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Why Do Most Teens Feel Like Having Sex Is The Only Why To Be Cool Or Fit In


Most teens feel like the only to fix in in our society today is mostly by having sex. so people that i know stated having sex at the age of 12. when i ask them why the chose to start at such an early age all they could say was it was cool and it was something that every one was doing, but at the same time when i six down and think about it is society that put this in our teens with all the media and all of these new tech., it is bring our teens down and massing up their minds. If a teen goes on the computer it is not so hard for us teens to find things that is about SEX, not any thing to stop teens from having SEX. I believe if our society find a way have schools have educational class at less once a week it will help us teens and it will also help STD's from spending and our youth to come.

Trailer Trash!!!!!! Oh Please...Tell me WhAT YoU Think??


Second chance at Life i will live in a MOTOR HOME

Kenya west Is This Fashion or a New MetroSexual Trend


We all think Kenya got some great fashion sense, but this high end? or Gay end fashion? Am from New York the fashion capital but you never catch me with leopard prints tight woman spandex on with cowboy boots....LMAO The only Well dress guy is the white dude in the back...J/K What do you think is this the new line of Fashion???

RandomNEss??? Look Deep Into This Pic And Tell Me What You See


NOT Another Dum Canadian being fooled


A teen in the city's north end was mugged last night by someone claiming to be a
U.S. FBI agent, police say. The 16-year-old victim was near Yonge St., north of
Finch Ave., when he was approached by two young men around 8:35 p.m., Toronto
Police reported this morning. "One of the suspects produced a badge with a
photo, identifying himself as an FBI agent," the police report read. "This same
suspect made a demand for the victim's wallet. The victim complied." After cash
was taken from his wallet, the teen was forced to empty his pockets and follow
the suspects to their vehicle. "At this time the suspects grabbed the victim's
arm, but the victim broke free and made good his escape," police said. "The
suspects fled the scene in an unknown direction."

Barack Obama Essay: Dreams DO Come True. MLK Day


On the day of the first inauguration to take place in this city, a small band of citizens gathered to watch Thomas Jefferson assume office. Our young and fragile democracy had barely finished a long and contentious election that tested our founding ideals, and there were those who feared our union might not endure.

It was a perilous moment. But Jefferson announced that while we may differ in opinion, we all share the same principles. "Let us, then, fellow citizens, unite with one heart and one mind," he said, urging those assembled to begin anew the work of building a nation.
In the more than two centuries since, inaugurations have taken place during times of war and peace, depression and prosperity. Beneath the unfinished dome of the Capitol, a young lawyer from Illinois swore an oath to defend the Constitution a divided nation threatened to tear apart. In an era of unprecedented crisis, an optimistic New Yorker refused to allow us to succumb to fear. In a time of great change, a young man from Massachusetts convinced us to think anew with regard to serving our fellow man.

At each and every moment, the American people have joined with one heart and one mind - not just to commemorate a new president, but to celebrate those common ideals, share our hopes for a brighter future and resolve to advance our bold experiment.

Tomorrow, we'll gather at a new time of great challenge for the American people. Our nation is at war. Our economy is in turmoil. We have much work to do toward restoring prosperity and renewing the promise of this nation.

And yet while our problems may be new, what is required to overcome them is not. What is required is the same perseverance and idealism that our Founders displayed. What is also required is that we break free from rigid ideology and small thinking, and together grab hold of this opportunity to bridge partisan divides and deliver change for the American people.
The state of our union and challenges of a new century demand that we move beyond the old debates and stale arguments. We must focus today not on the dogmas of left and right, but on practical answers to the difficult problems of our times. The impetus for that change will come from the American people, where the ultimate power in our democracy lies.

That is why the events of this week are not simply about the inauguration of another American president - they are a celebration of our democracy. We have made this inauguration the most open and accessible in our history, with the sole purpose of involving more citizens than ever before. And as we gather on a mall, in our neighborhoods and in our homes to begin our new journey together, we remember that our greatest strength has always been found in one another.

For the first time ever, we're opening up the entire length of our National Mall for an inauguration. We've invited ordinary citizens from across the country, welcomed local schoolchildren and their families to the parade, and worked with local organizations to distribute free inaugural ball tickets to D.C. residents and military families. And we'll broadcast and webcast the first-ever Neighborhood Inaugural Ball so that all Americans can join us - wherever their neighborhood may be.

