case isn't worth a phone call or a letter. You have nothing to lose but 10 minutes for a phone call or an hour for a letter. Even if you don't win the scholarship money, you'll gain self-advocacy skills that will take you a long way on campus. You'll have vested interest in your education. if you're lucky, that phone call could bring you thousands of dollars more for your education.

9. On-campus jobs are an option.
Even if you don't qualify for a work-study package, inquire about on-campus jobs. Schools often offer a range of opportunities for students, whether it's scraping dishes at the dining hall or organizing lab equipment. Many savvy students are able to get work in a department related to their field of study, which may help them in their schoolwork and future career.
10. Get forms in on time.
In the world of financial aid, time really is money. If you meet deadlines, you're far more likely to get aid. With schools' limited resources and even greater demand on that funding, it's even more important for students to get their FAFSA forms in as early as possible. The federal deadline for FAFSA forms is June 30, but many schools require the paperwork well before that time. As an incoming freshman, when applying for aid from several schools, find out the school with the earliest deadline and use that date for all of them.

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