We've heeded Jefferson's words by involving Democrats, Republicans and independents in all aspects of this inauguration. Tonight, we will hold a series of dinners to honor leaders whose lifetime of public service has been enhanced by a dedication to bipartisan achievement, including my former opponent, Sen. John McCain.

We will couple the spirit of this inauguration with the celebration of the life of a preacher who once stood and shared his dream for America on the very mall where we'll gather tomorrow. Martin Luther King lived his life as a servant to others, and today, ordinary citizens all across the country honor that legacy through the more than 10,000 service projects they've created on And I'm asking the American people to answer the call and turn today's efforts into an ongoing commitment to enrich the lives of Americans in their communities, their cities and their country.

After all, it's that commitment to one another that's always led us forward as a people. Because from those first citizens to the millions technology will connect this week, through times of great challenge and great change, we have remembered that fundamental American truth - that what unites us is always more powerful than what divides us.

That is the spirit that has always sustained us. That is the principle that must drive us now. And I am confident that if we come together and summon that great American spirit once again, we will meet the challenges of our time and write the next great chapter in our American story.
Editor's note: President-elect Barack Obama wrote this essay for The Washington Times in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Why? Teen Plastic Surgery on the Rise.


The latest figures show that “the number of cosmetic surgical procedures performed on youths 18 or younger more than tripled over a 10-year period, to 205,119 in 2007 from 59,890 in 1997.” That is an astronomical number!

I understand that beauty and perfection have been something that women have constantly strived for and I also understand that cosmetic surgery has become more acceptable in our society. I mean, just turn on the television and I bet you can find at least three makeover shows on right this minute, and at least one re-run of Dr. 90210. Still, maybe we should be wondering why young girls are increasingly begging and pleading for new noses, breasts, chins, teeth, ears, tummies and every other resize-able, reshape-able body part.
Why would a young lady destroy their god giving beauty? the ANSWER is Very easy T.V. the contestant show of what the ideal female to be has drive alot of Teens on destructive path to destroy their body, not only with drugs but plastic surgery...Now adays not only female teen girl but also the trend is growing among teenage boys Sad

BAD Example Are:

Do married couples have to use condoms now???


Dwayne Wade’s whoring ways has infected his wife with a STD, according to court records. This divorce is getting very bumpy(no pun intended)…
Heating up: Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade’s divorce from wife Siohvaughn, his high school sweetheart. In legal papers, she alleges he abandoned his children, committed adultery, and infected her with an unspecified sexually transmitted disease. She wants the names of ”all of his sexual partners” during their six-year marriage. Dwyane petitioned for the divorce last May in Cook County, Ill. They wed in Chicago on May 18, 2002. Dwyane’s Windy City attorney, James Pritikin, issued a statement: “These malicious allegations are absolutely false and we look forward to the opportunity to dispute them in court.”
Dwyane turns 27 on Saturday. He and Siohvaughn, 27, have two boys, Zaire, a first-grader who will be 7 next month, and Zion, 1. Siohvaughn moved back to Chicago with the kids last year. Dwyane’s Heat salary is $14,410,581, according to published reports. He hauls in millions more from major endorsements such as Gatorade and Converse. He has a dozen vehicles, including four Cadillacs, four Mercedes-Benzes and a Maybach, court papers say.
The All-Star has been romantically linked to actress Gabrielle Union, 36, once married to former Jacksonville Jaguar Chris Howard.
From Siohvaughn’s pleading: “Dwyane has dissipated substantial sums of marital property including . . . buying his mother a $2 million church; placing substantial sums of money in an account with another woman; providing numerous friends and family members with unfettered access to accounts with hundreds of thousands of dollars of marital funds from which they made substantial withdrawals …’
‘Meanwhile, she says, he cut her off financially.Dwyane, named a ”Father of the Year” in 2007 by the National Father’s Day Committee, has gone ”months” without seeing his boys, Siohvaughn says. His ”failure to spend time with them . . . has resulted in the children at times being afraid of him; in fact, Zion . . . does not recognize or know Dwyane.” She wants sole custody, and support. She also says she has suffered ”grievous physical, emotional and mental injury” from the STD, diagnosed in the fall of ‘07. (The infection is not HIV or a ”killer thing,” sources say.) Dwyane and his ”paramour or paramours” are liable, she alleges. ‘Dwyane must disclose the identity of all of his sexual partners during the parties’ marriage,” says her counter-petition, prepared by attorney Michael J. Berger of Chicago. Siohvaughn has another Chicago lawyer, Dorene Marcus. Says Pritikin: “It is sad that an obviously angry and bitter woman will go to any lengths to publicly damage Mr. Wade.” Siohvaughn speaks the truth, Marcus insists. ”A person’s public persona does not necessarily reflect his behavior in private,” Marcus adds. “Mrs. Wade is prepared to prove everything she alleges. And, medical records don’t lie.”

Trust nowadays is a big issue in our society as more married couples are getting divorce due to infidelity. In this case do married couples need to use condoms for self assurance and own protection, and is this another case to verify that Monogomous realationships are old fashion traditionsSpeak on it ppl



Police said someone was shot in the stomach after an argument on opening night of the movie Notorious B.I.G at the Grande 18 at Four Seasons Station in Greensboro.“I don’t think it has anything related to the actual – with Biggie being shot and that whole thing. I think it was just people out and they act stupid and I don’t think it was anything related to the actual movie,” moviegoer Lisa Chandler said.Whether the shooting was related to the movie or not, the theater chose to indefinitely suspend all showings of the movie.

Police say four men were stabbed at a New York City nightclub advertising an after-party for the film premiere of "Notorious" about rapper Biggie Smalls.Police said Saturday a 21-year-old victim stabbed numerous times was in critical condition at Brookdale Hospital. Three others were stable.

What Is "Sexting"


when new technology becomes a tool that perverts uses to traffic pornography. NOW ADAYS you cant got through a persons phone without seeing some kind of half naked picture or a video of them incriminating themselves acting promiscuous. SEXTINGthe practice of texting nude pictures of oneself to a boyfriend or girlfriend. But keep in mind pictures are of minors, and can be considered child pornography..

We are in an age where girls have confusing cultural touch points, like the now-discontinued Bratz dolls, with their skimpy outfits and nonstop boyfriend-oriented messaging, or Hannah Montana’s Miley Cyrus, with her sexy Vanity Fair pic. But technology — cell phones in particular — is leading to a snowballing trend of inappropriateness, further muddying the waters of what’s OK and what’s not. Cyrus for instance has had scattered Internet transgressions. And then there’s High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens, whose nude Internet pictures were made very public. The conventional wisdom among the teen set is that it doesn’t mean you’re having sex; the electronic communications are just another form of flirting — it’s not like the girls are getting naked in the same room as the recipient, one teen told xchange. For adults worried about their children, that’s a terrifying take on the whole thing.

Making things worse is the fact that texted photos can also be forwarded to others, e-mailed around or put up on the Internet. For instance, a 17-year-old Wisconsin boy was recently caught posting nude photos of his 16-year-old ex-girlfriend on his MySpace page. The girl had texted him the pictures while they were together; after a break-up, he put them on the Web as revenge. And he’s also facing child porn charges as a result.

What you think bout this aint it crazy...the funny thang is we all do it..So Watch out Now.

PENSA!!!!!!PENSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PENSA...IS BOUT THAT TIME.


Be there or get left behind while we get all the anointing lol and more...

WTF!!!!! Student auctions off virginity for more than £2.5 million


Natalie Dylan, 22, claims her offer of a one-night stand has persuaded 10,000 men to bid for sex with her.

Last September, when her auction came to light, she had received bids up to £162,000 ($243,000) but since then interest in her has rocketed.

The student who has a degree in Women's Studies insisted she was not demeaning herself.

Miss Dylan, from San Diego, California, USA, said she was persuaded to offer herself to the highest bidder after her sister Avia, 23, paid for her own degree after working as a prostitute for three weeks.

She said she had had a lot of attention from a wide range of men, including "weirdos", "those who get really graphically sexual about what they want to do to me" and "lots of polite requests from rich businessmen".

Miss Dylan said she did not think it was particularly significant to be willing to sell your virginity and insisted that she was happy to undergo medical tests for any doubters.

She said: "I get some men who are obviously looking for a girlfriend but I try and make it clear that this is a one-night-only offer.

"I know that a lot of people will condemn me for this because it's so taboo but I really don't have a problem with that.

"My study is completely authentic in that I truly am auctioning my virginity but I am not being sold into this. I'm not being taken advantage of in any way.

"I think me and the person I do it with will both profit greatly from the deal."

She added: "It's shocking that men will pay so much for someone's virginity, which isn't even prized so highly anymore."

This sounds ridiculous to me, Who in their right mind will pay, jus to sex a virgin you know dat ASS is going be wack cuz she a virgin but then again..White girls are good with their HEAD!!!LOL Not what yall thinking about. she used her HEAD now she is $4 milli richer than me and YOU.....

LMFAO!!!!!!!Weekly "Ghanaian Terminology".


Agya Kusi: Jacuzzi.

Alarmblow: A destitute/Poor unemployed man

Alomo: Girlfriend/Sweetheart.

Alorsman: Smart guy; crook

Akpeteshie: Locally brewed achohol; made from palm wine; aka: Apio, Ogogro, hot,

Anti-so: Anti Social person

Antipei: Put on a dress/trousers without underwear

Apalahala: Midget

lets Share the humor....if you got some funny jokes or more ghana terminology holla ..
P.S Pleaseeee {ibeg} no cornnyness or offensive materials thankz

AdWords Ads Now Free?


A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

And no, nothing about his “secret” is illegal – nor does it require that you know someone on the “inside” at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.

Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly “…this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first … but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it.”

This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children’s toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses – all the while applying his mastermind secret.

Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses “I’ve actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for … and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines … all of which I got for free …”

So powerful is his secret that he’s able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.

He still has to set up an account with the search engines – but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.

Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.

One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret “Wow! Ha! This is really unique … and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!”

The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years’ period of time since applying his secret he’s done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really “buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential.”

Now to everyone else’s fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he’s not promising any of us for how long.

A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says “We’ll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things.”

One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret “he’s already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it’s still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this.”

It is currently available at:

…so you may want to head on over there now and get it.

It’s in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you’re there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?

To your success,


And The HIGHEST Teen birthrate Award Goes to "*Burning"* Mississippi


"Mississippi now has the nation's highest teen birth rate, displacing Texas and New Mexico for that lamentable title, a new federal report says. Mississippi's rate was more than 60 percent higher than the national average in 2006, according to new state statistics released Wednesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The teen birth rate for that year in Texas and New Mexico was more than 50 percent higher."

About 435,000 of the nation's 4.3 million births in 2006 were to mothers ages 15 through 19. That was about 21,000 more teen births than in 2005. this so sad when a child is carrying another child...Mississippi lets go, that gotta be one of states that dont know the use of condoms. Or the girls are burning through em????????????? Imaging the different S>T>D's in the air, sorry am not tryin to play Mississippi but DAMN!!!!. LOL

AMAZING!!! Newage Youth with a Vision.


According to a 2005 study by the Corporation for National and Community Service, an estimated 15.5 million U.S. teens—55 percent—participate in volunteer activities. The teen volunteering rate is nearly twice the adult rate of 29 percent. Youth volunteer more than 1.3 billion hours of community service each year.

Even though we suppose to be in a recession..Is not stop us TEEN from buy our 250 dollars pair of shoes, expensive jackets which don't even cover as well n still end up catching cold. And the ladies cut down on the waves and lets try n DONATE from our hearts to the less fortune.

WOW!!!! I know a a Lil Girl that can KICK ur Butt!!


14-year-old Zoe Smith has been dubbed the "strongest girl in Britain" after the 5'2, 126 pound girl lifted almost two thirds more than her body weight.

After lifting 210 lbs and taking home the gold at the Commonwealth Youth Games in Pune, India, Smith has been voted "Athlete of the Year" in her sport by the British Olympic Association, an award usually reserved for Olympians. Smith used to be a gymnast, but started weightlifting at the age of 12 when she was asked to make up the numbers for the weightlifting team for the London Youth Games. Since turning 13, she has set 98 British records and plans to compete in the 2012 Olympics in London, her home city.

while most girls sit home a get depress bout their weight..Others uses their weight as an advantage to Wow the world. this is a challenge for all over weight girls to get involve and make changes...N stop ordering SUPPER SIZE FOOD with diet soda.

DUMB and DUMBEst..Teen Torches Maryland Boy's Hair.


Two Maryland teenagers are facing charges after allegedly setting a boy's hair on fire and recording the attack.The victim was sleeping early Sunday at a home in Eden when he was attacked. Forrest Wilson, 17, of Allen, poured lighter fluid on the teen's hair and set it on fire, police said. A 14-year-old is accused of recording the attack on a cell phone camera.

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